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Eduard Alekseevich Guzman. Born on May 7th 1953 in Odessa, Ukraine (Soviet Union). At age 7 entered school #3 which graduated from at age 17. In 1970 started to study radio communication at VVMURE (naval institute)in Leningrad. Graduated with honor in 1975. 1975-1991 - served as a naval officer in Soviet Navy. 1991-1995 started a successful firm named MT Inc in Kerch Ukraine. 1995 emmigrated in USA. 1998-2001 - chief architech ASC Technology Inc. 1998-2003 - professor of ASA Institute- College of Advanced Technology. 2001-current - technical director Mary Ann Liebert Publishing Inc. 2001 founded EDG Technologies.In 2005 founded InterwebX LLC Internet company devoted to website design, development, promotion, links exchange.