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I am from Germany, born 1955, and live in Lower Saxony. Since 10 February 2006 I am signed in here.
I'm known (using my correct name) as a Co-Author of an international recommended web-site in the area of human spaceflights.
I work on the German and Lower Saxony Wiki-Site also as Eastfrisian. On the English-site I will make a few corrections, if necessary.
Contents |
[edit] my articles
[edit] Antarctica- and Pole-explorers
Albert Armitage, Charles Hoadley, Torry Larsen (3).
[edit] Chess
Karen Asrian, Berthold Englisch, Tiger Hillarp Persson, Werner Hug, Florian Jenni, Georg Kieninger, Anton Korobov, Thomas Luther, Kamil Miton, Guy West (10).
[edit] Football
1979 in football (soccer), Dominique Baratelli, Henri Bard, Romeo Benetti, Oscar Cordoba, Fabian Ernst, Jürgen Grabowski, Walter Kelsch, Reinhard Libuda, Ernst Melchior, Jonny Otten, Stefan Reuter, Hans Rohde, Jean-Paul Rostagni, Hans Tilkowski (15).
[edit] Politics
Theodor Blank, Aenne Brauksiepe, Ewald Bucher, Karin Evers-Meyer, Monika Griefahn, Lothar Späth (6).
[edit] Sports
Kicker (Sports magazine), Uta Pippig, Rodgers Rop, Rodney Soher, Gerda Weissensteiner (4).
[edit] Different Articles
Dwayne Day, Julianne Dalcanton, Grevesmühlen, Rudolf Grüttner, HB (cigarette), Carl Clarence Kiess, Egon Monk, Chris Norman, Rudy Rotta, Ernst Seifert, Vladimir Suchánek (11).