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Størrelse af vist billede: 481 × 599 pixel
Image in higher resolution (1124 × 1400 pixel, file size: 394 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
[edit] Summary
Español: Mapa de la Antártida
Map of Antarctica from en:Image:Antarctica.jpg
Political map and research stations (2002)
(Delete all revisions of this file) (cur) 16:45, 9 September 2005 . . Marknew (Talk) . . 1124x1400 (402970 bytes) (Higher quality and updated image (from PDF).)
(del) (rev) 02:39, 6 February 2005 . . Hfastedge (Talk) . . 990x1220 (210964 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision)
(del) (rev) 01:58, 6 February 2005 . . DanQuixote (Talk) . . 519x659 (95411 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision)
(del) (rev) 01:55, 6 February 2005 . . DanQuixote (Talk) . . 990x1220 (210964 bytes) (Antartica political map and research stations (2002))
(del) (rev) 11:49, 20 July 2002 . . . . 519x659 (95411 bytes)
Public domain, produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.[1]
Larger file available at: The General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin. [2]
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