Exchangeable events
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Let be a family of random events, and let
be the indicator function for each of the events in ξ. Then ξ is said to be exchangeable if, for any permutation
of the indexes
, the two random vectors
have the same joint distribution.
With a more general view, a family of generic random variables is exchangeable if, for any permutation
of the indexes
, they have the same joint distribution.
Independent and identically random variables are exchangeable.
An interesting property of exchangeability is that the distribution function is symmetric in its arguments
[edit] See also
[edit] References
Spizzichino, Fabio Subjective probability models for lifetimes. Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability, 91. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2001. xx+248 pp. ISBN 1-58488-060-0