aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Description |
English: gVim with a Calendar Script (on the left-hand side) and its source code (on the right-hand side)
Deutsch: gVim mit einem Kalender-Skript (linke Fensterhälfte) und dessen Quellcode (rechte Fensterhälfte)
Español: Figura 6: gVim con un script calendario (izquierda) y su código fuente (derecha)
日本語: カレンダースクリプト(左)とそのソースコード(右)
Source |
Screenshot taken by RogerOver
Date |
Image taken on 18. July 2005
Author |
Permission |
The software shown on the screenshot is entirely licensed under the (L)GPL and thus Free Software.
Other versions |
Vim-Calendar-Skript.jpg |
--RogerOver 17:20, 19 July 2005 (UTC)
- Original Uploaded (German Wikipedia): RogerOver 30. June 2005 22:22
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