Talk:Adult Swim
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[edit] Mountain Dew/Adult swim trivia
the recent product by mountain dew, Mountain Dew MDX, is doing it's promotion on this channel, but instead uses trivia from the episodes of the show that is currently on (Mostly Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Metalocalypse from what i see.) should this be noted? Chomperz 04:21, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Schedule
Is it really necessary to list all the schedule changes for Adult Swim on this page? I mean, what's the point? RadicalBender 05:57, 2 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- It might be of interest to someone. It is rather silly though. - user:zanimum
- Agreed, there's nothing encylcopedic about it, except perhaps the count of words. RossPatterson 04:48, 12 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- Perhaps listing the Adult Swim schedule is not encyclopedic but many things on Wikipedia are not encyclopedic in the general sense/use of the word. I personally found the schedule very useful, as it allowed me to see which shows are currently airing so I could read
- Agreed, there's nothing encylcopedic about it, except perhaps the count of words. RossPatterson 04:48, 12 Jan 2005 (UTC)
up on them etc. --Nadsat 14:30, Mar 14, 2005 (UTC)
- I really don't see the point of including the complete schedule here. Wikipedia isn't supposed to be the one source of every conceivable bit of information, and finding TV listings online isn't difficult. tregoweth 03:24, 12 November 2005 (UTC)
- Yes, we should put all the changes down. As long as we have the schedule on this wikipedia page, we need to keep it updated.
Tregoweth, you are very wrong.
Dposse 22:31, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
- No, they're absolutely right. Wikipedia is not for schedules, it's not supposed to replace or any other website/periodical devoted to tracking episodes. It's a freaking encyclopedia. The mission of Wikipedia is not to monopolize the information on the internet, it's function is simple and defined: a free encyclopedia. This does not in anyway entail or suggest that it should function as a way to track what shows are being shown by a channel. If you have any doubts, compare this article with other such articles on Wikipedia. --mwazzap 08:25, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
- No, they are still absolutely wrong. You wanna look at other articles? Ok, lets do that.
Ohh, whats that? A schedule on the Toonami page. Hmmm...
Look, one of the biggest complants against Adult Swim is the changing schedule. Also, what the hell do you think that Wikipedia is if not a resource for infomation? As a free encyclopedia, Wikipedia goes well beyond the function of a normal encylopedia. One look at the type and depth of infomation here on this website can tell you that! As the schedule is a huge part of Adult Swim, it should be here on wikipedia and it needs to be kept up to date. If you don't want to do that, that's fine. I will take that responsibility. Dposse 17:12, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
From what I remember, AS didn't have shows on Saturdays until 2004, as when I began watching in 2003, they didn't E946 05:33, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
Many major network pages on here included season schedules, so IMO if they get to keep schedules, then so does this one. However, it should only be updated for long term changes, not one time pilots or experiments.
Anyway, taking a page from the major network pages, I whipped up this:
Schedule | 10:00 PM | 10:15 | 10:30 | 10:45 | 11:00 | 11:15 | 11:30 | 11:45 | 12:00 | 12:15 | 12:30 | 12:45 | 1:00 | 1:15 | 1:30 | 1:45 | 5:00 | 5:15 | 5:30 | 5:45 |
Sunday | Futurama | The Venture Bros. | Family Guy | Robot Chicken | Metalocalypse | Squidbillies | Minoriteam | Tom Goes To The Mayor | 12 oz. Mouse | Aqua Teen Hunger Force | Moral Orel | Stroker and Hoop | ||||||||
Monday-Thursday | Futurama | Futurama | Family Guy | Pee-Wee's Playhouse | Inuyasha | Fullmetal Alchemist | Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GiG | Gigantor | ||||||||||||
Saturday | The Boondocks | Robot Chicken | Metalocalypse | Trinity Blood | Bleach | Eureka 7 | FLCL | Super Milk Chan | Cartoon Planet |
Still a work in progress. Mshake3 15:55, 17 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Line Up
is this line-up current? didn't Paranoia Agent replace Cowboy Bebop for the 1:30 slot?
yes, this line up is current. cowboy Bebop replaced Paranoia Agent. Dposse 20:03, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Past, Present, & Future
As long as you are going to title the listing of shows "Past, Present, and Future" you may as well have the year dates listed in parenthesis after the show link. This way persons browsing the article entry will know which slot the show listed falls under. I put a few of them into place already, mostly for the 2004-2005 shows.
