Brasiliens præsidenter
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Brasiliens præsidenter dækker over Brasiliens statsoverhoveder siden den gamle republiks fødsel i 1889 og frem til i dag og tæller 39 præsidenter.
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[redigér] Gamle republik
- Hovedartikel: Brasiliens historie (1889-1930)
I 1889 blev republikken udråbt i et kup leder af Marskal Deodoro da Fonseca, som gik imod den brasilianske kejser, Dom Pedro 2. og skabte en provisorisk regering. To år senere, i 1891, blev forfatningen skrevet baseret på statsformen og forfatning i USA og landet selv kom til at hedder Republikken af de Forenede Stater i Brasilien. Deodoro blev valgt som den som konstitutionelt præsident af den midlertidige kongres senere samme år kort efter underskrivelsen af forfatningen, men han gik af 10 måneder senere efter han i et statskup havde afsat kongressen og dette blev afvist. Deodoros vicepræsident, Floriano Peixoto, der var modstander af kuppet, blev i stedet indsat. Piexoto blev efterfulgt af den første valgte præsident i Brasilien, Prudente de Morais.
Selvom Brasilien teoretisk set var et konstitutionelt demokrati, så var den Gamle Republik karakteriseret ved magten hos de regionale oligarkier og præsidenten skulle skiftevis komme fra staten São Paulo henholdsvist Minas Gerais. Stemme-afgivningen på landet blev kontrolleret af den lokale herremand og mindre end 6% af befolkningen havde stemmeret, da blandt andet analfabetisme var meget udbredt samt en direkte forhindring for at måtte stemme.
I 1930, da Brasilien led under følgerne af Wall Street-krakket i 1929, brød en revolution ud og den Gamle Republik ophørte. Præsident Washington Luiz, som blev støttet af oligarkierne i São Paulo, brød reglen om skiftevist præsidentstyre med Minas og støttede Júlio Prestes, der også var fra São Paulo. Prestes vandt valget, men Washington Luiz blev afsat 3 uger inden afslutningen af hans embedsperiode og Prestes blev aldrig indsat.
# | Præsident | Indsat | Afsat | Vicepræsident(er) | Noter | |
1 | Marskal Deodoro da Fonseca | ![]() |
15. november 1889 | 23. november 1891 | Floriano Peixoto | Førte an i udkåringen af Republikken. Sad som Chef for den Provisoriske Regering fra november 1889 til februar 1891. I denne rolle udskrev han valget af den kommende forfatning, som blev vedtaget 24. februar 1891. Efter vedtagelsen af forfatningen blev den provisoriske regering den første lovgivende forsamling i republikken i en 4-årig periode. Ydermere ved overgangen til den nye forfatning skulle forsamlingen vælge en præsident og en vicepræsident som deres allerførste opgave. Her blev Fonseca i rollen som regeringschef valgt også som præsident, og tætteste modstander, Marskal Floriano Peixoto, blev valgt som vicepræsident. Begge blev indsat umiddelbart efter valget af dem d. 25. februar 1891. Deodoro var ikke den naturlige valgt blandt de mange civile politikere, men der var stærkt støtte til hans valg og pres fra hærstyrkerne, som havde stået ham bi under statskuppet. I november 1891 var den nye præsident under stærk modstand fra kongressen, og Deodoro forsøgte at afsætte kongressen, hvilket han dog ikke havde magt til under forfatningen. Hans statskup varede flere uger, men oppositionen mod hans hjemmelavede styre blev sidenhen støttet af hæren, og han blev tvunget til at gå af. Hans dekret der afsatte kongressen samt øvrige dekreter underskrevet af ham efter denne opløsning som var forfatningsstridige blev alle annulleret af hans efterfølger. |
2 | Marskal Floriano Peixoto | ![]() |
23. november 1891 | 15. november 1894 | Indsat efter Deodoros afgang | |
3 | Prudente de Morais | ![]() |
15. november 1894 | 15. november 1898 | Manuel Vitorino | Første valgt præsident i Brasilien |
