aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Anhand des Bildes würde ich einen 90°-Winkel schätzen!? -- WikiWichtel 16:35, 14. Mär 2004 (CET)
[Bearbeiten] Regarding Sigríður Tómasdóttir
I can't read the article, as I don't understand German well, but I saw that you mention Sigríður Tómasdóttir in the text. If the article was orginally written with the english version as a resource, there might be an error in the text.
Please wisit en:Gullfoss in order to make sure that the text is correct.
Thanks, Gudmundur (for messages: is:Notandaspjall:Gdh).
[Bearbeiten] sprich "Gütlfoss"
Typo? ich hätte es Güllfoss ausgesprochen? --Herzi Pinki 21:37, 10. Jan. 2007 (CET)