Anti-authoritarian upbringing
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Anti-authoritarian upbringing is an urban legend that deals with the supposed effects of the anti-authoritarian way of upbringing. It is widespread in some (Swiss-)German-speaking areas.
[edit] One version of the story
In a supermarket queue, a young mother and her son are waiting behind an aged woman. The aged woman silently suffers the naughty boy intentionally driving his heavy shopping cart against her Achilles heel multiple times, until she turns around and asks him to stop it.
But the boy continues and his mother plays deaf. The old lady gets angry and begs, "The boy crashes into my feet again and again, please stop him from doing that!" But the mother won´t understand, "One has to let this child act freely, it enjoys an anti-authoritarian upbringing." She doesn't want to blame her child.
Immediately after, a young man waiting in the queue right behind the mother and son picks a yogurt from his cart, opens it up and pours it out over the mother's head, commenting "I've been brought up anti-authoritarian, too." "Buy this yogurt on my account!" shouts an old man.
[edit] Variations
- The name of the supermarket can be Migros in Switzerland or Aldi in Germany and so forth.
- There is a version that takes place in a Vienna, Linz or Graz streetcar. The boy kicks the woman in the shins. The pouring of yogurt over the mother is replaced by spitting on her. The young man can be a girl around twenty, too.
- Yogurt can be honey or marmalade.