I fixed up the shows listing with some missing shows/movies, and added the broadcast years to the best of my knowledge. Due to the often chaotic nature of their scheduling, I only included the premiere years for the canceled and ended series (i.e. most of the anime). --SwordfishII 03:13, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Why "anime" and "non-anime" headers? Doesn't Adult Swim itself divide them into Adult Swim Action and Adult Swim Comedy, with different department heads et al. Why not use the system they actually use? --Sketchee 07:07, Jun 20, 2005 (UTC)
Would it be safe to say that Yu Yu Hakusho and Lupin now belong in the "expired series" part of this page? --Kazukun 23:16, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
Weren't there other shows like .hack and knights of the zodiac that Adult Swim used to show? Why aren't they listed?
[edit] "Adult" Oriented
I challenge the notion that [adult swim] is actually aimed at adults. Nearly all of their programming is TV-14 (only recent re-grading has produced anything TV-MA). I think the primary audience is teens/college students. --feitclub July 5, 2005 22:46 (UTC)
- Adult Swim (which is rated seperately from CN by Neilson) is the #1 cable network with adults 18-34. "Adult Swim makes it into its tenth week straight as #1 in total day delivery in key young adult demos, according to Nielsen Media Research. The block ranked #1 among ad-supported cable networks for total day delivery of adults 18-34, adults 18-24, men 18-34 and men 18-24."
- Those parental guidlines aren't for adults. Adults can watch a program of any rating. What makes a program geared toward an older audience isn't the level of violence or sex. --Sketchee July 6, 2005 04:08 (UTC)
Indeed TV-14 may interest adults, but the point is that Cartoon Network has deliberately and openly admitted that it will not cross the line to "TV-MA" out of concern that the image would cause concern among parents and thus have negative market consequences for its daytime programming. (Comedy Central has less of a concern and freely runs TV-MA cartoons at night). The fact that Cartoon Network/Adult Swim are now to separate "networks" or "stations" has changed nothing in this regard. Furthermore, although CN/AS themselves have said nothing to the press to indicate any such plan, it is a well-established marketing strategy to advertise openly for one age group with the full knowledge and hope that such advertisements also appeal to the immediately lower age group. For example, it is common knowledge that "R-rated" movies widely appeal to teens of all ages-- teens who find little difficulty in gaining access to these films despite being younger than seventeen. Advertising of a type for adults, but rating of a type for teens... I believe I see why AS does not want to offend parents. Traditionally, the 18-34 male demographic is highly valued for marketing. I do not doubt that Adult Swim aims its programming largely or even primarily at this group. However, based on available evidence (Ratings, advertising style, programming choice) I propose that Adult Swim does not aim exclusively at adults. And therefore agree to the above challenge in a way, and recommend a change. -anon business dude
- Adult Swim is mostly directed at collage students, who are adults. So, they are aimed at adults. Dposse 20:28, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Template
I made a simple template to link to Template:Adultswim, {{adultswim}}. What do you think? Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 23:46, 2005 August 6 (UTC)
- Per MoS guidelines Adult Swim shouldn't be written as "[adult swim]", but always "Adult Swim". On a separate note, do you really need all those colours in your signature? It makes it a bit long... ed g2s • talk 17:17, 10 August 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Adult Swim bumps?
The article says that "The current bumps feature black "cards" with white text on them, which discuss everything from news about the programming to personal staff opinions on unrelated subjects." But I find that's not always the case, at least with some of the shows I watch. I don't actually watch many different shows on Adult Swim, but I do know that at least the two shows Futurama and Inu Yasha have different bumps; Inu Yasha's bumps seem to just be kinda random signs (and a bit of Japanese) against kinda random backgrounds, except for the one to signal the start of the show, which is the words 'Inu Yasha' sliding onto a blue background and then a little white dog in a cart at the bottom barking. I don't quite remember Futurama's bumps, but they definitely aren't the black cards with white text. StarPrincessLita 15:22, 5 September 2005 (UTC)
- The Futurama bumps are the white-on-black cards, as well as ATHF bumps. —MESSEDROCKER (talk) 02:22, September 10, 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Adult Swim's article title not wrong due to technical difficulties
Despite an edit someone made (which has since been reverted by me), [adult swim] is not the proper spelling. It is their logo (note that I'm using the word "logo" very losely here), whilst "Adult Swim" is the way even they write it. Just a future note. —MESSEDROCKER (talk) 02:28, September 10, 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Recent Troubles?
