User talk:3700ad
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[edit] What is 3700AD ?
3700AD is a real-time, Space RPG & Strategy MMOG short for Massive Multiplayer Online Game. The year's 3700AD, our galaxy have been colonized by the space travelers, explorers and capitalists of the human race. Traces of alien presence is found shattered throughout the galaxy. What mysterious undiscovered things stand ahead of us now, threat to the honour of the humans.
Features 100+ ships, 1000+ ship equipment, 1000+ mod artifacts, 100+ trading goods, etc
Single player & multiplayer missions
Create missions for other players 18 single player missions Multiplayer: up to 1,000,000 players, online chat, messaging, forums Multiple carier path from HoloDocker, Explorer,
Trader, Capitalist, Dictator & lots more
to play 3700AD goto
[edit] Ships on 3700ad
These ships can be bought in the game:
Freighter: ideal for transporting goods from one outpost to another the higher level your Freighter is more he can transport, the cheapest Freighter is your starter freighter an Taree Mk1 with only 76 cargo.
Fighter: a small combat plane ideal for pirates, bounty hunters, police jobs or outpost security . The smallest and weakest is the Wessel Mk1 with a hull of only 24 but it can carry more weapons than a freighter.
Corvette: a small size battleship with good power output good hull but bad cargo hold, good for escorting freighters, protecting outposts. the smallest is the Burnie Mk1 with 184 hull and 44 cargo.
Frigate: a medium size warship capable of handeling larger jobs like atacking outposts or fighting in naval battles, a Frigate has good hull and small cargospace. the weakest Frigate is the Macq Mk1 with an hull of 500 and 79 cargo.
Destroyer: an elite battleship with superior weapons, verry good hull and good cargo capable. an Destroyer is good for escorting wings of fighters and covering fire when raiding an light defended outpost. one of the Destroyer is an Armidale Mk1 with 869 hull and 161 cargo.
Cruiser: top of the class all round battleship with capability's of atacking a convoy with small battleships and fighters, a wolfpack of Cruiser can take out a battleship. one of the Cruisers is an Furneaux Mk1 with 1440 hull and 297 cargo.
Battleship: with his superior weaponry, his exelent shield and hull this is on of the best ships in the game, a battleship is an exelent strike ship agains all kind of targets. An average battleship has more than 3.000 hull and room for 3 shields and 5 huge guns.
[edit] Outpost buildings
these buildings can be build on an outpost at this moment.
If you want to build an outpost you need 2 things
1. a free space somewhere in one of the 11 sectors.
2. 5.000.000 to buy the construction.
always keep 4 slots open for when the battlesection comes online to defend your outpost 2 for shields 2 for turrets.
[edit] Shipyard
Cost 100,000
What is this ?
you can buy & Sell ships chassis here. Higher level shipyards will stock better ships and chassis.
[edit] Ship equipment
Cost 50,000
What is this ?
you can buy & Sell ship equipment. Higher level building will stock better weapons, shields and reactors.
[edit] Repair facility
Cost 500,000
What is this ?
All repair works on ships for ship chassis, ship equipment and artifacts are performed here.
[edit] Training facility
Cost 5,000
What is this ?
A place to increase the skill level for your captains. Higher level center provides better training.
[edit] Bank
Cost 1,000,000
What is this ?
Deposit & withdraw credits. Credits stored in bank will be used for automatic purchases.
[edit] Factory
Cost 5,000
What is this ?
Manufactures resources and consumer goods. Requires basic resources to work.
Can't be build on outposts containing:- Mining facility Housing Pod
[edit] Housing Pod
Cost 40,000
What is this ?
Provides housing for 10 population per level. Housing increases outpost population.
Can't be build on outposts containing:- Mining facility Factory
[edit] Holo-Deck
Cost 150,000
What is this ?
Hosts contests for the top Captains. A ground for virtual combats between Captains
[edit] Yellow Pages
Cost 200,000
What is this ?
Find what you are looking for, or List yourself (outpost or outpost buildings) with the yellow pages ! Can't be build on outposts containing:-
Hall of Fame
[edit] Ezy Management
Cost 150,000
What is this ?
A center of convinience for every one to manage their outpost and outpost buildings with ease. Can't be build on outposts containing:-
Hall of Fame
[edit] Hall of Fame
Cost 5,000,000
What is this ?
View who has the most money or highest level in the known galaxy here for free.
Can't be build on outposts containing:- Yellow Pages Ezy Management
[edit] Mod Shop
Cost 1,000,000
What is this ?
Sells modification artifacts which can be used to enchance ship and ship equipments.
[edit] Mod Refit Center
Cost 5,000,000
What is this ?
Engineers here refit mod artifacts in your inventory to your ship and ship equipment.
[edit] Captain Registra
Cost 600,000
What is this ?
Links up to the galactic captain registra system. Allows renaming and retiring of your captains.
[edit] Mod Junk Shop
Cost 10,000,000
What is this ?
This Junk Shop buys modification arficacts only. You can trade in your unused mod artifacts for cash.
[edit] Equipment Yard
Cost 10,000,000
What is this ?
Sell ship equipment here. A place to get rid of un-wanted equipment for a good price.
[edit] Job Center
Cost 50,000,000
What is this ?
Look for jobs or offer job contracts to other players to do specific tasks for you.
[edit] Allstars ultimate noobs guild
well 1st thing there is only 11 sectors 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, and no sector 12 like the other players like 2 say and fool u, and no loans centers and other ppl cant give u money or outposts,there the main things ppl get fooled with
well u will 1st need 2 go 2 a holo-deck, start fighting and get abit of money, then when u get about $1000 i wud start trading,(money you earn in the holo-deck goes straight into your bank account so u will have to withdraw it.) so leave earth, go 2 utopia, then dock at the 3rd outpost from the left, then buy 76 of n e good, leave, dock at the outpost on the right of it then sell all ur goods, do this untill u earn about 42k, it wont take long and its worth it at the end
then dock at earth, shuttle to planet, click on the word discos, build 1, then click on surface click the lil' arrow on the right of discos, click on local small then foreign small, and u got ur 1st disco running and it will make 1k an hour 4 u, if u work it out u can double the amount of ur buildings in less than 2 days,
and after that u will have the basic understanding of the game
well i prety much just copied and pasted that from my website, im not 2 sure if i will b on this but ill b on if u got n e questions, of course theres probly some1 on this u can ask
[edit] Usefull links
these are usefull links
some random threadsAllstars guide
other space federation games from stephen
[edit] Allstars Big Daddy bossman Guild
ok the title is just cos it sounds kool, ok well this is the guild 2 help u get a big daddy empire in 3700AD, i have actually found this really helpful and i did make this up myself but only like 3 days ago (5th august)
well 1st build as many discos as possible on earth, when earth is getting u about 3 mil an hour, lol at the time im writing this im getting 2.8, but i need a lil' money money all the time, ok after u get 3mil an hour, save about 30 mill, then use this money on a planet u havent built on b4, i used jupitar, ill give u advise 2 use 1 in sol and near all of ur other planet buildings, then use the money coming in from earth 2 put back in2 earth building and mods, weapons, ships n' stuff like that, then use the money from jupitar or wot eva planet u used 2 build outposts and build on ur outposts, if u dont have outposts yet or just cant find room 2 build them simply build on jupitar, and when the time comes the money u set a side just 4 outposts really does help u cos im in like my 2nd week of it and ive got about 30 outposts, so it really does work
this also is on my website, even tho i made it just 4 this lol