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An aisle is, in general, a space for walking with rows of seats on either side or with rows of seats on one side and a wall on the other. Aisles can be seen in certain types of buildings such as churches, synagogues, meeting halls, parliaments and legislatures, courtrooms, theatres, and in certain types of passenger vehicles.
Aisles can also be seen in shops, warehouses, and factories, where rather than seats they have shelving to either side. In warehouses and factories aisles may consist of storage pallettes and in factories aisles may separate work areas. In health clubs, exercise equipment normally is arranged in aisles.
Aisles are distinguished from corridors. hallways, walkways, sidewalks (British pavement or footpath), trails, paths and (enclosed) "open areas".
[edit] Typical physical characteristics
Aisles have certain general physical characteristics.
- Aisles are virtually always straight, not curved.
- Aisles are usually fairly long. An open space with three rows of chairs to the right and three to the left generally would not be considered an "aisle".
[edit] Width of various types of aisles
- Theaters, meeting halls, shops, etc., usually have aisles wide enough for 2-3 strangers to walk past each other without feeling uncomfortably close. In such facilities, anything that could comfortably accommodate more than 4 people side-by-side would generally be considered an "open area", rather than an "aisle".
- Supermarket aisles rarely are wide enough for 3 people to stand side-by-side.
- Factory work area aisles usually are wide enough for workers to comfortably sit or stand at their work area, while allowing safe and efficient movement of persons, equipment and/or materials.
- Vehicle aisles usually are quite narrow--wide enough for a large person to carry a suitcase in each hand but not wide enough for two people to pass side-by-side without touching. Usually, even without luggage one person must turn sideways in order for the other one to pass.
- Warehouse aisles normally are at least 8-10 feet (2.4-3 meters) wide, to allow use of mechanical loading equipment.
- Note that spaces between buildings, e.g., rows of storage sheds, would not be considered "aisles", even if the same amount of separation would be considered an aisle in a warehouse.
[edit] Architecture
An aisle in Bath Abbey, Bath, England. The aisle is lined with wooden seating (pews), the nave seating can be seen on the right. The roof of the aisle is fan-vaulted.
[edit] Cathedral architectureIn cathedral architecture, an aisle (also known as an isle, yle, or alley) is more specifically a passageway to either side of the nave that is separated from the nave by colonnades or arcades, a row of pillars or columns. Occasionally aisles stop at the transepts, but often aisles can be continued around the apse. Aisles are thus categorized as nave-aisles, transept-aisles or choir-aisles. A semi-circular choir with aisles continued around it, providing access to a series of chapels, is a chevet. In Gothic architecture, the roofs of the aisles are lower than that of the nave, allowing light to enter through clerestory windows. In Romanesque architecture, however, the roofs are at roughly equal heights, with those of the aisle being only slightly lower than that of the nave. In Germany, churches where the roofs of the aisles and nave are the same height, such as St. Stephen's, Vienna, the Wiesenkirche at Soest, St. Martin's, Landshut, and the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) in Munich are known as Hallenkirchen. Chichester Cathedral, Milan Cathedral, and Amiens Cathedral all have five aisles, and Antwerp Cathedral and Paris Cathedral have seven. Cordoba Cathedral has nineteen aisles. In the United Kingdom, cathedrals only have one aisle on each side, with Chichester Cathedral and Elgin Cathedral being the only two exceptions. In Japan, the aisle in a Western-style or Christian wedding ceremony, as followed by the bridal procession, is called the "virgin road". |
[edit] Supermarkets and retail stores
Supermarket checkout aisles
Food aisles are where goods are displayed. At the end of food aisles may be found crown end displays, where high-margin goods are displayed for impulse purchase. In retail stores that do not primarily sell food, aisles containing products would be referred to either generically as merchandise aisles, or by the particular products contained in the aisle, e.g., "the gardening aisle", "the sports equipment aisle". Checkout aisles contain cash registers at which customers make their purchases. Regardless of the type of merchandise the establishment sells, it is common to display a range of "impulse buy" items along the checkout aisle, such as cold beverages, magazines, and candy. [edit] SignageFor customer convenience, supermarkets and retail stores commonly number the aisles and have signs indicating both the aisle number and the types of products displayed in that aisle. Churches, courtrooms, legislatures, and meeting halls may identify individual rows, seats or sections but do not normally assign aisle numbers or display signs regarding aisles. |
[edit] Libraries
Libraries are commonly divided into several areas:
- Circulation desk
- Collections, areas where materials are grouped, e.g., Children's Collection. This may include book shelves, manuscripts, photos, etc.
- The "stacks", where books are shelved
- The Reference Room where materials with limited circulation are stored
- Public reading areas containing seats and desks
The spaces between rows of book shelves in the "stacks" area are called aisles and desks in the reading area are frequently arranged in rows with aisles.
