Angloromani language
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Angloromani (literally "English Romany") is a language combining aspects of English and Romany. It has about 250,000 speakers, most of them living in the United Kingdom and the United States. Several thousand speakers of Angloromani live in Australia. It is possible that Angloromani has been spoken since the 16th century.
Lord's prayer sample text:
- Moro Dad, so see adre mi Duvelesko keri, te wel teero kralisom, too zee be kedo adre chik, jaw see adre mi Duvelesko keri. Del mendi kova divvus moro divvusly mauro, ta fordel mendi moro wafedo-kerimus, pensa mendi fordels yon ta kairs wafedo aposh mendi, ta lel mendi kek adre wafedo-kerimus. Jaw keressa te righer mendi avri wafedo. Jaw see ta jaw see.