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I deleted a sentence saying that "Anglo" for any white non-Hispanic is as erroneous as "Mexican" for any Hispanic. "Anglo" is to England roughly as "Hispanic" is to Spain, and thus "Anglo" can cover an American with no English ancestry (like me), just as "Hispanic" can cover a Guatemalan with no Spanish ancestry. The right analogy (but irrelevant to this article) would be that calling a Jewish American "English" would be like calling a Guatemalan "Mexican". However, I added a sentence (NPOV, I hope) about considering the term erroneous. JerryFriedman 23:01, 14 October 2005 (UTC)
What do you mean by "Jewish American",do they have real Israeli ancestry or going by their religion. Dudtz 1/13/06 9:56 PM EST
Same with Polish, Swedish, Italian and other non-English white Americans.-- 22:18, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
I have ancestry from a Spanish speaking country, but I will always consider myself Anglo, English is my first language, and my ONLY language. I am not Hispanic not matter what the census says