I was wondering if perhaps mention should be made of what seem to be a recent downturn in fan sentiment regarding the line-up? Several commentators have cited the lackluster response to premieres like Squidbillies and 12oz. mouse (several conversations have even centered on whether the latter is some sort of attempt at getting people to watch a show that is purposefully unfunny). There has also been an marked drop in viewers in the action/anime segment, with S-CRYED and to a lesser extent Samurai Champloo receiving less interest than, say, the spring 2005 lineup.
[edit] Message Boards
It talks about the Adult Swim message boards in the article, yet they don't appear to work.. ? (Nor have they ever worked before) It might be my PC though.
- Adult Swim message boards DO work -- but thanks to their infamous "upgrade" late last year, you need to log in first, then click on the Message Board link under the 'Fans' section. --Creepy Crawley 03:41, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
- They work just fine. You just need to register to them to gain access. It has always been that way, even before the upgrade. But don't worry, it's free and it doesn't take long to register. Interrupt_feed
[edit] Charles McCarthy
Let it be known by one and all...Chuck, you have been given your last warning. Squiggyfm 20:12, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
Is this Charles McCarthy stuff vanity material or AS promotion???
- [as] wouldn't use wikipedia to promote. Squiggyfm 03:09, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
TheLateDentarthurdent 09:15, 16 December 2005 (UTC)
- Vanity material. The guy is a freakin' joke. He wants to be hired by Adult Swim without going through the website that 99.9% of people hired by the company have to/have had to/must go through. Actually, if you want to be technical, he'd be hired by Time Warner, then placed into their Cartoon Network division, then eventually filtered into a position for Adult Swim (like the Junior Writer position or Flash Animation position or whatever). But at any rate, it's just some dork with a beard trying to stand out in the crowd and hoping like Hell that it works enough to find him a job at Adult Swim as . . . well, I don't really know what he wants to do. If you look at his resume I'm guessing some sort of animator job.
- At any rate, I deleted the links -- and I don't doubt he put them up himself in the first place. What a dweeb, and a LAZY dweeb at that. I can admire his iniative, but as one who wants to work for Adult Swim myself, and who has no "connections" inside -- thus being forced to whore out through the site and go up against hundreds, if not thousands of applications -- I think he's a douchebag for even trying this. I've stated as such to him in e-mail, and he took it as a joke. Go figure. I don't see any reason to put the links back in, unless he gets hired by them, in which case perhaps put them back in to show "hey, here's some dumbass who made himself stand out and be noticed by Adult Swim by ACTING like a dumbass." For now, they're gone. --Creepy Crawley 03:40, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
I think the best way to get rid of him is to kill him with kindness. If he gets the job at Adult Swim, he will probably stop posting and editing this article. Maybe we should just encourage him and email Adult Swim, and tell them to hire him. Yurdamannowdog 07:09, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
- Give it a rest, Charles. You make it so obvious that it's you under these accounts. Your lame attempt to be hired by Adult Swim without going through the Time Warner/ website like the rest of the free world is pathetic, sad, and ignored by all. It has no place here on Wikipedia, and you have been continually warned about vandalism as a result. I suggest you quit while you're not ahead, or you will find yourself with some very non-flattering and unwanted remarks on your talk pages, as well as finding yourself blocked from editing on Wikipedia. Comcast also does not look happily upon vandals and idiots of your type. --Creepy Crawley 17:41, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
Dear Alex C.,
Why are you so upset by Charles McCarthy? If you want a job at Adult Swim too, maybe you should be friends with him and work together with him to get hired. I checked out his website and he seems like a funny guy. Maybe you are just a little jealous. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) . —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
- We need to get a Moderator in here and ban the IPs that are posting the McCarthy vandalism. Dposse 17:47, 2 February 2006 (UTC)
- McCarthy posts have as much relevance as myself posting that I want a job at [as]...which I do. But will me using this as a message board get me job there? No. If anything, it would keep me from getting a job there. Squiggyfm 03:09, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
