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- An epha or ephah is a unit of dry volume used by ancient Hebrews, equal to one tenth of a homer. 1 epha equals 22 litre or 22dm3.
- Ephah was also one of the five sons of Midian. His descendants may have been counted as their own nation in later times. In the time of Tiglath-pileser (745-727 BCE), a tribe, called in the cuneiform inscriptions "Ḥayapa" and identified by Friedrich Delitzsch ("Wo Lag das Paradies?" p. 304) with the tribe of Ephah, is said to have dwelt in the northern part of the Hejaz. Isaiah (lx. 6) speaks of Midian and Ephah as of two distinct peoples. Epher, is identified by Knobel with the Ghifar, an Arab tribe which, in the time of Muhammad, had encampments near Medina.