Talk:Extensible Application Markup Language
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[edit] Example
It would be nice to have a formatted example of what an XAML file looks like.
[edit] Like a .nib file?
So would this be the Windows equivalent of an OSX/X-Code .nib file? -- stewacide 05:12, 16 September 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Pronunciation
Not sure [whether this is like a .nib file], but it's all a bit confusing to me. XAML, Shouldn't that be pronounced 'ex-aye-em-el' - not zammel? -- User:Unknown
- Quite a few acronyms are given pronounciations, like SCSI. I'm guessing Microsoft gave it the pronounciation "zammel" as they're hoping it to become so popular that it'll be used frequently in conversations: the 2-syllable "zammel" is easier to say than the 4-syllable "XAML". -- jeffthejiff (talk)
- I had the displeasure of hearing a representative from Microsoft Australia advertise the 'exciting, colourful future' to me and a hundred other students at a guest lecture, and he repeatedly referred to XAML as "zammel". I don't see (hear?) anything odd about the pronounciation, it's not so different from 'Xylophone' etc. Thomas Purnell 10:52, 10 November 2006 (UTC)
- Here in Poland Microsoft teaches us to pronounce it as "gzaml", 1-syllable word.
- I must agree that ex-aye-emm-el would make more sense, but it sounds more like HTML, and Microsoft wouldn't want that. As for its odd pronunciation, all I must say is that it sounds much more "cool" and easier to say. 01:53, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Unneeded?
(inappropriate comment removed)
- Sure you will. You, up against several hundred architects, developers, managers, testers, and documentation writers, on their home turf in Seattle. Good luck with that! -/- Warren 03:07, 15 July 2006 (UTC)