Talk:Etheric Networks
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Why is Etheric Networks historically important enough to merit a wikipedia entry?
Because of a number of firsts.
1. 2003 Etheric sought to put total power in the hands of the end users - by billing based on traffic - and allowing very high burst speeds - resulting in Etheric user speed tests being the highest in the world per broadbandreports. Etheric delivered 10 megabit symmetric internet to the Bay Area affordably for the first time in its history.
2. Etheric partnered with the community to deploy Internet in one of the most hazardous deployments in WLL history, 770' up the 1500' dormant KSBW broadcast tower at Mt. Madonna.
3. Etheric was one of the founding companies of BANC - Bay Area Network Coordination, the first non governmental production frequency coordination system, and is the only remaining member that stuck to license exempt local loop service until it was mature and stable - using a lot of software components that actively monitor and mitigate 10s of thousands of parameters.
4. Etheric is an anomaly, a very small self funded company that has been able to succesfully compete with the ILEC and the cable companies. Etheric is an ISP "By geeks for geeks", overengineering every aspect of its service to be able to support any concievable customer network scenario.
5. I believe Etheric showcases why small ISPs are needed, to keep pressure on the large players to unlock all the dormant potential in their networks (fiber assets), and not to block ports, report users or eavesdrop. Aligzanduh 15:01, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
I see that the article went from "doomed" to "get your act together". I will clean up my submission to read in a scholarly manner. I have never liked SandBoxes when I am in a hurry - and put the rough draft online, after seeing how mangled the english was in some other articles. I will contribute to Wikipedia by improving the quality of some of the rougher articles on wireless technology.