User talk:Ariley
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[edit] Re: Bazilika
According to the book Helyesírás, it is spelled with a hyphen. You don't write "Mátyás-templom" like "Mátyás Templom", do you? If you look up the word "templom" in the lexicon of the "Rules of Hungarian orthography", you can find this example: "Szent Péter-templom" with a hyphen, referring to section #168.
The spelling "Szent István Bazilika" would be correct if it were an institution like "Szent István Egyetem". But it's a church and churches (and other buildings) are never spelled that way. Adam78 23:13, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
I'm sorry, I don't really understand you. What is the point of reference for you about Hungarian orthography? Certain Church websites or the rules of orthography as published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences? Do you have the book "A magyar helyesírás szabályai"? If so, will you please look up its entry at "templom" (in its dictionary part, towards the end) and check for yourself what I wrote? Thank you so much in advance. Adam78 20:54, 17 August 2006 (UTC)