Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Heavener-runestenen i Oklahoma, som er ca. halvvejs inde i USA, er formentlig ristet år 600-900 og formodes at være en "grænsesten". Dens korte indskrift er blevet fortolket som "Gaomedat" og videre fortolket som "Glomedal", "G. Nomedal". Nomedal er et norsk familienavn.
[redigér] Kilde/reference
- North American Rune Stones Citat: "...Several rune stones have been found in the United States, most notably the Kensington Runestone in Minnesota and the Heavener Stone in Oklahoma. There is considerable debate over their age and validity...Possible Viking Routes to Minnesota from Greenland: via the Hudson Bay and the Nelson and Red Rivers or via the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes..."
[redigér] Se også
[redigér] Eksterne henvisninger
- Gloria Farley: "In Plain Sight". Chapter 9. The Oklahoma Runestones
- Some Archaeological Outliers: Adventures in Underground Archaeology
- Webarchive backup (uden billeder): The Heavener Runestone
- Webarchive backup (uden billeder): The Heavener Runestone Citat: "...On Poteau Mountain near the small town of Heavener, Oklahoma, near the Arkansas line, stands a slab of stone which is 12 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and 16 inches thick, like a billboard. There is writing on this billboard, consisting of 8 deeply pecked letters, whose edges have eroded to smoothness, even though the stone's hardness on the Moh's Hardness Scale is 7...Various citizens in the 1800's saw the stone and named it "Indian Rock", although the Indians had no alphabets...Gloria Farley..."