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[edit] Summary
Español: China Taipei
en: Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag, a TPE emblem in the center with white background, derived from Image:Chinese_Taipei_Olympic_Flag.png.
Please note that there shall be a National Emblem of the ROC on the flag, not a Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT). An erroenous version of the TPE flag and emblem that uses the KMT emblem appears widely in our lives, although the TPE Committee has clarified that the ROC emblem is used on the TPE flag and emblem in 2004, it seems that they don't correct their erroenous flag and emblem used inside their office and on their website.
It's easy to put a border around this flag: {{border|[[Image:Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag.svg|100px]]}} 
zh-tw: 中華台北奧委會會旗,白色旗面中央置一枚中華台北奧委會會徽,依據 Image:Chinese_Taipei_Olympic_Flag.png 重繪。
請注意中華台北奧委會會旗與會徽上使用的是中華民國國徽,不是中國國民黨黨徽。國民黨黨徽版本的錯誤會旗與會徽於日常生活中常可見到,雖然中華台北奧委會已經於 2004 年立委選舉前的黨徽國徽混用爭議期間澄清會旗與會徽上使用中華民國國徽,但是該會網站上之會徽仍舊為國民黨徽之錯誤版本,偶而在電視上也可看到該會辦公室裡懸掛之會徽上的國民黨徽。
如果要在旗幟上加上邊框,可以這麼做:{{border|[[Image:Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag.svg|100px]]}} 
[edit] Licensing
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