Answer Seizure Ratio
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In telecommunications, the Answer/Seizure ratio (ASR) is the number of successfully answered calls divided by the total number of calls attempted (seizures). Since busy signals and other rejections by the called number count as call failures, the calculated ASR value can vary depending on user behaviour.
The ASR is a measure of network quality defined in ITU SG2 Recommendation E.411: ‘International network management - Operational guidance’.
Its calculated by taking the number of successfully answered calls and dividing by the total number of calls attempted (seizures). Since busy signals and other rejections by the called number count as call failures, the calculated ASR value can vary depending on user behaviour.
NER = Network Efficiency Ratio
NER has been proposed as an addition to ITU E.411. It is designed to eliminate user behaviour as factor and better represent pure network performance.
Its calculated as: (Answers + User Busy + Ring No Answer + Terminal Rejects) / Total call attempts (seizures)