User talk:Mirzali
Wikipediya ra, ensiklopediya xosere
Tu xeyr amey Wikipedia Zazaki--Maviulke12 16:45, 6 October 2006 (UTC)
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[bıvurne] Wikiqısebend
Hi Mirzali, I am glad you bring this to me. I was thinking that you might take care of wikiqısebend given your interest. Like Wikipedia, for dictionaries (Wiktionary) you have to make a proposal than people should support it. Since Zazaki Wikipedia has already gone through this process, I think Zazaki Wiktionary will easily go through this. At the end of the process, they wil give you a new domain name probably like "".
If you want, I can put the proposal on the Wikipedia, or you can do it here [1]. In the proposer's name write your user name. They will make you an administor at the end. You can also start a test Wiktionary too if you don't want to lose time. Here is some examples of Wiktionaries:
I think the thing that would be unique about this project is that you will have one page for each word, and you can put all the variance Zazaki words under it. If you need help, feel free to contact me. I would be more than glad to help you.
Good Luck, --Maviulke12 13:12, 19 Paiza Wertêyên 2006 (UTC)
- Okay, I am going to make the proposal for the Wikiqisebend. Before that, I would like to make something clear. Somebody should specially deal with this project. I have a tight schedule and have time only for Zazaki Wikipediya. I'll help you to get some Wikipediya skills, but you should be in charge of the project. I am concerned with your health problems, and I think this project might be too much for you since you are in a treaphy. If you think that you can handle it, I am going to make the proposal. Xatir be to. --Maviulke12 02:44, 23 Paiza Wertêyên 2006 (UTC)
[bıvurne] sugar in Zazaki
Hello! I`ve got one request for you. I collect words in various languages. Now I`m looking for word "sugar" in other languages. I`ve got counterparts of word "sugar" in Japanese, Ahmaric, Thai, Georgian and Chinese, so can you write me what is "sugar" in Zazaki? I`ve got this word in 380 languages and dialects of many regions and countries in the world so it is very important for me! Thank you very much! If you want I can write an article about your city in Szoltys
- Thank you very much! That's realy important for me. I will add more information in this article but tommorow. Regards, Szoltys
[bıvurne] Kortel
Hi Mirzali, can you check the kortel article in the Nusteyi Heftey section? I am not sure whether it is gramatically correct. --Maviulke12 05:19, 20 Paiza Peyên 2006 (UTC)
Sorry, I am answering you a little bit late. My internet connection went down for two days. Anyway, in order to erase the old kortel article, type "kortel" on "cıgeyrayış" search engine. You will get the old article. Then, click "biestere/pak ke" link at the very top the message pad. Then, confirm the deletetion, and that would be it. This will be a good experience for you I guess. For editing the mainpage, click bivurne/binusne. When you get there, there are template links under the very end of the page, such as
- Template:Portalu
- Template:Projeyi Bray
- Template:Wikipedialang
- Template:Xeyrumey
- Template:İndekseElifba
When you click them, you will reach new pages. If you edit these new pages, the mainpage will change automaticaly. --Maviulke12 01:16, 23 Paiza Peyên 2006 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Countries Section
Hi Mirzali, thanks for your help in categorizing pages. I have another project: I am planning to fill the country links in our continents pages. I write a short article for Bahama in the American continent countries table. I am planning to use this short article as a template and simply copy-paste it and change just the related information when I write about other countries. I need your help. I think together we can easily complete this sections and increase our article numbers.
One more thing, I am also planning to include all the Zazaki villages in our encyclopedia. Can you list the villages in Pulumure, just like in the Çermug page. Thanks --Maviulke12 02:21, 29 Paiza Peyên 2006 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Pela Seri
Hi Mirzali,
Why did you reverted the Pela Seri page to a prior edit? --Maviulke12 15:57, 18 Kanun 2006 (UTC)
- Yes I changed it back to the its previous edition. If something like this happens in the future, just go to the "tarix" page and sellect the [rollback] option. The website automatically rollbacks your mistake. This option is granted only to administors. --Maviulke12 16:08, 18 Kanun 2006 (UTC)
ma be xêr di bıra! mı mesajê to hona di, qusır de nia mede, 4-5 roci çê denêbiyane hem ki waxtê mı ki sılxet vêreno ra, se keri. to rê nejdi ra mail rusnon ya ki têl kon.
zazakiyê wikipedia sero çıturi malumat sıma di, gereke qesey kerime. feki na sate têwerte ra bımanê ki zerarê xo çino. gramer u raştnuştene tenêna muhimê. na lınge xatır be to, qelema sıma tım thuz bo, emegê sıma hêçe meşêro. --Asmen 2:40, 28.12.2006 (CET)
[bıvurne] Pulur/Vacuğe
What is the Turkish name for Pulur/Vacuğe? Is it Ovacik? --Maviulke12 07:39, 9 Çele 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Asian Countries
Hi Mirzali, can you check the names of Asian countries to make sure they are correct for Zazaki? I will begin to fill them up. This is the page where you can find the names: Asya. By the way, how is your treatment going? I hope you are getting better. --Maviulke12 06:41, 19 Çele 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Xosere
I changed my username from "maviulke12" to "xosere" --Xosere 06:39, 12 Sıbat 2007 (UTC)
- I already know, I saw it! :-) --mirzali 13:27, 12 Gucige/Sıbate 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Gratitude
THANKYOU VERY MUCH Mirzali for your excellent translation help and effort!
I am very Grateful.