4 | Campos Sales | ![]() |
15. november 1898 | 15. november 1902 | Rosa e Silva | |
5 | Rodrigues Alves | ![]() |
15. november 1902 | 15. november 1906 | Silviano Brandão Afonso Pena |
6 | Afonso Pena | ![]() |
15. november 1906 | 14. juni 1909 | Nilo Peçanha | Døde på posten |
7 | Nilo Peçanha | ![]() |
14. juni 1909 | 15. november 1910 | Indsat efter Penas død | |
8 | Marshal Hermes da Fonseca | ![]() |
15. november 1910 | 15. november 1914 | Venceslau Braz | |
9 | Venceslau Braz | ![]() |
15. november 1914 | 15. november 1918 | Urbano Santos | |
10 | Rodrigues Alves | ![]() |
Delfim Moreira | Døde inden indsættelse | ||
11 | Delfim Moreira | ![]() |
15. november 1918 | 28. juli 1919 | Indsat efter Rodrigues Alves' død. | |
12 | Epitacio Pessoa | ![]() |
28. juli 1919 | 15. november 1922 | Delfim Moreira Bueno de Paiva |
13 | Artur Bernardes | ![]() |
15. november 1922 | 15. november 1926 | Estacio Coimbra | |
14 | Washington Luiz | ![]() |
15. november 1926 | 24. oktober 1930 | Melo Viana | Blev styrtet samme med hans vicepræsident tre uger inden udgangen af hans embedsperiode. Efter hans afsættelse blev han tvunget til at underskrive en officiel afgang. Revolutionen i 1930 indførte en ny provisorisk regering, og den Gamle Republik ophørte. |
15 | Julio Prestes | ![]() |
Vital Soares | Valgt præsident, blev aldrig indsat grundet 1930-revolutionen. |
[redigér] Vargas-æraen
- Hovedartikel: Brasiliens historie (1930-1945)
# | Præsident | Indsat | Afsat | Vicepræsident(er) | Noter | |
16 | General Augusto Fragoso | ![]() |
24. oktober 1930 | 3. november 1930 | Provisorisk militær junta efter 1930-revoluitionben. Juntaen gav sidenhen magten til den civile Getúlio Vargas, revolutionslederen, efter hans ankomst til hovedstaden fra hans hjem i staten Rio Grande do Sul. | |
Menna Barreto | ||||||
Isaías de Noronha | ||||||
17 | Getúlio Vargas | ![]() |
3. november 1930 | 29. oktober 1945 | Posten blev afskaffet i 1934 | Chef for den provisoriske regeringer fra 1930 til 1934, præsident valgt af parlamentet fra 1934 til 1937, diktator af Estado Novo (Den Nye Stat) efter statskuppet 10. november 1937 til 1945 med titel af præsident. |
18 | José Linhares | ![]() |
29. oktober 1945 | 31. januar 1946 |
Brasiliens Højesterets præsident. Blev indsat som præsident efter et militært oprør mod diktator Getúlio Vargas. Under hans provisoriske administration blev det demokratiske system genetableret. |
[redigér] Republikken af 1946
- Hovedartikel: Brasiliens historie (1945-1964)
I 1945 blev Vargas afsat ved et militærkup anført af to af hans tidligere støtter. Ikke desto mindre blev han siden da genvalgt som præsident og hans indflydelse på brasiliansk politik forblev meget stor helt indtil opløsningen af den Anden Republik. I denne periode var der tre partier, der dominerede Brasiliens politik. To af dem var Vargas-støtter – det venstreorienterede PTB samt den centrum-højre-orienterede PSD – samt UDN, der var imod Vargas.
Denne periode var meget ustabil. I 1954 begik Vargas selvmord under en krise, der truede hans regering, og han blev efterfulgt af en serie præsidenter, der alle sad i korte perioder. I 1961 blev den første præsident fra UDN valgt, Jânio Quadros, som gik af 7 måneder efter. Dengang blev præsidenten og vicepræsidenten valgt uafhængigt af hinanden. Vicepræsidenten var Quadros' politiske modstander, den venstre-orienterede João Goulart. En kortvarig krise fandt sted og løsningen var et parlamentarisk system, i hvilket Goulart blev indsat som statsoverhoved med begrænset magt. I 1963 blev det præsidentielle system genindført og sidenhen blev Goulart afsat ved et militærkup i 1964 som indførte det militære diktatur.
