Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-10-18
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[edit] Highlands Elementary
[edit] jason walsh
[edit] wokademia
[edit] Gamma Phi Circus
[edit] Sources 00:35, 17 October 2006 (UTC) Gamma Phi Circus is the oldest collegiate circus in the United States. Illinois State University and Florida State University are the only two colleges to sponsor full-fledged circuses. Gamma Phi Circus is a coed fraternity which allows students to practice, perform, and participate in a performing arts organization. Along with providing fun for students, this fraternity also brings family entertainment to Bloomington-Normal and many other communities.
History of the Gamma Phi Circus The Gamma Phi Circus has been around for 77 years. It was founded in 1926 by a man named Clifford Horton, who was a gymnastics instructor for Illinois State University at the time. The fraternity Gamma Phi was then founded in 1929 and was dedicated to physical education, fitness, and gymnastics. The first circus performance was in 1931 on the Illinois State campus which is located in Bloomington-Normal, IL. The Bloomington-Normal community has had large ties to circuses since the 1880s, and it has served as a home to the Flying Wards and the Conciellos, both famous trapeze acts. In 1938, female members began to perform with the all male circus, and then the name was changed from Gamma Phi, to Gamma Phi Circus. These women were then elected into the organization in 1940. After graduating college, the circus alumni have gone on to perform in the Shrine Circuses, the Circus Kingdom, Roberts Brothers Circus, Kelly Brothers Circus, the Great American Circus, and the Circus Alleluia. They have also performed in places such as Disney World, Busch Gardens, Universal Studios, Great America, and the Club Med Resort.
Financial Aspects The Gamma Phi Circus is financed mainly by people that generate and work at the home performances. Not only do the “home shows” (a home show is the circus performance put on at Illinois State University) promote people to come see the circus, but there are also free exhibitions specifically designed to broadcast and publicize the talented students at Illinois State University. Many businesses and corporations also help with the cost of sponsoring the circus such as renting the arena, costumes, rehearsal areas, and advertising through TV and handing out brochures. Other than having sponsors, Gamma Phi Circus is completely self-supporting and all the money raised goes towards the organization. Therefore ticket sales are a major part of the fraternity’s funding.
Circus Participants Anyone can join the circus with a few necessary requirements. It can be any full time student or faculty member specializing in any field. The person does not need to have a gymnastics background. All that is asked of an applicant is that they must audition twice for two separate acts and be judged on their progress and skill development. Students will not only be judged by previous Gamma Phi members, but there will actually be circus judges that come to evaluate the newest members. Each new member has to be a member of the circus for a full year, and they must attend all practices, along with serve on a variety of committees. The group has a strong “togetherness” spirit, and it requires a lot of work to be a member. Practices are held at the Horton Field house on the ISU campus, starting at 7 p.m. The practice days depend on whether the participant joined during the fall or the spring. Student participants are not paid and receive very little academic credit for being a performer.
Shows Every April, Gamma Phi puts on their “home show” at Redbird Arena. A “home show” is a two hour long act, which usually consists of twenty or more acts (none of which have the use of animals) and typically the show pulls in an audience of over 16,000 fans. Gamma Phi performs twenty to thirty road shows and exhibitions each year for schools, businesses, and charities. Over the years this fraternity has accumulated over 90 cities to perform in throughout Illinois. Children of the ages 4-15 and their parents make up a large portion of Gamma Phi’s audience. This fraternity has a loyal fan base that attends their circus performances annually. Gamma Phi also does road show performances which have a large series of acts that last for about two hours. The road show performances are held outside the Bloomington/ Normal area and Gamma Phi is only available for a limited number of these each year. Exhibitions are another set of performances that Gamma Phi put on. These performances are usually forty-five minutes in length and will include floor acts. These floor acts are along the lines of aero sport, globes, unicycles, chair balancing, juggling, ect. Exhibition shows are usually put on for school assemblies and open houses.
Circus Acts Action packed with live entertainment, Gamma Phi Circus gives high energy performances. Gamma Phi performs the main circus acts that many other circuses are carrying out today. Fire eating, fire blowing, trapeze, tight wire, tumbling, skating, trampoline, juggling, hand balancing, hair and neck hang, unicycles, and vaulting are many of the acts that are put on for audiences during the show. Also performed by the Gamma Phi Circus is the German wheel, the aerial hoop, women’s rings, swinging ladders, Russian swing, and the teeterboard. Along with the many tricks, clowns are key for putting on a great show.
[edit] The State Netball Hockey Centre, Melbourne, Australia
[edit] Alfred University
The ending of confidentiality in the family courts is a welcome forward step. But, of itself, the removal of confidentiality does not alter anything. Its effect is to allow things which are unaltered (the existing legal system) to be observed. Legal process, legal institutions and case outcomes will remain unchanged. In theory, their functioning will be ‘revealed’; in practice, if critics of the system are right, the main observable shift will be from a system which cannot be understood because it cannot be seen, to a system which can be seen – but still cannot be understood , because it is incomprehensible. This may in due course provide a basis for a more-informed debate. Eventually the plans announced today may become a prelude to constructive proposals.
Thereafter, perhaps work might start – on a problem which has already been solved.
The seminal reforms, which everyone seeks, have already been devised, agreed, announced, funded - and passed for implementation by the Government in 2003. They still lie fallow.