May Zazaki Wikipedia Prosper!
(In the future, if you ever need any articles to be translated into the Chinese or Taiwanese language, then I would be glad to help you).
Yours Sincerely, From --Jose77, 23:54, 12 Sıbat 2007 (UTC)
- Dear Jose77! Thank you very much for your lovely resonance and good wishes. But the greatest gratitude must be of value for Xosere, because he does the most work on [Zazaki Wikipedia]. It would be great, when you could translate the articles Zaza people and Zazaki into the Chinese or Taiwanese. Yours Sincerely, from --mirzali, 11:50, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
- View here for Zazaki language and Zaza People --Jose77, 22:20, 14 Sıbat 2007 (UTC)
- That's wonderful, thanks a lot!--mirzali 14:32, 15 February 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Photo Galery
I created a photo galery in the Zaza article. What do you think? If you have similar photos like them, please add. --Xosere 22:25, 16 Sıbat 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] welat
merhaba mirzali min heni fam kerd, qusuremin mani ez hama newiya, la çi feyde min tora tam fam nekerd. yane mesela gava ez
monçini bunusni gere ez binecede kategori - alet binusni?
yazi gava kiçi monçini binusno kiçi şoro pele aleti(aletan) de monçini zi binusno?
yazi mesela zur binusni kategori ce çi yo?
eywelle.--Welat 12:33, 27 Sıbat 2007 (UTC)
- Bira welat, tı bınus, ez binecede kategori nısena. Tı mı fum kerd. Zazaki mı zaf hol niya. --Xosere 16:50, 27 Sıbat 2007 (UTC)
- mirzali to çikew rast vato, ez biwazizi nêeşkena bani qusirê tora, u xura çikew anakizi nebeno merax meke.
- bi rasti heni hewesemin şikîya şimogo vace çire? cagur kî ma tede bî pîlî, dêwema, dor u verê ma de zaza u kurmancî têder bî. zazakî yew perçey kurdî bî. zey kurmancî, soranî, goranî u e fekê bînî. bi rastî ez bi enî qaîd(ey)an bîya pîle. u ma gava dersê zazakî (gramer) dî, alfabede ma i(ı), î(i) nuştêne, kovara vate zi gorey eni qaîdere vecêno. min gava di zerremîn bî weşe. kefêmin hame, yabelê badocoy gava ez miyande geyrawa, bi rasti hewesemîn şikîya.--Welat 10:01, 5 Awdar 2007 (UTC)
- mirzali bira, ez xura nêwazena mîyanê sîyasetîdebî, labelê eyro ma nêeşkenê alfebey xu -hem zuwanê mara nizdîyo hemzî aynî cara yeno- gorey dor u verê xu ra bivirazin. zuwanêki nizdî mayê kanco zuwanê?Ê bi kanco alfaban nusnenê? ez bawer kena alfebaya kî etya yeno şoğulnayişî miyantere 5panc-10des salande hamewa orte. ez ki zaf newazena pêrodayîş(munakaşa) bikeri. la zegurki şivan vano "Çi zaza, çi kurmanc, çi soran Qedera me(ma) yekê(yewo,jowo)". egir şimarê ters ninose, ez wazena bi (zegurkî ez musawa binusnî) i î nusnena. derdê minzi zey(fena) şima zuwanê mawo, va nêbo vinî va nêmiro.
- serre 2002(dihezarîudi)dê ma dersê zazakî u gramerî gava musay, açağizî hameynê vatişî: "ma gorey îlmî hareket kenê". xura îlm serê fikrê merdimandê beno wey. u gerê merdimîzî gorey dor u verê xura (gorêy dadê û kal (piyê) xu) bibo wey. ez bi nameyê xu vaci ez bi ena qaidê biya pil u fikiryayîşê min u çîgurkî min diyê enî ye. grubê îlmî, gawa alfebe eşta werte(orte) u karar da bi kamira hamew meydan derd ewo. ez senekî musawa se ezo anaki binusnî. miyane weşide bimanê.--Welat 06:36, 9 Awdar 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Zıwanê İranki
I took out Pastuki words for two reasons. First, the table was too wide that it did not fit on a regular computer screen. Second, some of the Pastuki words look so different that they doesn't flow with other words. --Xosere 04:55, 13 Adare 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Zıwananê binan de section of the main page
Dear Mirzali, I reverted back your last edit on the Pela Seri page. I think the main page should be as simple as possible. Putting new language names on the left side makes the page very long too. I hope you will agree with me. --Xosere 03:03, 17 Adare 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Neowrez Pirouz Bo!
Dear Yaşar, I am ali, And welcome to mzn wp, since i found that you create an account in mzn wp and i login to contacting Tohid, i write you this welcome message here. Hope to having future contacts, --Ali1986 22:40, 20 Adare 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Wiktionary_Zazaki
Sorry for answering little bit late. According to this page, the policy for lanching new projects has been changed, and the Zazaki Wikitionary proposal is incompatible with the new policy. You need to open a new proposal in the new format. So, your proposal is not rejected, but it has to be compatible to the new policy and format. Then, you can put the proposal back. --Xosere 07:42, 23 Adare 2007 (UTC)
[bıvurne] Dewê Xozat
I have found a list of names of Xozat's villages on the Dersim Forum. It looks like there are some typos (letter errors). Can you check it or ask someone who can correct them? I would like to fill them, but before I want to make sure that they are correct. Thanks --Xosere 06:17, 27 Adare 2007 (UTC)