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- The correct title of this article is eSpew. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.
eSpew is a free online mp3 music search engine and download service. eSpew maintains that it is the largest directly linked mp3 database in the world.
eSpew provides a free medium to search for mp3 music files located on web servers all over the world. Similar to Google, Yahoo and other conventional search engines, eSpew uses an advanced search engine spider to crawl the world wide web in search of mp3 songs, and stores the location of found media in a database.
In effort to provide intelligent search results, the espew mediabot spider verifies the existence of each and every song by reading ID3 tags.
eSpew is owned, maintained, and updated by Daniel Cohen, located in Even Yehuda, Israel. [1]
As of April 2007, eSpew claims to have 17,261,298 mp3 files.