These same reforms would already have introduced the long-overdue new model for the family courts. These measures, endorsed by the legal profession at senior level and approved by the Government, were killed in Whitehall without Ministerial knowledge. The blueprint for these modifications remains in existence – fully articulated, fully-costed, fully-detailed, fully-endorsed, with an agreed management team geared to deliver the requisite procedural changes within nine months from start-up. The suborning of this agreed professional reform is documented, beyond gainsay, in the professional journals; in the broadsheets; in Ministerial correspondence; in judicial pronouncements; in departmental records, letters and email; and in Hansard. Someone should be told.
How could a programme of orderly change supported by the High Court judiciary and endorsed by the Government simply ‘go missing’ in Whitehall? The June 2004 Green Paper, Parental Separation, expressly announced these same measures and the underlying principles on which they were based. Parliamentary time was set aside for the Children and Adoption Bill 2005 to enact them.
But, without the Government knowing, the Green Paper was subverted before it was published. The Children and Adoption Act 2006 was stillborn. It was designed to deliver a series of measures - killed three years before.
The history of this misadventure is bound up in the fate of the seminal NATC Early Interventions pilot project. On 8 October 2003 the detailed proposals for this project it were submitted to Whitehall, after 8 years in development, on a wave of unprecedented professional support. As recited in Family Law 835 (November 2004) the project had the approval of the President, High Court Family judiciary, the Family Law Bar Association, parenting groups and - vitally - the leading child development consultants. It was no surprise that, in October ‘03, the NATC EI project received Ministerial approval from the DCA’s Lord Filkin. The funds to implement this flagship project were located in the DfES. EI was passed to the DfES for implementation.
In accordance with usual timescales, the inaugural meeting of the DfES Design Team to process the new measures happened some five months later, on 17 March 2004. The chair was Mavis Maclean CBE. It was at this stage that finely-honed NATC EI theory should have been translated into institutional practice.
But, by that stage, the EI reform had already been utterly destroyed. Work on the EI project was stopped before it started. The project was stifled pre-birth. Neither Mavis Maclean nor (with a single exception) anyone else on the Design Team had significant knowledge of the NATC EI project. The Design Team was not told about it. Scrutiny of the 17 March 2004 minutes confirms the NATC Early Interventions project was not mentioned - then or later. Nor was the NATC. Nor was the Early Interventions project. The EI project was never discussed. The Design Team jettisoned 8 years of specialist development work, without being aware of it, starting its labours anew, from scratch, on a blank sheet of paper. On 19 April ‘04 it emerged that the NATC EI documentation had been mislaid by the DfES before the Design Team met. On 29 April ‘04 it transpired that the EI documentation was never read.
Appointments to the DfES Design Team had been on the basis of hand-picked ignorance of the NATC EI principles. But, since EI was then a dominant topic in family law, this meant that those on the Design Team knew little of the practicalities of family law litigation. The Design Team’s outsiders had their work cut out merely to arrive at an approximate understanding of what the existing legal system was – and, in due course, that was re-rolled out, instead, as the finished project. This was the misbegotten Family Resolutions project interposed for EI. Since this new Family Resolutions system was all but an identical to the existing legal system, in proportion as it was rolled out, Family Resolutions disappeared.
Two officials were involved in the Whitehall process of substitution, one from CAFCASS, the other a child protection specialist. The latter had sole charge of the EI project within the DfES during the crucial period from October ‘03 to March ‘04 - when EI went in, and Family Resolutions started to come out. This individual, whose identity is well-known, knew nothing about Private Law family law disputes. He assumed that the law was what everyone would like it to be, which is the opposite of what it actually is. To his DfES way of thinking (and he declined advice) it followed that the framework which the NATC EI project would have implemented was already in force. So the EI project was superfluous. It could simply be ignored. And, by the same token, the reforms implicit in EI could be announced as the readymade platform of existing policy - on which the other Green Paper proposals could be built. These measures, similarly founded on nothing, have also disappeared.
The well-worn Whitehall adage applied: ‘It is truth universally acknowledged that the best way to take control of a project is to get rid of anyone who knows anything about it’. The DfES lead dispensed with the EI project originators and anyone with meaningful involvement with the EI project. He set up the Mavis Maclean ad hoc Design Team to have a go at ‘whatever the project was’ in this area. This is a direct quote. He colluded with CAFCASS to swap EI for the Fam Res spoiler wanted by CAFCASS. But ‘Family Resolutions’ was not a project. It existed merely as a two-word name. It was a CAFCASS idea - to think of an idea. It is probable the proposal had not generated one side of A4 prior to its adoption as the official project slated for national roll-out.
An awkward problem throughout the process of substitution, from October ‘03 up until the project’s launch and incipient demise as Family Resolutions in September ‘04, was that the approved project was actually EI. For months the lead civil servant, repeatedly put to the point, issued misstatements and false assurances to Ministers and legal professionals that he was still progressing the measures and principles in the NATC EI project. He said that the same project was being carried forward: only the name (‘Family Resolutions’) had been changed. These same assurances were relayed by Ministers to the House and to the Press. Both were misled. The mistake was embodied in the June 2004 Green Paper. The civil servant (who seems to have been indulged in a similar escapade relating to another family law sector) was later subject to an ‘internal investigation’ by his Permanent Secretary, Sir David Normington, who cleared him of all wrong-doing on 19 September 2005 .