I found this recently. Does this add any validity to his claims? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
- Answer- No. Its a student run paper. Anyone can write for a student paper (plus, its independant). Furthermore,'re on notice. I've said it before and I'll say it again, PEOPLE WHO DON'T YET HAVE A JOB WITH [AS]REN'T PART OF [AS] AND THEREFORE SHOULD NOT HAVE A MENTION ON SAID [AS]'S ENTRY. Squiggyfm 18:52, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
Charles, read Wikipedia:Self-promotion. If you really need to put it on Wikipedia, put it on your own user page. That's the only place it could possibly be appropriate. - mako 20:33, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
I don't see the problem with this young lad's additions to the Adult Swim article. He doesn't erase anyone elses entries. His additions are not obtrusive. As far as validity to an encyclopedia entry, I think that there are quite a few things in this article that could be removed. Plus, how do we know that this didn't happen? I for one found his website very interesting and I wouldn't have found it without Wikipedia. If Wikipedia is truely about the desemination of information in the advancement of learning, I can't see why so many people are so violently opposed to this young man's entries. It seems that this was all stirred up by Creepy Crawly over what I can only see as jealousy, and he himself has less than a spotless record. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
- "Vanity information can come in many forms. It can come in the form of an entire article, or it can come in more subtle, but equally unencyclopedic advertising links, personal page links in articles, personal or semi-personal photos, or any other information that appears to be intended to distract readers away from the main topic of any article towards the promotion of personal or commercial interests." - mako 23:50, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
Mako, I think you have made my point for me with your quote. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
[edit] A note
Due to an edit by an anonymous user, the ratings for the first 2 InuYasha movies are now listed as MPAA: Disputed. --Ryanasaurus0077 12:34, 23 December 2005 (UTC)
- Blast those ani users --AdultSwim 05:19, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Irrelevant trivia
I have deleted the last item in the "trivia" section, reading as follows:
- Adult swim anime is also frequently referrenced in clan "Anime_Sekai" on Battle.Net games. It's tag resembles, some-what of Adult Swim's. Anime_Sekai's tag is A[S], and is often mistaked for "Adult Swim"
Besides being ungrammatical, this appears to be nothing more than a reference to and advertisement for a specific clan/guild on an online game. It seems to me that most of this article's audience will never have even heard of this clan, let alone be interested in its (very tenuous) relationship to Adult Swim. It is a comment on the clan, not on Adult Swim itself, and therefore does not belong in an article on Adult Swim. However, I would be more than happy to hear an explanation if anyone considers this item to be of more note than I do. --Logician 09:43, 13 February 2006 (UTC)
- Heh, you could've just deleted the reference without going to such lengths to justify yourself. It was obviously inserted as an inappropriate advertisement, or at best, non-notable fluff. --Cyde Weys 00:22, 12 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Why was the picture changed?
The logo is not correct. Why has it been changed? What was the problem with the other one? dposse 17:52, 22 February 2006 (UTC)
alright, i changed the picture back to the original one. dposse 18:09, 22 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] April Fool's
On April fools's day, I noticed they inserted farting noises in the cartoons. Can anyone tell me why and some other information about this? The Republican 00:47, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
what do you want to know? there's not much to tell. It was part of their April Fools prank. They put fart noises in the Fullmetal Alchemist and Ghost in the Shell episodes, while playing the Mr. T, Chuck Norris, and Boo Boo Runs Wild cartoons. dposse 03:40, 5 April 2006 (UTC)
That April fools thing was dumb.They still managed to do the fart sounds at the stroke of 12 o'clock when it was already April 2.justtext 10 April 2006
- I do not know about the rest of you, but I was PISSED about that. Us anime folks get one night to enjoy our programming and instead we get ****ed with. Thats messed up. TomStar81 09:46, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Saved by the Bell" revival
This seriously looks like a big joke, and [adult swim] has been known to mess with their viewers. Consider this: 05:44, 20 April 2006 (UTC)
I realy liked it , the noises matched the facial expressions
[edit] I protected the page.