# | Præsident | Indsat | Afsat | Vicepræsident(er) | Noter | |
19 | Marskal Gaspar Dutra | ![]() |
31. januar 1946 | 31. januar 1951 | Nereu Ramos | |
20 | Getúlio Vargas | ![]() |
31. januar 1951 | 24. august 1954 | Café Filho | Demokratisk valgt. Hans modstandere beskyldte ham for at planlægge at genindføre diktatur og startede derfor en belejring af præsidentpaladset for at få ham til at gå af. Hans støtter kaldte det et statskup og at han ingen planer havde om at være diktator. Efter han mistede støtter blandt medlemmer af kabinettet, som ikke ville have landet ud i borgerkrig og med udsigten til at blive afsat ved magt inden for få timer, trak Vargas sig tilbage til sit soveværelse og skød sig selv med et håndvåben. Hans selvmord stoppede det militære oprør, og hans vicepræsident efterfulgte ham på posten. Nogle mener at Vargas' selvmord udsatte det kommende militære regime i Brasilien med 10 år. |
21 | Café Filho | ![]() |
24. august 1954 | 9. november 1955 | Indsat efter Vargas' selvmord. Et år senere erklærede han sig selv "midlertidigt uegnet til at udføre opgaverne som præsident" grundet helbredsproblemer. Hans forsøg på at få posten igen efter Carlos Luz' afsættelse blev forhindret af lederne af kontra-kuppet, som afsatte Luz. | |
22 | Carlos Luz | ![]() |
9. november 1955 | 11. november 1955 |
Underhusets præsident, indsat efter Café Filhos afgang. Der spekuleres i, at Filho ikke selv ville føre et kup mod den kommende valgte præsident, Kubitschek, der skulle have posten i 1956, og derfor overgav han posten til Luz, så han kunne lede et sådant kup. To dage efter at have taget posten, blev Luz dog afsat ved et kontrakup, som også afholdt Filho fra at vende tilbage til posten. |
23 | Nereu Ramos | ![]() |
11. november 1955 | 31. januar 1956 | Senatats præsident, indsat efter afsættelsen af Luz. Han sikrede Kubitscheks kommende indsættelse. | |
24 | Juscelino Kubitschek | ![]() |
31. januar 1956 | 31. januar 1961 | João Goulart | Under hans første år på posten nedkæmpede Kubitschek et mindre militært oprør som havde til formål at vælte ham fra posten. |
25 | Jânio Quadros | ![]() |
31. januar 1961 | 25. august 1961 | João Goulart | Trak sig tilbage efter 7 måneder på posten. |
26 | Ranieri Mazzilli | ![]() |
25. august 1961 | 7. september 1961 |
Senatets præsident, provisorisk præsident inden Goularts indsættelse. Vicepræsident Goulart besøgte Kina da Quadros afgik fra posten. Forfatningen krævede at den præsidentielle ed blev afsagt foran en samlet kongres. Det er derfor Mazzilli blev indsat som præsident indtil Goulart kom tilbage til landet og kunne fremføre eden foran kongressen. Efter Jânios mystiske afgang, var mange politiske fraktioner imod Goularts indsættelse, og forsøgte at tage magten inden hans tilbagekomst fra Kina. Guvernøren af staten Rio Grande do Sul og en del af de væbnede styrker svor dog at beskytte vicepræsidenten forfatningssikrede ret, og en borgerkrig var tæt på at bryde ud. Selv efter Goularts tilbagekomst blev kongressens samling, der var nødvendig for hans indsættelse, forsinket i flere dage indtil man enedes om et kompromis og et forfatningstillæg blev formuleret, så præsidentens ret blev indskrænket. |
27 | João Goulart | ![]() |
7. september 1961 | 1. april 1964 | Efter Jânios afgang og inden Goulart kunne indtage posten, blev et forfatningstillæg vedtaget, som indførte et parlamentarisk system i regeringen og dermed svækkede præsidentens reelle magt. Det præsidentielle system blev genindført i 1964. Goulart blev afsat ved et militærkup. |
[redigér] Det militære diktatur
- Hovedartikel: Brasiliens historie (1964-1985)
# | Præsident | Indsat | Afsat | Vicepræsident(er) | Noter | |
28 | Ranieri Mazzilli | ![]() |
2. april 1964 | 15. april 1964 | President of the Chamber of Deputies. Provisional president after the military coup. Alongside his intermn administration, a body known as "the Supreme Command of the Revolution" was formed consisting of representatives of the leaders of the military coup. The acts of the Supreme Command were signed by General (later Marshall) Costa e Silva, Brigadier Francisco de Assis Correa de Mello and Vice-Admiral (Later Admiral of the Fleet) Augusto Hamman Rademaker Grünewald, who were, respectively, the self proclaimed commanders-in-chief of the Army, of the of the Air Force and of the Navy. While Mazzili´s Government handled the ordinary affairs of the Executive Branch, the Supreme Command, claiming unlimmited power on behalf of the so called "Revolution" issued extraordinary edicts, such as acts suppressing political rights of several people, declaring legislative, administrative and judicial offices vacant, and an Institutional Act issued on 9. april 1964 that made several changes to the Constitution and laid the groundwork for the election of the next president and vice-president. With the innauguration of the first military president of the regime, the Supreme Command of the Revolution ceased to exist. Free and direct elections for president were promised for 1966, but were not held due to further acts of the regime. | |
29 | Marshal Castelo Branco | ![]() |
15. april 1964 | 15. marts 1967 | José Maria Alckmin | First military dictator. As with all the presidents of the Military Dictatorship, he was formally elected by an Electoral College, the function of which was to merely rubber-stamp the regime´s choices, while maintaining the appearence of a representative system. On October 1965, President Castello Branco claimed that the extraordinary powers of the Supreme Command of the Revolution had devolved upon the presidential office, and alleged that it was necessary to preserve the so called Revolutionary process by means of further changes to the country´s institutional framework. He then issued a series of three Institutional Acts siglehandedly effecting changes to the country´s constitutional order. The direct ellections scheduled for 1966 were suspended. When Castello Branco´s term was nearing its end, he presented a coerced Congress with a draft Constitution. Under Institutional Act no. 4, Congress was invested with Constituint powers, but had just a few months to discuss and vote on the proposal, and the president´s draft was adopted with only a few minor changes as the new Constitution. |