The upshot of these events is that both departments – the DCA and the DfES – are now unsighted. When the DCA passed the NATC EI project to the DfES in late 2003, it relinquished control over proposals to remodel the family court system – so much so, that DCA officials have yet to hear, for instance, that Family Resolutions has failed. For three years now, the DCA has countered representations on the EI/Fam Res fiasco with the response that it is not worth letting DCA Ministers know. Family court reform is a DfES responsibility.
The DfES was never interested in the workings of the family courts. It is not something it knows about. Its officials do know what happened to Fam Res and EI., but to put things right would be to admit that things had gone wrong. The upshot is a DfES strategy to prevent the restarting of useful work. Departmental damage-limitation succeeded to the extent that Lord Adonis the next Minister (there have been several) had no inkling that anything was wrong until the day he first presented the Children and Adoption Bill to Parliament on 12 October 2005. Whitehall-funded research (RR720) on the history of the Family Resolution debacle, conducted by the obliging Professor Trinder, similarly contrived to turn a blind eye. The Constitutional Affairs Committee, which deliberated on Section 8 reforms and the fate of the NATC EI project from October ‘04 to February ‘05, was likewise stage-managed by Whitehall staffers. The prime witness (the NATC) was excluded.
The problem of ‘what to do next’ is rather delicate. The wheel, after all, has already been invented. There is no pressing need to waste decades, and billions of pounds, trying to re-invent family law reform or tinker at the margins. A modest first step may be to put Harriet Harman in the picture. Everything above will be news to her.
This history of dire mismanagement is explained away on various conflicting grounds. All are bogus. First, it is said that Fam Res is an ‘adaptation’ of the NATC EI project. This is untrue. The two projects are opposites. Second, that the NATC project was replaced after a period of ‘consideration’. But the EI project was never considered. The papers were merely thrown away. Third, that the EI project was not designed for the British judicature. But it was designed for, by and with, British legal experts and British judges. Fourth, that the EI project never existed. Fifth, an odd red herring, called the ‘Florida project’, is wheeled into uncertain play. But there was no Florida project. And so on.
[edit] Biography of Craig Stanton
[edit] Simon Geldenhuys
[edit] Grand Rabbi Menachem Josef Heimlich from Karad and Rebbe in Miskolc
Rabbi Mendel Korader zt"l was born the first night of passover in a village called Bogash near Deretske to his father Rabbi Nuchem Heimlich the Shochet of Kemetche the son of Rabbi Moshe heimlich zt"l the dayan of Beregsaz togther with the Kol ariah the Grand Rabbi of Bergsaz both close students of the great Chasam Sofer of Preshburg.
The mother of r' Nuchem was the tzadeikes Esther the daughter of the great tzadik Rabbi Aharon Poticker the step son of the Great Grand Rebbe of Kaliv Rabbi Isaac Taub that was the first to practice chasidus in Hungary.
Rebbe Mendel was famous throut the jewish and chasddic community in Hungary he perrished in the Holocaust together with thousands of followers and was berryd in a mass grave in kaufboyren germany near Munich.
even the non jewish residents of Miskolc were gratefull to have living in the community this great man and they expressed once that Miskolc in its glory is all the great Rebbe Mendel.
to understand how the chasidic community was connected to R'Mendel will quote how 1 on the holocaust survivors of Miskolc expressed himself "we knew we had a own Synagouge a own shocet and a R' mendel Korader.
[edit] Sources
The book Toldos Menachem Yosef of Miskolc 01:41, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sandra Sanchez
Sandra Sanchez is a TV host who currently hosts on Fuel TV. She hosts NuMuTu (short for New Music Tuesdays) in which she introduces new music videos and she also acts as the music news host on The Daily Habit. The Daily Habit is hosted by Pat Parnell.
Sandra was born in Washington, DC and grew up on Capitol Hill. She moved to Los Angeles in 1198 to pursue a degree from The University of Southern California.
Sandra's first TV appearance was during the summer of 2003 when she appeared in 20 episodes of MTV's hidden camera show "Burned". The show still airs internationally. Since then she has also hosted on shows for The National Lampoon Network and Starz!
Most recently Sandra co-hosted an online show for CBS's Innertube, called "Greek to Chic". During the 10 episodes Sandra visited fraternity houses around the nation and helped fraternity members with a makeover.
[edit] Sources 01:46, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Lesser Wax Moth
[edit] Untitled submission
[edit] Arconium
Arconium is a mysterious metal that when chemically combined with carbonate is indistructable.
[edit] Sources
Eureka television show episode 4 01:55, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Wyndham Vacation Ownership
Wyndham Vacation Ownership (WVO) is the largest Vacation Ownership or Timeshare company as they acquired Fairfield Resorts after the spinoff of Fairfield Resorts from Cendant. Wyndham has been looking at entering the timeshare industry since the early 2000's and their goal was accomplished on October 12, 2006 when the final announcement was made.
WVO comprises of Fairfield Resorts and Trendwest Vacation ownership and with the capital and assets, WVO will become the largest timeshare company as measured by te number of vacation ownership resorts, vacation ownership units and vacation ownership interests. At present, WVO owns more than 140 resort properties across North America and South Pacific.
