EMT basic skills
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The following is a list of skills that the NHTSA / NREMT Emergency Medical Technician - Basic (EMT-B) is required to master.
[edit] Curriculum
[edit] CPR
[edit] Airway Oxygen and Ventilation Skills - Upper Airway Adjuncts and Suction
[edit] Bag-Valve-Mask - Apneic Patient
[edit] Bleeding Control/Shock Management
- Body substance isolation
- Arterial pressure points
- Dressing wounds
[edit] Cardiac arrest management / AED
[edit] Immobilization Skills - Joint Injury, Long Bone Injury, Traction Splinting
[edit] Mouth to Mask with Supplemental Oxygen
[edit] Oxygen Administration
- Oxygen therapy
- Bag valve mask
- Nasal cannula
- Non-rebreather mask
- Simple face mask
[edit] Patient Assessment / Management-Medical[1]
- General
- Allergies?
- Medications?
- Past pertinent history?
- Last oral intake?
- Event leading to present illness (rule out trauma)?
- Physical Examination
- Vitals
- Interventions?
- Transport?
- Detailed physical examination?
- Respiratory or Cardiac
- Onset?
- Provokes?
- Quality?
- Radiates?
- Severity?
- Time?
- Interventions?
- Altered Mental Status
- Description of the episode
- Onset?
- Duration?
- Associated Symptoms?
- Evidence of Trauma?
- Interventions?
- Seizures?
- Fever?
- Allergic Reaction
- History of Allergies
- What were you exposed to?
- How were you exposed?
- Effects?
- Progression?
- Interventions?
- Poisoning / Overdose
- Substance?
- When did you ingest / become exposed?
- How much did you ingest?
- Over what time period?
- Interventions?
- Estimated Weight?
- Environmental Emergency
- Source?
- Environment?
- Duration?
- Loss of Consciousness?
- Effects - general or local?
- Obstetrics
- Are you pregnant?
- How long have you been pregnant?
- Pain or contractions?
- Bleeding or discharge?
- Do you feel the need to push?
- Last menstrual period?
- Behavioral
- How do you feel?
- Determine suicidal tendencies
- Is the patient a threat to self or others?
- Is there a medical problem?
- Interventions?
[edit] Patient Assessment/Management-Trauma
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Focused or Rapid Assessment
[edit] References
- National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians [2].