aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Description |
English: This image shows an only 0.16 inch (4 mm) small, living tick of the species Ixodes ricinus from the top.
Deutsch: Dieses Bild zeigt eine nur 4 mm kleine, lebende, weibliche Zecke der Art Ixodes ricinus von oben, welche die Aufnahmen schadlos überstanden hat. Besten Dank an meinen Arbeitskollegen Andreas Böttger für das Finden und zur Verfügung stellen des Tieres.
Camera data
- Camera Nikon D70
- Lens Tamron SP AF 90mm/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 + reversed Nikon AF 50mm/1.8D
- Focal length 90 + 50 mm
- Aperture f/64
- Exposure time 10 s
- Sensivity ISO 200
If you use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, I'd be happy to hear from you. If you want a license with the conditions of your choice, please email me to negotiate terms.
best new image
Source |
own work
Date |
Author |
André Karwath aka Aka
Permission |
This image was selected as a picture of the day for August 23, 2006. It was captioned as followed:
English: Ixodes ricinus a species of hard tick endemic in most of Europe, parts of Asia, and North Africa.
Dansk: Almindelig flåt (Ixodes ricinus).
English: Ixodes ricinus a species of hard tick endemic in most of Europe, parts of Asia, and North Africa.
Magyar : Közönséges kullancs (Ixodes ricinus)
Português: Um carrapato da espécie Ixodes ricinus.
Српски / Srpski: Ixodes ricinus врста ендемичног крпеља у већем делу Европе, делу Азије и Северној Африци.
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