WVO is supported by more than 14,000 employees globally and is headquartered in Orlando, Florida.
Wyndham Vacation Ownership | |
Type | Vacation Ownership / Timeshare |
Founded | Orlando, FL |
Headquarters | North America & South Pacific |
Area served | North America & South Pacific |
Industry | Hotel and Accomodation |
Products | Timeshare development and membership based |
Employees | 14,000 |
Parent | Wyndham |
Website | |
Fairfield Resorts will be migrating over to the new name soon. |
[edit] Sources
Skewe 01:55, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] justin ngai
[edit] The Spirit Level
The Spirit Level is a collection of poetry written by Seamus Heaney. Written after winning the Nobel Prize in 1995. This collection was also written after his parent's deaths. This collection of poetry recieved the Whitford Book of the Year award.
[edit] Sources
- 02:51, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] le volume etait au maximum
At this point, you may have heard a rumor going around, about a new punk rock band with splendid melodies and a new sound. Drawing influences from what’s best from the past, from The Queers, The Ramones, Screeching Weasel, The Lillingtons to Helen Love and The Beach Boys, Le Volume Était Au Maximum propels it in the future all the while sending Québec’s youth on the dance floors. The retro-futurism of LVEAM takes the aspect of a multi-sensory cotton candy and breaks all the standards. Initially analyzed then checked empirically in PAF! Disques laboratories by the insane scientist Johnny Love, LVEAM’s sound brings about new sensations converted into electric pulses which will make you feel the purest expression of your love.
Le Volume Était Au Maximum does not make any concession with quality, which did not prevent Johnny Love, the only brain behind the project, from recording and produce in its laboratory, no less than five albums in the last few years, all appearing on PAF! Disques. The most recent album, FILLES DE L'ESPACE, was unanimously greeted by all the mentally sane critics and the album’s singles appear advantageously in the most important hit parades.
Le Volume Était Au Maximum is a remedy against all the evils of the modern world. Each day, the group recruits new followers allured by a truth which they did not know. Stop seeking the new sensation, it as arrived. 1-2-3-GO!
[edit] Sources 03:01, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Yeshivah High School of the Twin Cities
The Yeshivah High School of the Twin Cities opened in 2006 . It is a yeshivah, a Jewish religious school, for high school age students located in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. The Rosh Yeshivah is Rabbi Chaim Friedman, and the Director is Rabbi Mottel Friedman. Rabbi Chaim Friedman was previously the Rosh Yeshivah of the Lubavitch Yeshivah in Arizona. Rabbi Mottel Friedman was on the faculty of the Lubavitch Yeshivah of Minnesota. Both yeshivahs have since dissolved, and the two brothers came together to found a new one. The facility has a dormitory and they accept students from anywhere in the world.
[edit] Sources 03:06, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Stacy Wei
[edit] Ferdie Flores
[edit] Akbaruddin Owaisi
![]() |
Born | 14 June 1970 Hyderabad, India |
Constituency | Chandrayangutta, Andhra Pradesh | |
Political party | All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen | |
Children | 1 Son And 1 Daughter | |
As of October 17, 2006 |
Akbaruddin Owaisi (June 14, 1970) is an Indian politician and a member of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly for the last 8 years from Chandrayangutta Assembly constituency in old city. He was born in Hyderabad.
[edit] Early life
He did schooling at Hyderabad Public School, and St. Mary's Junior College, Hyderabad.
[edit] Political Debut
Akbarduddin made his political debut into the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly from the Chandrayangutta constituency by defeating his nearest rival Amanullah Khan Founder of Majlis Bachao Tehreek a break-away group of All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen with a margin of more then 10000 votes. He is the floor leader of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly. He is also the Managing director of Owaisi Hospital.
[edit] Sources
[edit] External links
Littleowaisi 05:12, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Footage Productions
Footage Productions is a video production studio located in Lawrence, KS. Locally owned and operated by Josh Dubois, Chris Farris and Dustin Schere, Footage Productions past clients include;, Rock Chalk Review, Relgnition Records and Superdrag. For more information about Footage Productions visit
[edit] Sources
Footage Productions 05:20, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] HEIFER
The intro page to this site says it all …. “Turn your speakers up … Loud!” and then the music begins …
“Played loud enough and it feels like a herd of the buggers have just run over you” – Ross Clelland, The Drum Media
The band’s founding members, brothers Andy and Reuben Love, grew up in the cattle-farming town of Casino, in the North East corner of the state of New South Wales, on the Australian east coast.
“Every afternoon after school, we’d do our best to play louder and heavier than the day before!” says guitarist Andy. “Reuben bashed the hell out of the drums. The neighbours loved us!!”
Fast forward to Sydney, 1998 when vocalist Rob Smith completed the Heifer line up, after Matt Lyon and Cliff Newman had previously filled the roles of bassist and second guitarist respectively. The result? A high energy, contrasting blend of hardcore punk, big-lunged rock and metal, with a smattering of odd time signatures, that you can’t help but be affected by.
Think Audioslave meets System of a Down at a Sex Pistols gig!
