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A ⇌ B {{unicode|⇌}}
A B (math)
X·HCl {{unicode|·}}
X·HCl (unicode middot bolded)
1.5 × 10-5 {{unicode|×}}
1.5 x 10-5
≡ {{unicode|≡}}
{{cite science | abstract= | author= | title= | journal= |year= | volume= | issue= | pages= }}
{{cite journal | author = | title = | journal = | year = | volume = | issue = | pages = | doi = | url = }}
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May 12 Total edits 7173 Distinct pages edited 4659 Average edits/page 1.540 (main) 5143 Talk 174 User 81 User talk 980 Image 291 Image talk 1 Template 10 Category 35 Wikipedia 421 Wikipedia talk 37
May 18 Total edits 7540 Distinct pages edited 4875 Average edits/page 1.547 (main) 5389 Talk 178 User 83 User talk 1048 Image 319 Image talk 1 Template 10 Category 36 Wikipedia 438 Wikipedia talk 37 Portal 1
June 1 Total edits 8113 Distinct pages edited 5200 Average edits/page 1.560 (main) 5761 Talk 193 User 91 User talk 1164 Image 334 Image talk 1 Template 12 Template talk 1 Category 36 Wikipedia 473 Wikipedia talk 46 Portal 1
June 30 Total edits 9434 Distinct pages edited 6013 Average edits/page 1.569 (main) 6736 Talk 225 User 103 User talk 1325 Image 374 Image talk 2 Template 16 Template talk 1 Category 39 Wikipedia 561 Wikipedia talk 51 Portal 1
July 20 Total edits 9747 Distinct pages edited 6174 Average edits/page 1.579 (main) 6933 Talk 232 User 110 User talk 1386 Image 392 Image talk 2 Template 17 Template talk 2 Category 39 Wikipedia 581 Wikipedia talk 52 Portal 1
August 22 Total edits 10861 Distinct pages edited 6834 Average edits/page 1.589 (main) 7638 Talk 275 User 141 User talk 1574 Image 446 Image talk 1 Template 19 Template talk 2 Category 44 Wikipedia 667 Wikipedia talk 53 Portal 1
Sept 29 Total edits 11968 Main: 8265 Talk: 295 User: 159 User talk: 1930 Wikipedia: 724 Wikipedia talk: 56 Image: 467 Image talk: 1 Template: 21 Template talk: 3 Category: 46 Portal: 1
Oct 23 Category talk: 1 Category: 46 Image talk: 1 Image: 489 Mainspace 8756 Portal: 1 Talk: 323 Template talk: 3 Template: 23 User talk: 2068 User: 172 Wikipedia talk: 58 Wikipedia: 741 avg edits per article 1.65 number of unique articles 7691 total 12682
Nov 30 Category talk: 1 Category: 47 Image talk: 3 Image: 532 Mainspace 9842 Portal: 1 Talk: 374 Template talk: 3 Template: 25 User talk: 2521 User: 183 Wikipedia talk: 62 Wikipedia: 795 avg edits per article 1.69 number of unique articles 8509 total 14389
Jan 18 Category talk: 1 Category: 51 Image talk: 3 Image: 569 Mainspace 10873 Portal: 2 Talk: 408 Template talk: 3 Template: 34 User talk: 2921 User: 197 Wikipedia talk: 70 Wikipedia: 824 avg edits per article 1.73 earliest 16:04, 14 October 2005 number of unique articles 9225 total 15956
Feb 10 Total edits 15923 Main 10847 Talk 405 User 198 User talk 2920 Wikipedia 823 Wikipedia talk 70 Image 566 Image talk 3 Template 34 Template talk 3 Category 51 Category talk 1 Portal 2 Delete 3908 Restore 25 Block 674 Unblock 5 Protect 22 Unprotect 4 Move 243
(Main) 10867 Talk 405 User 198 User talk 2929 Wikipedia 823 Wikipedia talk 70 Image 566 Image talk 3 Template 34 Template talk 3 Category 51 Category talk 1 Portal 2 Delete 3908 Restore 25 Block 682 Unblock 5 Protect 22 Unprotect 6 Move 243
Deleting versions There's a tool somewhere that allows you to click all the boxes - you can then manually unclick the ones you want deleted. But I don't know what the tool is or where to look.
Generally what I do is to move the page to delete the article, undelete the revisions to be removed, move the page, delete it, and then return to the original page and undelete it. You need to purge the cache for the page to show up again though - if you don't it often looks like the deleted edits have disappeared.
For example:
Delete User:Thatcher131 Undelete one or more edits Move the page to User:Thatcher131/delete Delete User:Thatcher131/delete Undelete User:Thatcher131 and, voila, you not only have deleted the offending versions, you have also hidden them from view.
One problem with deleting a page like User:Thatcher131 is that, from what I have heard, the database has to update every page linked to it if you delete it. That can slow Wikipedia down if you delete a heavily linked-to page. So alternatively, what you can do is
Move User:Thatcher131 to User:Thatcher131/temp Delete User:Thatcher131/temp Undelete one or more edits Move the page to User:Thatcher131/delete Delete User:Thatcher131/delete Undelete User:Thatcher131/temp Move User:Thatcher131/temp back to User:Thatcher131 This has the added advantage of hiding the deleted edits a little further away from prying eyes. Of course, I don't know for a fact that this lightens the load on the database.
Anyway, I have Firefox and go to Tools → Options → on the General "tab", click the Connection Settings button → choose the Manual proxy configuration radion button → type the IP and port number → OK out of the various screens. Now you're going through that proxy and your real IP is being hidden. If you can still get to Wikipedia and get to an edit screen successfully, that means you're in.
Image:Train wreck at Montparnasse 1895.jpg