I protected the page because the Saved by the Bell episodes is a hot button topic and i think that the page should be protected because of that. dposse 15:47, 20 April 2006 (UTC)
- The bit about the planned revival was an obvious joke and needed removal or at least a disclaimer, but I'm not sure about protecting the page without discussion. 07:23, 21 April 2006 (UTC)
You wouldn't believe how many people think it's true. dposse 14:46, 21 April 2006 (UTC)
- I was the one who put in the planned revival, since I didn't think it was a joke. But then again, most of the original cast members (particularry Mario Lopez, Elizabeth Berkeley, Tiffani Thessian, and Dustin Diamond) have other projects going on right now anyways. As for the recent vandalism, don't look at me. I only add useful info.
BTW, to dposse: are you the sane dposse from the ASMB's? This is jcgerard. Just letting you know. Jgera5 16:18, 21 April 2006 (UTC)
- I don't see any protection in the history, just an additon of the protected template. You need an administrator or administrator privileges to protect pages, just adding a template won't protect anything. I could do it for you if you want, but looking at the history of the page, there doesn't seem to be enough vandalism to really call for a protection. You could always try Requests for Protection and have someone there check it out, though. -- SmthManly / ManlyTalk / ManlyContribs 19:44, 21 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] WHY?
Tell Me Who's Bright Idea Was It to Replace Several Hours That Could Be Airing Funny Cartoons like Ed, Edd n Eddy Johnny Bravo and The Powerpuff Girls With These Dirty Filthy Shows? I'm Surprised No One Has Complained About This I Mean When It Came On On Sundays It Wasn't that bad but now it comes on every freaking night! Why do People Assume All the Kids in the world are in the bed at 10:00pm? why not just have a anime channel that showcases this kinda stuff —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Blakebs (talk • contribs).
Right. Well, first off, sign your comments, kids. Three of these: "~". Pretty simple. Second, You don't have to capitalize the fist letter of every word. Or is that just the site censering your sadistic abuse of the caps lock? Whatever the case, if you don't understand proper use of capitalization, don't capitalize. When I was younger, I didn't. Third, Adult Swim is a proper block. The people behind it used to work on Toonami. Yeah. "Kids love it". I'll admit, the recent stuff isn't alwqays high quality, but it's not always "filthy" either. Grow up and get over it, Wikipedia isn't the place for your immature temper tantrums. Ace Class Shadow 23:48, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
- Plus, it's been a long while since Adult Swim moved into this timeslot, so complaining about it now on a Wikipedia discussion page seems kinda..... worthless. RPH 20:36, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
wow. um, this stuff is aimed at teenagers, buddy. most younger kids are in bed by then. if swear words make you cry, go to bed at the time mommy tells you. and why do you capitalize Every Single Word? What The Heck Is Up With That? Joeyramoney 07:06, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Forum - Incoherent Babbling
For some reason GIPUs "" and "" are consistly vandalizing the page in favor of what I would assume are their respective usernames. The obvious easy answer would be to allow both names, but that would only lead to more vandalism by other forumers. I have added a "dablink" template message and I am currently attempting to get the page protected. Any other ideas on how to stop these vandals are welcome. Ace Class Shadow 00:20, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
You should go to their talkpages and add vandalism warning templates. If they continue to vandalize despite warnings, and you have warned them more then three or four times, please report them to an administrator or the Admin Intervention against Vandalism page so they could be dealth with accordingly. Thanks. -- SmthManly / ManlyTalk / ManlyContribs 00:32, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
hey, thanks for getting this page protected. dposse 19:25, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Adult Swim bumps have changed
last night I was surfing the channels and saw an adult swim warning bumper, but instead of saying "Adult Swim may contain material that parents might not find suitable for viewers under 14" It sayed "Adult Swim may contain material that parents might not find suitable for viewers under 17" Is this how it's going to be from now on?
- Well, ever hour, except the 10:30 and 11:00 gap, it shows that bump. It only shows the "viewers under 17" bump if the procedeing hour airs a show that is rated "TV-MA." Otherwise, it still shows the "viewers under 14" bump.