Heifer’s first major break came less than 2 years later when, after recording their debut EP “Mark Mark”, national Australian radio station Triple J added the title track to their playlist. The public response was overwhelming and it was soon after put on high rotation. The EP received widespread critical acclaim, spending 5 weeks in the Australian Independent Top 20 Chart, reaching the number 8 spot.
For over a year, “Mark Mark”, with its crunching guitars and Thai lyrics, was one of the most downloaded Australian mp3’s on the internet. The video clip was screened regularly on the national video program “Rage”.
“Without a doubt the best EP from an up-and-coming band I have ever heard”. – Daniel Paterson, Wall of Sound, AIR-FM.
Heifer’s second release, the single/CD-Rom “Go”, released November 2001, received more critical acclaim, and even more widespread coverage, and the band’s national fan base continued to grow.
"Go is all the tonic anyone needs as a heart starter. No lame pop punk here or tenth rate aggro metal. This is just the highest of high energy rock action." - Murray Engleheart, The Drum Media.
"...A blitzkrieg of energetic guitar riff work coupled with an up-tempo bass line...infinitely catchy. An impressive effort...the future is going to be loud, very loud." -
“The Cow-boys rip in with some style again.” - Ross Clelland, The Drum Media
Heifer has shared stages with many prominent Australian bands such as Grinspoon, The Screaming Jets, and Superheist among many others, as well as breaking venue attendance records at their own headline shows. Yet again, the critics’ jaws have dropped ….
“…a massive, burly rock/punk guitar sound … a scalding vocal … a raw, rumbling bass and drum alliance … there were no weak moments in this gratingly mega-taut performance.” - Domenica Acitelli, Revolver.
Heifer front man Rob Smith puts their live success down to being “very passionate about what we do, and the things we have to say in our music (but) we also like to take the piss a little, and have a bit of fun on stage.”
“We just do what we do with a shit-load of energy and passion, and that energy just seems to get through to people” says Rob. “I think it’s because we honestly believe in what we are doing, and we give it everything we’ve got”.
[edit] Sources 05:22, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] iWEBTOOL
iWebTool (commonly known as iWEBTOOL) is a webmaster-related website. iWEBTOOL appeared in the early year of 2006, growing at a fast rate, the website overtook most of its competition such as The website provides tools for people who own websites and are wanting to find out more information about their website. For example, one of the tools located at iWEBTOOL is called Rank Checker, this tool examines a given website and produces a description to match the website accordingly.
[edit] Sources 05:46, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Near decomposability
Near decomposability is a property and component of the idea that all processes, ever, can be explained in terms of different levels, above and below. For example, physics may study how atoms interact, but atoms can be broken down into smaller components and likewise assembled to make bigger things. Near decomposability says that a level is describable and contained by the level above or below it, but it has some features which may be independent of other levels. If the levels were entirely dependent, then the only thing that you would need to study would be the basic building blocks of everything. Practically speaking, this would be too unconstrained and difficult to accomplish. More theoretically, meaning would be lost with each level of description that is removed. Emergent properties become obvious when they previously were not. It makes more sense to study the emergent property of “human consciousness” at the level of psychology, or whatever the level that consciousness first makes its appearance. Although human consciousness can be described at the level of biology in theory, critical meaning will be lost here.
[edit] Sources
Simon, H.A. (1998). Discovering explanations. Minds and Machines, 8(1), 7-37. 05:50, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sam Mraovich
Director, screenwriter, film producer, actor. Wrote and directed his first film "Ben and Arthur" at age 24. Also appeared in another film "Steve's Hollywood Story" which he directed and wrote. Sam holds a Real Estate license in California as well as Barbering and Cosmetology license. He is currently finishing a bachelor degree in business at a university in California. He is a strong supporter of the marriage movement for gay and lesbian men and women in California, raising over $100,000 over a few years for the cause. Sam has two residences, one in State College, Pennsylvania and a second in Los Angeles, California in a suburb Studio City. Sam has two brothers and two sisters. His parents, Sam and Pat, have been married for 35 years. Sam is also working on getting ferrets legalized in California.
[edit] Sources 06:54, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ben and Arthur
American independent film directed and written by Sam Mraovich. Story plot progression: The two main characters, Ben and Arthur, gay lovers wanting to marry. Arthur's brother, Victor, a very strong religious man, plots to kill Ben and Arthur after many failed attempts to get his brother to not be with Ben. Although a small budget film, the distribution of it is on mainstream websites such as; Netflix; Barns and Noble, Borders; Amazon; Turner Classic Movies; as well as many others. Produced in 2002. Also starring Jamie Brett Gabel, Julie Belknap, and Arthur Huber.
[edit] Sources 07:00, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] content-centric
[edit] Guy Dufour
Guy Dufour (born March 14,1987) is a Belgian football(soccer) player who currently play as a midfielder for [FC Volendam]. He had been playing for [PSV Eindhoven] from 2001 to 2006 and was the PSV Jong(reserves) captain. He was given the shirt no.32 in the start of 05/06 season but unable to gain a place in the first team. He was sold to FC Volendam in July 2006. The contract will last until the end of 07/08 season. Image:Http:// Eindhoven Image:Http:// for FC Volendam
[edit] Sources
Iamlouisa 07:22, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Carmel School Kuwait
Established in 1969, this is one of the best schools in Kuwait. For more details please check the referal website. This is a website regarding the establishment and the existence of Carmel School Kuwait
[edit] Sources 08:10, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Bauhinia School
[edit] Sources Offical ESF Bauhinia primary page 10:06, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Introduction
ESF Bauhinia school is a primary school in Hong Kong. ESF Bauhinia school is one of the newest school of ESF. The site of this school is an other old school called Christian International school. There is a new site for this school, bound to be opened at January 2008 at Discovery Bay at Hong Kong.
