Benutzer:MF-Warburg/Suchttest-Fragen-Kandidaten aus en-wp
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Hier sind ein paar Vorschläge für den Wikipedia:Suchttest:
durchgestrichen: wurde schon in den Suchttest übernommen
- Do you know who Jimbo Wales is? (10)
- ...if you don't, did you just look for his article? (5)
- ...has he ever talked to you on your user page? (5)
- ...or are you Jimbo Wales? (0.01)
- ...if you are him, were you disappointed that it was only worth 0.01 points? (9.99)
- Do you know where the Wikimedia Foundation is based? (10)
- Have you ever thought about the social impact of Wikipedia? (10)
- Do you believe that nearly all of your success in your workplace/school comes from information gained on Wikipedia? (4)
- Do you consider Wikipedia to be the closest thing to a precursor for “The computer” in Star Trek? (5)
- Do you honor Wikipedia like it is king? (45)
- Did you know the above question is really an easy 45 points? (.28219 E1)
- Have you cheated on this test? (20)
- Were you suprised that the last question was worth 20 points? (2.5)
- Did you ever ask yourself why this test is so, well, like above? (-10, experienced user; -1 regular user; +1, newbie)
- Did you immediately think of ways to improve this test, or adjust the scores so that they neatly add up to 100? (3.141592653589793238462643383279502)
- ...such as changing the score of the previous question to π? (2.718)
- you remember when the scores actually added up to 100 and laugh now that there are more questions than that on the test? (17.30)
- ...Did you find it funny that the past three scores were also important mathematical numbers? (6.67E-34)
- Did you totally reorganize this test, because you were sick of using automated tests and wanted to fix counting it by hand once and for all? (55)
- Have you edited this test to get a better score? (15)
- Have you ever noticed that someone has added a new question to the test, and immediately checked to see if the total still adds up to 476 what it used to add up to? (4)
- Is this page on your watchlist? (2)
- Have you "Wikified" the Wikipediholic test? (2 points)
- ... and taken it again? (4 points)
- Did you notice that there is a different number of questions in the automated version? (2)
- Did you take both tests and compare the scores and see which one gives you more points? (4)
- Have you added questions to this test just so that you could get an extra two points next time you take it? (2)
- Have you ever edited the point value on a question so you could remain in denial about your affliction? (8)
- Conversely, have you ever edited the point value on a question so you could claim bragging rights? (12)
- Are you annoyed that there are now over 200 questions and a possibility of about 3000 points? (5)