Talk:Albiorix (moon)
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NASA gives the pronunciation as [AL-bee-or-icks]. Since pre-antepenultimate accents do not occur in English, they probably intended [AL-bee-OR-icks].
- Confirmed the pronunciation with the École druidique d'Helvétie in St-Aubin:
- Albio était accentué, sans qu'aucun doute soit possible, sur le i (bref). Le i de rix était long comme le e du rex latin. Il reste long au génitif rigos, mais devient bref et accentué dans l'irlandais rige (royauté) et rigain (reine).
- En composition, albio-rix, l'accent doit s'être logiquement placé sur la pénultième.
- [Albio was stressed, without any possible doubt, on the (short) i. The i of rix was long like the e of Latin rex. It stays long in the genitive rigos, but becomes short and stressed in the Irish rige (royalty) and rigain (queen).
- [As a compound, albio-rix, the stress must logically fall on the penultimate.]
- —kwami 01:51, 16 Apr 2005 (UTC)