[edit] Nameing
The school is named after the symbal flower of Hong Kong.
[edit] Uniform
Bauhinia school has striped ( blue, green and white ) shirt. There are short pants for summer, long pants for winter. Navy Blue colored. For PE, they have Green shirt. There are also caps for PE.
[edit] Ipod Widescreen Video
The Ipod Widescreen yet to be released, is most likly to come out in febuary. Recent claims belive that its release will be in early November but there is nothing to prove this.
The speculations come from that Apple has notified its distributors that its high-end 60GB iPod is "at risk" until the end of April, meaning it could be discontinued and/or replaced. Experts belive that the new ipod will have a touch screen which enables there to be a imposed click wheel, it also is belived to have blue tooth headphones.
[edit] Sources
t3 - 11:46, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources 12:39, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Miles Christian Daniels is a documentary filmmaker and syndicated columnist living in New York City. A former staff writer for the Virginian-Pilot, Daniels' columns on LGBT issues have appeared in newspapers and magazines including Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Baltimore Sun and Houston Chronicle. His documentary film, "Dixie Queen," chronicles the life of North Carolina drag queen, Tara Nicole, and stars Lady Bunny. The film premiered at the 2004 New York Gay and Lesbian Film Festival and has been screened at festivals and independent film venues in Atlanta, Nashville, Omaha, Seattle and Washington, D.C.
SOURCES: 1.) NEW YORK TIMES: 2.) IMDB: 3.) NATIONAL FILM NETWORK: 4.) Scripps Howard News Service: 5.) Hartley Film Foundation: 6.) Seattle Times:
[edit] Laura in the Jungle
[edit] Illinois State Gamma Phi Circus
Gamma Phi Circus is the oldest collegiate circus in the United States. Illinois State University and Florida State University are the only two colleges to sponsor full-fledged circuses. Gamma Phi Circus is a coed fraternity which allows students to practice, perform, and participate in a performing arts organization. Along with providing fun for students, this fraternity also brings family entertainment to Bloomington-Normal and many other communities.
History of the Gamma Phi Circus The Gamma Phi Circus has been around for 77 years. It was founded in 1926 by a man named Clifford Horton, who was a gymnastics instructor for Illinois State University at the time. The fraternity Gamma Phi was then founded in 1929 and was dedicated to physical education, fitness, and gymnastics. The first circus performance was in 1931 on the Illinois State campus which is located in Bloomington-Normal, IL. The Bloomington-Normal community has had large ties to circuses since the 1880s, and it has served as a home to the Flying Wards and the Conciellos, both famous trapeze acts. In 1938, female members began to perform with the all male circus, and then the name was changed from Gamma Phi, to Gamma Phi Circus. These women were then elected into the organization in 1940. After graduating college, the circus alumni have gone on to perform in the Shrine Circuses, the Circus Kingdom, Roberts Brothers Circus, Kelly Brothers Circus, the Great American Circus, and the Circus Alleluia. They have also performed in places such as Disney World, Busch Gardens, Universal Studios, Great America, and the Club Med Resort.
Financial Aspects The Gamma Phi Circus is financed mainly by people that generate and work at the home performances. Not only do the “home shows” (a home show is the circus performance put on at Illinois State University) promote people to come see the circus, but there are also free exhibitions specifically designed to broadcast and publicize the talented students at Illinois State University. Many businesses and corporations also help with the cost of sponsoring the circus such as renting the arena, costumes, rehearsal areas, and advertising through TV and handing out brochures. Other than having sponsors, Gamma Phi Circus is completely self-supporting and all the money raised goes towards the organization. Therefore ticket sales are a major part of the fraternity’s funding.
Circus Participants Anyone can join the circus with a few necessary requirements. It can be any full time student or faculty member specializing in any field. The person does not need to have a gymnastics background. All that is asked of an applicant is that they must audition twice for two separate acts and be judged on their progress and skill development. Students will not only be judged by previous Gamma Phi members, but there will actually be circus judges that come to evaluate the newest members. Each new member has to be a member of the circus for a full year, and they must attend all practices, along with serve on a variety of committees. The group has a strong “togetherness” spirit, and it requires a lot of work to be a member. Practices are held at the Horton Field house on the ISU campus, starting at 7 p.m. The practice days depend on whether the participant joined during the fall or the spring. Student participants are not paid and receive very little academic credit for being a performer.