[edit] Pee Wee's Playhouse on Adult Swim
As a kid, I was a Pee Wee fan. And even now, I enjoy watching his show (despite the little incident in the movie theater.) But can someone please explain to me why they have decided to air it on Adult Swim? -- Sasuke-kun27 17:20, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
- It's quite obvious why they have added it to their lineup. Adult Swim has a wacky sense of humor. Airing Pee Wees Playhouse is part of their wacky sense of humor, and part of who their target auidence is. Stoned/drunk collage kids. dposse 23:02, 10 July 2006 (UTC)
- Hey Hey!!! Not all of its programs are for stoned/drunk people. Its got Family Guy, Futurama, and Robot Chicken are watched by kinda normal people. -- 04:30, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
No those are for stoned kids ;), being drunk wouldnt really make you enjoy though.--Tyler Thibeaux 08:27, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Coming Soon
I'm re-adding Inuyasha Movie 3 to the list; if someone has a good reason not to list it under things 'coming soon', please share. --TangentCube 02:28, 10 July 2006 (UTC)
- What is your source for this infomation? dposse 23:00, 10 July 2006 (UTC)
- [1]: while it is subject to change, and major ones at that, the only thing that has ever changed on the August 12 slot is from 'blank' to 'Inuyasha Movie 3'; people have also taken this [2] as confirmation, though it is ANN. -- TangentCube 00:46, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
- Ok. Put the infomation back up, but with the ANN link as citation. dposse 02:31, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
- [1]: while it is subject to change, and major ones at that, the only thing that has ever changed on the August 12 slot is from 'blank' to 'Inuyasha Movie 3'; people have also taken this [2] as confirmation, though it is ANN. -- TangentCube 00:46, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
I removed The Boondocks from Coming Soon based on this source. -- TangentCube 22:06, 13 July 2006 (UTC)
- I'm going to add it back, but with that NY Post link. dposse 17:35, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
I added Trinity Blood and Inuyasha Movie 4; since they share the same source, should it be linked twice, or can one of them be removed? Or is there another solution I'm not familiar with? -- TangentCube 04:43, 15 July 2006 (UTC)
- Only once. or you can make a reference, if you want. dposse 04:53, 15 July 2006 (UTC)
- Done. I changed the source for Inuyasha Movie 3 to this one as well. -- TangentCube 05:56, 15 July 2006 (UTC)
- Only once. or you can make a reference, if you want. dposse 04:53, 15 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Way too many date L10n incongruencies.
There are far too many dates that aren't L10n'd correctly (e.g. July 10, 2006 as opposed to July 10, 2006), and that needs to be fixed. [[Month DD]] [[YYYY]]
-Matt 04:07, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Bring Me the Head of Boba Fett"
Definately a favourite show of mine as well as being an Adult Swim failed pilot, could someone improve the state of the Welcome to Eltingville article? In order to see this show, I've got the entire episode posted on my blog: as forementioned previously.... DrWho42 09:26, 8 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Dust Devil (musician) merge.
I strongly disagree with the merge of that article into this one. Even if it's true that he produced music for adult swim, which isn't very clear that he did, it has no place on this article. dposse 20:29, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
- Concur with dposse; after reviewing Dust Devil (musician), I believe the histories of Dust Devil and Adult Swim are not so inextricably linked as to warrant a merge into this article. Perhaps a merge into a more appropriate article would be warranted; as it stands, the only relevant tie between the two aforementioned subjects is already in this article (under Trivia), and the article 'to be merged' has more information than just that which I believe would be lost. That, and perhaps there should have been a notice put up on this talk page for that AfD so that those of us watching this article could have weigh in. —TangentCube -c -t 21:45, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
- I've done the merger. If you can create an article on Dust Devil larger than the original, perhaps not so vague regarding the non-[adult swim] musical accomplishments, then feel free to stick where the redirect is now.--Rmky87 21:43, 27 August 2006 (UTC)
- We don't even know for sure if he really did do anything for adult swim. We have no sources that say that. I say we delete the entire thing. dposse 22:09, 31 August 2006 (UTC)
- I've done the merger. If you can create an article on Dust Devil larger than the original, perhaps not so vague regarding the non-[adult swim] musical accomplishments, then feel free to stick where the redirect is now.--Rmky87 21:43, 27 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] used to show a blue screen that said MLB blogs/MLB Shop during pitching changes and middle innings, as they couldnt show the commercials. I noticed from yesterday they are playing the adult swim bump music, same font and exact same style of comedic writing as on adult swim
[edit] In the beginning