30 | Marshal Costa e Silva | ![]() |
15. marts 1967 | 31. august 1969 | Pedro Aleixo | Military dictator. On 13. december 1968 he invoked the powers of the "Supreme Command of the Revolution" for the first time since the adoption of the Constitution of 1967, drafted by the regime. Claiming that those powers were still in existance and that they were vested in the presidency, he issued the Institutional Act no. 5, that, in a response to growing opposition to the regime, granted more extraordinary powers to the executive, further restricted civil liberties and authorized the president to suspend Congress and to exercise during such suspensions all powers of the Legislature. On the same date, such suspension was put in effect. The regime entered in a new hardline phase. Arbitrary arrests without Court order increased, censorship of the press was tightened, and the Executive, using its new powers, banned several people from political life for ten years, including several Opposition Congressmen, thus disfiguring the composition of the Legislative Branch. In 1969 the president suffered a major stroke, that left him incapacitated. After such stroke, a Military Junta seized power temporarilly, thus avoiding the innauguration of the civilian Vice-President Pedro Aleixo as Acting President. For the first six weeks of the president´s illness the Junta acted in the name and on behalf of Costa e Silva, and then, on 16. oktober 1969, as it became clear that the president would not recover, the Junta terminated the terms of office of both the President and the Vice-president and summoned elections to fill those vacancies. The Millitary Junta then remained in place until a new president and vice-president were chosen by the regime, rubber-stamped by the Ellectoral College and innaugurated. |
Admiral Augusto Rademaker | 31. august 1969 | 30. oktober 1969 | Military Junta, inaugurated after Costa e Silva's illness (see the above note on Costa e Silva´s term). The Military Junta was formed by the Minister of the Navy, the Minister of the Army, and the Minister of the Air Force. There was no chairman of the junta, and all official acts of the Junta were jointly signed by its three members. While General Lyra Tavares, as representative of the Army, the most powerful branch of the Armed Forces in the operation of the regime, is believed to have been the main decisionmaker within the Junta, no formal precedence was assigned to its members, so as to preserve the principle of equality of the branches of the Military. In official documents of the Junta, its members were always mentioned in the order of antiquity of each branch of the Armed Forces. Thus, the representative of the Navy was always mentioned first, followed by that of the Army, and then by that of the Air Force, which led some to believe that Admiral Rademaker was first among equals in the workings of the Junta. | |||
General Aurélio Lyra | ||||||
Brigadier Márcio de Souza e Mello | ||||||
31 | General Garrastazú Medici | ![]() |
30. oktober 1969 | 15. marts 1974 | Augusto Rademaker | Military dictator |
32 | General Ernesto Geisel | ![]() |
15. marts 1974 | 15. marts 1979 | Adalberto Pereira dos Santos | Military dictator. He was the last president to suspend the sessions of Congress. During his term, the process gradual political opening was started. A Constitutional Amendment was passed terminatig the effects of the Institutional Act no. 5 and of all Institutional Acts, and decreeing that others would not be enacted. The figure of the Supreme Command of the Revolution, vested in the presidency, ceased to exist. |
33 | General João Figueiredo | ![]() |
15. marts 1979 | 15. marts 1985 | Aureliano Chaves | Last military dictator. Continued the process of opening initiated by his predecessor. During his term, the first direct elections for State Governor took place. President Figueiredo also signed the Law of Amnisty, that allowed for the return of many people who were banished from the country, made void several sanctions imposed by the regime and pardoned all offenses commited either by members of the regime or by its opposers, including armed groups. The first massive demonstrations against the regime took place during his government, demanding direct popular elections for president. However, a Constitutional Amendment to that effect was opposed by the right-wing party that supported the regime, and, although the bill managed to gather the support of a majority of the members of Congress, it failed to conquer the votes of the required two-thrids of its members. Thus, the next president was to be elected by the Electoral College. Under Figueiredo, that body was for the first time allowed to vote freely, without the threat of political persecution, and, as a result, the regime´s choice for first civilian president after the 1964 coup, Paulo Maluf, was defeated by the Opposition candidate, Tancredo Neves. |
[redigér] Den nye republik
- Hovedartikel: Brasiliens historie (1985-i dag)
Since 1980, in the end of the Cold War, the military government started a process of gradual political opening, called abertura, the final goal of which was the democracy. When the term of the last military president ended, however, no direct elections for president was taken.