Shows Every April, Gamma Phi puts on their “home show” at Redbird Arena. A “home show” is a two hour long act, which usually consists of twenty or more acts (none of which have the use of animals) and typically the show pulls in an audience of over 16,000 fans. Gamma Phi performs twenty to thirty road shows and exhibitions each year for schools, businesses, and charities. Over the years this fraternity has accumulated over 90 cities to perform in throughout Illinois. Children of the ages 4-15 and their parents make up a large portion of Gamma Phi’s audience. This fraternity has a loyal fan base that attends their circus performances annually. Gamma Phi also does road show performances which have a large series of acts that last for about two hours. The road show performances are held outside the Bloomington/ Normal area and Gamma Phi is only available for a limited number of these each year. Exhibitions are another set of performances that Gamma Phi put on. These performances are usually forty-five minutes in length and will include floor acts. These floor acts are along the lines of aero sport, globes, unicycles, chair balancing, juggling, ect. Exhibition shows are usually put on for school assemblies and open houses.
Circus Acts Action packed with live entertainment, Gamma Phi Circus gives high energy performances. Gamma Phi performs the main circus acts that many other circuses are carrying out today. Fire eating, fire blowing, trapeze, tight wire, tumbling, skating, trampoline, juggling, hand balancing, hair and neck hang, unicycles, and vaulting are many of the acts that are put on for audiences during the show. Also performed by the Gamma Phi Circus is the German wheel, the aerial hoop, women’s rings, swinging ladders, Russian swing, and the teeterboard. Along with the many tricks, clowns are key for putting on a great show.
[edit] Sources 13:06, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Writing to Entertain
Follows the below to help you write an entertaining piece:
- Capture your reader's interest from the very beginning and hold on to it
- Write with a reason and make it quite passionate
- Write about things people can relate to as people enjoy reading this
- Use the 'behind' description to control your piece of writing and make this follow through
- Make the reader fell as if they are part of the story
- Make sure you plan your piece before you write
- Use who, what, where and why
- Use traditional writing techniques and a specific style
- Always include a narrative
- Work out an interesting theme
- Make sure your piece is coherent and unified
- Use the correct dialogue for each character
- Create a mood and atmosphere that helps the reader feel as if they are there
- Never describe events pointlessly
- Use senses and give a personal touch to each character
- Use similies and metaphors to etch into the reader's imagination
- Finally use precise vocabulary and sensory images
Source: -14:20 17/10/2006
[edit] bob and earl
[edit] Grímur Rúnar Lárusson
[edit] Virtual MU
VirtualMU | |
Developer(s) | Babis Marapidis, "SiLvER" |
Designer(s) | Babis Marapidis, "SiLvER" |
Latest version | v0.79 - Open-beta |
Release date(s) | July 2006 |
Genre(s) | MMORPG |
Mode(s) | Multiplayer |
Platform(s) | Web browser |
VirtualMU is a free text/browser based online role playing game created by a Greek web developer, Babis Marapidis, knowns as SiLvER on the internet. The game was release on July of 2006 as a beta and the official gameserver is still running in open-beta since most of the planned game features are being developed and implented. Today, 7/16/06, The official high-rate gameserver currently has currently around 600 registered accounts.
[edit] Story
The game world is based on James Churchward's book The Lost Continent of Mu. Mu is one of the continents that supposedly vanished under the seas, like Lemuria and Atlantis.
[edit] Gameplay
- Beginning
When a user creates a character he can select between 3 classes, elf, wizard and knight. It is planned that two more class will be added: Lord and Magic gladiator. Character's attacking speed, strength and energy depends or the character's statistics reffered as "stats". When a character beats a monsters "experience" is gained, when the characters reachers a certain level it levels up and gains level up points/stats which can be used to incease the character's stats.
- Quests
During playing the game you will have to complete different quest. At the moment only one very basic quest is implented, when you finish this quest your class will be changed from Wizard => Soul master, Knight => Blade Knight and Elf => Muse elf. Future Quests are going to be about findning items, killing certain monsters or amount or monsters and generally providing service to people, of course user's through quests will collect money and rare items.
- In-game exchange currency
The exchange currency in this game is called "zen", name taken from MU Online. When you begin the game you have an amount of 50.000 zen which you can use to buy basic weapons and armour. Zen can be traded between players to buy or sell items. Zen is also collected when a monsters is beaten(this is still in development). For the official launch, it is planned to be re-names.
[edit] Sources
The official website, from the about section ( Personal knowledge, I am a developer & staff member. 15:31, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] MRTFB / Major Range Test Facility Base
Major Range and Test Facility Base [MRTFB] The Major Range and Test Facility Base [MRTFB] is a set of test installations, facilities, and ranges which are regarded as "national assets." These assets are sized, operated, and maintained primarily for DoD test and evaluation missions. However, the MRTFB facilities and ranges are also available to commercial and other users on a reimbursable basis. Oversight of the MRTFB is performed by the Office of the Director for Test, Systems Engineering, and Evaluation, Resources and Ranges.
In 1971, DoD recognized that large military test facilities represented national assets and were required to support development and deployment of U.S. warfighting capabilities. DoD established the MRTFB management concept to provide coordination among the major facilities, promote multi-Service use, reduce unnecessary duplication of assets and establish budgetary priorities at the Department level. Each of the above MRTFB members were selected because of unique test and evaluation (T&E) assets needed to ensure proper T&E support for U.S. Military weapon systems developers.