I got onto the Adult Swim bandwagon fairly early, so I remember the "prototype" version that was later eclipsed by the present version, with the bumps and the music and such. Could we get a complete history of the program, and a picture of the original adult swim logo? -Litefantastic 03:05, 11 September 2006 (UTC)
This logo? —TangentCube /c /t 16:17, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
- *sniff* Yes. It's been so long. Where did you find it? -Litefantastic 16:46, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] ""
All I see when I navigate there ([3]) with a browser is a redirect to [4]. If someone can provide a screengrab or some other conclusive evidence that adultswimuk is not just a redirect, I'll leave it well enough alone; otherwise, I may go back and remove the information. Again. —TangentCube /c /t 15:46, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Criticism of Adult Swim"
I would love to see a "Criticism of Adult Swim" section, especially about how "Adult Swim screws over the anime fans." Heeroyuy135 05:36, 25 September 2006 (UTC)
- No. All that would be POV and original research. dposse 16:48, 4 October 2006 (UTC)
- Any fair and citeable criticism should be included into a relevant section of the article. Criticism sections encourage POV behavior and should be avoided, but there is always room for balance. Robovski 00:16, 5 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] S Gun 1 / Robot 21
On the schedule at the Adult Swim website, there is an entry for "S Gun", with a note saying "Smoking Gun", for the weeks of October 23 and 30 (M-Th). A post on the message boards claims it could be Smoking Gun TV, which is listed (and redlinked) on the Court TV article. Does anyone know more about this? —TangentCube /c /t 02:32, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Eureka Seven and Extra Disclaimer
If anything, Eureka Seven will become the first show to need the "American Cowboys" extra disclaimer back-to-back-to-back (3 in a row) assuming that they mark Ep. 28 with it. Heeroyuy135 04:09, 30 October 2006 (UTC)
I also have a feeling that there was a glitch in airing the same disclaimer in Ep. 29, an episode that really doesn't contain any violence. Heeroyuy135 05:39, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
- It does not seem especially violent to me. Perhaps they feel that some children would be disturbed by the fact that established and sympathetic characters like Charles and Ray Beams are seen to be killed and as dead bodies. JRSpriggs 12:01, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
- Beyond Ep. 29, they only mention Charles and Ray Beams but they don't show anymore of them...Heeroyuy135 19:04, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
- I cannot explain that. However, a similar problem exists with the "Death" episode of Fullmetal Alchemist (which logically should be the last episode). JRSpriggs 09:23, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Innapropiate for Under 17 only after Midnight
Adult Swim only shows the "Innapropiate for viewers under 17" after midnight, no matter what. I have seen it many times when I watch it. Mottmon 22:28, 1 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] No molestar! is on monday and tuesday
Im from Argentina, and No Molestar! (wich means don't bother) airs on tuesdays, not un thursdays --Windymager 20:13, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] 2007 episodes? What?
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is showing new episodes where I am (Florida). Is this not US terminology? -- Non-user —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 08:32, 5 December 2006 (UTC).
[edit] Massive cleanup needed
I've added 2 tags to it recently: cleanup-laundry (list cleanup basically) and advert (for advertisement). The article has a few good starting paragraphs...then goes downhill. It has a current schedule and coming soon sections. Wikipedia isn't a TV guide, nor should it ever be. Plus there is a huge trivia section that needs to be cleaned as well. RobJ1981 06:05, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
- For starters, I say the Message Board section has got to go. Mshake3 01:09, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
- Looks like we got a lot of that stuff cleared out now. Although, the parts about Family Guy and Futurama might be worth keeping, but probably should be put in a better place than they were. For now I'll just paste those two parts here to help stage them for the article. -- Ned Scott 07:45, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
- After Fox cancelled Family Guy, Adult Swim began airing reruns of the show on April 20, 2003. Being on a cable network, Adult Swim's edition of Family Guy was less censored. Unlike its days on Fox, Family Guy has had consistent time slots since, at either 11 p.m. or 11:30 p.m. Eastern time, with Futurama at the other slot (Fox moved Family Guy around to as many as 28 different time slots before officially canceling the show in 2002). That, along with the show being released on DVD at the same time, brought unexpected popularity to the series and eventually ended up convincing Fox to bring back the show[1][2], which began re-airing in May 2005. Under a special agreement with Fox, Adult Swim airs the new episodes at least two weeks after they debut on Fox, but Fox must have advertising for Adult Swim during the show's airing on its network. Included in the same deal was Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane's new series, American Dad!
