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Størrelse af vist billede: 800 × 593 pixel
Image in higher resolution (1280 × 948 pixel, file size: 206 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
Description |
NASA World Wind composite landsat-7 satellite image of Wellington, New Zealand. (1) Central Wellington (2) Lower Hutt (3) Upper Hutt (4) Porirua.
English: Satellite photo of the Wellington conurbation: (1) Wellington; (2) Lower Hutt; (3) Upper Hutt; (4) Porirua.
日本語: 人工衛星によるウェリントンの写真。1: ウェリントン、2: ロウワー・ハット (Lower Hutt)、3: アッパー・ハット (Upper Hutt)、4: ポリルア (Porirua)。以上の4市がウェリントン都市圏 (urban area) を構成する
Norsk (bokmål): Satelittfoto av Wellingtonregionen. (1) Wellington (2) Lower Hutt (3) Upper Hutt (4) Porirua
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NASA, edited by en:User:Clawed
Permission |
This image is in the public domain because it is a screenshot from NASA's globe software World Wind using Blue Marble, Landsat or USGS layer, all of which are in public domain. |
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