Tancredo Neves, who had been prime-minister during the presidency of João Goulart, was chosen to be the candidate of PMDB, the major opposition party, but he was also supported by a large political spectrum, even including a significant part of the ARENA, the party that supported the military presidents. Tancredo was elected by the Ellectoral College, but died before he could be inaugutarated. The first civilian president since 1964 was Tancredo's running mate, José Sarney, himself an ex-member of ARENA. In 1988, a new democratic Constitution was passed, and democracy was consolidated.
In 1989, the first elections for president under the new Constitution were held and the young Fernando Collor was elected for a five-years term - the first president to be elected by direct popular ballot since the military coup. He was inaugurated in 1990 and in 1992 he become the first president in Brazil impeached due to corruption.
In 1995, Fernando Henrique Cardoso was inaugurated for a four-year term, but in 1997 an Amendment was passed and allowed him to be the first president in Brazil to be reelected.
In 2003, the current president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was inaugurated.
# | Præsident | Indsat | Afsat | Vicepræsident(er) | Noter | |
34 | Tancredo Neves | ![]() |
José Sarney | First civilian president since the military coup. Elected by the Electoral College in the first free elections held by that body, that previously used to rubber-stamp the regime´s choice for president. Became gravely ill on the eve of his inauguration; died from that illness weeks later, not having taken office. A Law passed by Congress after his death declared that he should be counted among the Presidents of Brazil for all intents and purposes. | ||
35 | José Sarney | ![]() |
15. marts 1985 | 15. marts 1990 | Tancredo´s Vice-president. Also a civilian. Acted as President from the first day of the presidential term, during Trancredo's illnes; inaugurated as President after his death on April 21st 1985. During his administration, a Constitutional Amendment was passed summoning a National Constituint Assembly to adopt a new democratic constitution for the country, so as to replace completely the regime´s institutional framework. The Constituint Assembly was galved into session in February 1987 and the country´s new Constitution was promulgated and entered into force on 5. oktober 1988. Under its transitional provisions, Sarney´s term continued until 15. marts 1990. Thus, Sarney became the first president to serve under the Constitution. In accordance with its rules, the first popular elections for president since the military coup were held in 1989, a final milestone in the restoration of the democratic freedoms in Brazil. | |
36 | Fernando Collor | ![]() |
15. marts 1990 | 2. oktober 1992 | Itamar Franco | First president elected by popular vote since the military coup, and the first one to take office under the new Constitution. His innauguration marked the completion of the process of transition towards full democracy. First president impeached by Congress due to corruption. In accordance with the Constitution, was suspended from office for 180 days upon approval of the charges of impeachment by the Chamber of Deputies on 2. oktober 1992. On 29. december 1992, the final day of the proceedings of his trial of impeachment, when the Plenary of the Federal Senate was in session as a Court of impeachment, Collor´s attorney made public an instrument by which the suspended president resigned the presidency. The trial of impeachment then immediately adjourned, and immediately the Congress proceeded to meet in joint session twice, so as to formally take notice of the instrument of resignation, whereupon it took effect, and then to innaugurate Vice-president Itamar Franco as President. Franco was already acting as President since Collor´s suspension. On the same date, the Senate resumed as a Court of Impeachment, and decided that the resignation of the president could not block a trial of impeachment that had already started. On the night of the same date, Collor was found guilty of the charges of impeachment, and was thus prevented from holding any public office for eight years. |
37 | Itamar Franco | ![]() |
2. oktober 1992 | 1. januar 1995 | Became Acting President after Collor's suspension from office as a result of the presentation of impeachment charges. Succeeded to the presidency upon the resignation of the suspended president. | |
38 | Fernando Henrique Cardoso | ![]() |
1. januar 1995 | 1. januar 2003 | Marco Maciel | First president to be reelected to a consecutive term under the Constitutional Amendment number 16, passed during his first term in office. |
39 | Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | ![]() |
1. januar 2003 | Present | José Alencar | Current president. Reelected to serve the 2007-2010 presidential term. |