[edit] Indoor theaters and concert halls
Movies, stage plays and musical concerts ordinarily are presented in a darkened facility so the audience can see the presentation better. To improve safety, often the edges of the aisles in such facilities are marked with a row of small lights. The markers frequently are strings of light-emitting diodes (LED's) because LED's are durable, have low power consumption and use low voltages that are not subject to electrical codes. To provide a higher level of light focused downward, lighting fixtures referred to as luminaires are often built into the side of the seat facing the aisle. |
[edit] Stadiums and outdoor arenas
Sport stadiums and outdoor arenas frequently have several types of aisles, including aisles to purchase tickets for events, aisles to enter the main event area and aisles to go to seating. Stadium seating routinely is separated into sections by aisles. Seating rows are accessed by stair steps. To promote safety, aisles commonly are divided by a handrail in the middle of the aisle.
[edit] Stables
In stables there is a stable aisle down the center with individual stalls facing the aisle. In the diagram in "Aisles and sections" below, the stable aisle would the center section marked "not considered an aisle", and the various boxes marked "AISLE 1a", etc., would be the stalls, with the animals facing into the aisle so they can see each other.
[edit] Aisles and sections
Large facilities are often divided into sections, with aisles in each section. The area separating the sections is normally not considered an "aisle".
[edit] Sections and marketing strategy
A common marketing practice is to put "staple" items furthest from the entrance and "discretionary" items closer.
For example in a supermarket, milk, meat and fresh vegetables would be located furthest from the entrance. The reasoning is that customers have to buy those items, so they will go to them wherever they are located. On the way there, they pass discretionary items they might not otherwise buy, such as magazines and cakes.
[edit] Health and fitness clubs
Health and fitness clubs that contain exercise equipment commonly group the equipment in categories by one or more criteria such as:
Manufacturer | Type of activity | Muscle group | Equipment type |
Equipment within a group will commonly be laid out in a row, e.g., all the arm equipment or all the cardio equipment or all the Nautilus equipment. The layout might be referred to as an aisle, ("This is the Nautilus aisle,") but is not called a "row".
[edit] Vehicles
Aisles are also found in vehicles that carry more than a few passengers, including buses, passenger trains, trolleys, subways, trams, passenger airplanes, ferries and passenger boats.
[edit] Aisle seats and window seats
In such vehicles, if a row has two or more seats side-by-side, seats bordering the aisle are called aisle seats and, if the passenger area has windows, seats next to a window are referred to as window seats. (If there are no windows, they are not referred to as "wall" seats.)
Aisle of a bus. |
Train car with windows and aisle seats on left. |
[edit] Safety and regulatory considerations
National and local government regulations require a minimum width for aisles in various building types. Regulatory agencies frequently inspect buildings, vehicles, etc., to enforce regulations requiring that aisles not be restricted. Inspectors have imposed fines for blocking or restricting passage when boxes or folding chairs are stored in aisles, for example. Insurance companies frequently have safety inspectors to examine the premises, both to determine whether insureds are complying with the insurer's requirements for coverage and to look for any practices that could lead to injury or property damage, including restricting passage in aisles.
The Americans with Disabilities Act sets certain standards for building access and other design considerations in all new construction and major renovations in the U.S.[1] An architectural barrier is any feature that makes access or use of a building difficult, unreasonably dangerous or impossible. This can include aisles that are too narrow for easy access by a wheelchair.[2] Often, the only way to get from a row of chairs, shelves, workstations, etc., to an exit is by an aisle. Over the years, many deaths and serious injuries have occurred due to fire, inhalation of smoke or noxious fumes, etc., because blocked or partially blocked aisles prevented persons from promptly leaving a dangerous area.
Regulations applicable to public carriers transporting passengers often require aisles to be completely clear in vehicles, such as airlines, buses and trains. Many insurance companies have requirements regarding minimum aisle width, unrestricted aisles and easy access to exits, and will refuse to insure companies that do not meet their requirements or will increase the premiums on companies that frequently violate the requirements.
[edit] Political terminology (U.S.)

In the United States, the two major political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are often referred to as "the two sides of the aisle".
[edit] Origin of the usage
Usage of the term "aisle" in this regard derives from the fact that in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives members' desks are arranged in the chamber in a semicircular pattern and the desks are divided by a wide central aisle. By tradition, Democrats sit on the right of the center aisle, while Republicans sit on the left, as viewed from the presiding officer's chair.
[edit] "Crossing the aisle"
A member of one party who votes for legislation supported by the other party and generally opposed by his own party is described as "crossing the aisle", i.e., "Five Democrats crossed the aisle and voted with the Republicans."
[edit] "Both sides of the aisle"
A proposed law that has bi-partisan support is said to be supported by "both sides of the aisle".
[edit] Other Usage
[edit] "Walking down the Aisle"
"Walking down the Aisle" is commonly used in American movies as a quick and alternative way of saying that he/she is getting married.
[edit] References
This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.
- "aisle". Catholic Encyclopaedia (on-line). (1907).
- Aisle. Language of the Food Industry: Glossary of Supermarket Terms. Food Marketing Institute. Retrieved on January 5, 2005.
- Step and Aisle Lights (Luminaires) page at
- Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
- ADA Small Business Guide
[edit] See also
- Cathedral diagram
- Soutra Aisle
- Wedding ("walking down the aisle")