- Futurama has also found new life in syndication on Adult Swim, enjoying high ratings as a benefit of also receiving a steady time slot. When it aired on Fox, Futurama was put in the virtually dead-air time of 7:00 p.m. The biggest drawback was that many televised sports (especially football) ran late into this programming block, so Futurama was constantly being pre-empted by sports; more often than not, the episode was completely skipped while other programming would air in their entirety later that night. The high ratings has also helped the show to get four direct-to-DVD movies greenlit and possibly new episodes[3]. The show will move to Comedy Central once AS's rights to the show expire in 2008.
- Some re-wording and more references might help too. -- Ned Scott 07:45, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
- We've discussed this already(look up). The schedule stays for two reasons. One, it's the central thing about adult swim. that's basically all they are. Second, this article isn't the first to have a schedule. Go look at the article for Toonami. The schedule has been there for a very long time, and no one has ever touched it. The schedule on the adult swim article shouldn't be any different. dposse 01:11, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
- Precedents are not always correct. The Toonami schedules and whatnot should go too, under WP:NOT#DIR, which is policy and therefore takes precedence over contributor's wishes. —TangentCube /c /t 02:38, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
- The major networks' articles (which is more important than f'n toonami) all have a schedule, so I can see a reason for keeping it. But if it is kept, then it shouldn't be changed to include one time specials! Mshake3 21:59, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
- I really hate to get into the whole "we can do it if that article does it" thing. People need to remember that we can't fix every problem at the same time. If something is a good idea, then it should be able to stand on it's own, not simply because we can find another article that does the same thing. It's a horrible loop, because you can't get it off article A because article B has it, but article B has it because article A has it. -- Ned Scott 06:32, 19 December 2006 (UTC)
- The major networks' articles (which is more important than f'n toonami) all have a schedule, so I can see a reason for keeping it. But if it is kept, then it shouldn't be changed to include one time specials! Mshake3 21:59, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
It's not an advert, it's a nicely informative article. I say it stays Famous Mortimer 06:08, 19 December 2006 (UTC)
- I don't think you understand.. the article isn't going to be deleted, just improved upon. So basically, if you think it's good now, then it will get better. -- Ned Scott 06:32, 19 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Adult Swim in Russia
A few nights ago, I was watching Adult Swim when a bump was shown stating that they just "got off the phone with Russia" and that they were now going to show programming in Russia. Anyone hear anything else about this? --DevilSavior 22:14, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Adult Swim (UK) merge
- There is little content in the Adult Swim (UK) article that isn't already in Adult_Swim#United_Kingdom. There doesn't seem to be enough information to warrant a separate article. Do other people agree with a merger? Wickethewok 23:16, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- Merge. Essentially, they are the same block of TV shows with slight programming differences. Almost all the content of Adult Swim (UK) is already in the Adult Swim article, the merge should be easy. -- Emana 23:53, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- Pretty much all of the content was already here, so I went ahead and redirected it. Wickethewok 06:21, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Is it so much to ask...
...that the one night of the week dedicated to anime remain intact? For pete's sake people, this sh*t is getting old. Just for once couldn't the comedy people get the short end of the April Fool's Day stick, or would that be too much to ask? I know that anime people don't have the largest following on [AS], but I as far as I am concerned this is still a form of discrimination against anime viewers. 07:37, 1 April 2007 (UTC)
- Aparently, you and I share a similar mind set. I am really pissed that the highlight of my saturday night has been screwed over like this. And you're right: as far as I am concered, this is discrimination, plain and simple. TomStar81 (Talk) 07:43, 1 April 2007 (UTC)
- It's April Fool's. One night out of fify-two. If you seriously thought Williams Street would pass up a chance to troll anime fans, given a) they've done it before and b) it's perfect timing, you're as gullibile as they come. In other words, You Have Been Trolled. You Have Lost. Have A Nice Day. —TangentCube /c /t 14:21, 1 April 2007 (UTC)
- Hey guys this isn't the Adult Swim message boards, so how about you take your complaints over there. Is that so much to ask. ~ N1NJ4hippie —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 23:51, 1 April 2007 (UTC).