DoD established special oversight for the MRTFB and specific management procedures that incorporate uniform management and pricing policies. This fosters joint use by all Services, and eliminates unwarranted duplication. T&E is a DoD mission where all Service facilities are managed for joint use. Last year, Congress directed that MRTFB facilities be made more accessible to commercial users through reduced charges. This also will increase utilization of T&E facilities. Since users of the MRTFB pay for and are the only source of funding for all direct costs of test services, the size of the MRTFB work force is self-regulating.
The MRTFB is a national asset that shall be sized, operated, and maintained primarily for DoD T&E support missions, but also be available to all users having a valid requirement for its capabilities. The MRTFB consists of a broad base of T&E activities managed and operated under uniform guidelines to provide T&E support to DoD Components responsible for developing or operating materiel and weapon systems.
T&E programs are structured to integrate all developmental T&E, operational T&E, live-fire T&E, and modeling and simulation activities conducted by different agencies as an efficient continuum. All such activities shall be part of a strategy to provide information on risk and risk mitigation, to provide empirical data for validation of models and simulations, to permit an assessment of the attainment of technical performance specifications and system maturity, and to determine whether systems are operationally effective, suitable, and survivable for the intended use. The MRTFB is part of the National Test Facilities Base and is a national asset that exists primarily to provide T&E information for DoD decision makers and to support T&E needs of DoD research programs and weapon system development programs.
Other U.S. Government Agencies (Federal, State and local) and allied foreign governments, and defense contractors may be permitted to use the MRTFB. Private organizations and commercial enterprises may use the MRTFBs as authorized by Congress and any subsequent policy from the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology (USD(A&T)). A commercial enterprise is defined as any U.S. commercial user (a profit-making organization or individual), or a non-Government-sponsored university. MRTFB commanders are to ensure that they are not competing with U.S. private industry in providing services to commercial users or non-DoD Government users. The use of MRTFB facilities by private organizations and commercial enterprises shall not increase the cost to the Department to operate the MRTFBs and shall not be factored into the decision-making process for sizing and maintaining the T&E infrastructure.
[edit] Sources 15:37, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Nicholas Slavin Nicholas Slavin was born in 1990 to a Nancy Schaefer, in Germany. He aspires to be just like Daron Malakian, who he admires greatly, even reveres him as a hero. Nick was always just a little bit smarter than all the other kids his age. At the age of 6 he built his first computer and started playing guitar. He currently lives in Salmon Idaho and works building computers. He is currently a guitarist/vocalist in a aspiring band. No one is sure what Nicholas will do in the future, but we can obviously expect great thing from him.
[edit] Sources
The Slavin History Monument 15:57, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pastor Gino Jennings
The Beginning of the Ministry of Pastor Gino N. Jennings By Bro. Daniel Thompson
As the purpose of the Almighty God concerning this world unfolds, He has allowed a man to be born. That man's life has been controlled and directed by God himself. At the appointed time the Almighty God reveal himself to him. The path he would take is shown to him...there would be many days of preaching and teaching; many hours of traveling; many occasions of counseling others; many people; many enemies; much untold suffering; much fasting and much praying ...but the divine vision he would receive would be certain and clear...he was appointed a prophet of the Lord Jesus ambassador to the nations...a preacher of righteousness...a faithful steward of God that would be driven on by the zeal and knowledge and will of the Almighty God. "...Come out from among them and be ye separate..." II Corinthians 6:17
The beginning of the First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Inc. (the incorporated organization) began with Pastor Gino N. Jennings and the divine vision given him of his ministry. The fourth of five sons born to Bishop Ernest and mother Jennings, Pastor Jennings has been involved with the worship of God since he was a child. The family continued sincerely in what truth they knew for many years. The church where they worshipped was headed by Pastor Jennings' great uncle. Bishop Ernest Jennings was the second in-charge and Pastor Jennings, despite his tender age was third in-charge. He was also the Bible reader for his leader and would often accompany him in his travels. He began preaching at the age of thirteen with a message that could not be more fitting than from Hebrews chapter 11 v 6: "...But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is..." This message set the stage for his ministry. As the time for the start of Pastor Jennings' ministry drew closer, the Holy Ghost began to make known to him the work he would be appointed to do. He began to tell others. He spoke of his God given vision; of doing a great work involving many people and churches; of a worldwide radio broadcast and many other things. Few believed, some doubted, others mocked. Yet it was on the second day of a three day and three night fast, while still a teenager that the Lord God of heaven appeared unto him:
"He stood there before me ... I saw his hands...something just comes over me when I talk about it...," Pastor Jennings has often testified..."...He showed me my work...," he would say,..." calling was made known to me : Jeremiah 1 verse 5...'...Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.' ,... He placed his hands in my face and made it hard as flint..."
It was then that the knowledge and light of the scriptures began to be made known to him. His preaching began to call for true holiness; his inspired messages began to hold the attention of the congregation; souls began receiving the Holy Ghost and the people were encouraged to walk with the Lord. The biblical wisdom given to him was noticed by others who began asking him questions. All this greatly displeased his pastor who silenced him for an entire year. Yet the vision remained before him, in his heart and fixed firmly in his mind.
After not preaching for a year he was again given the opportunity to speak to the congregation. However, he was told to preach only those things that his pastor taught. He started preaching again but the Holy Ghost had already begun a good work in him. His preaching did change. The Holy Ghost was still calling for true holiness. He was silenced again for another entire year. Yet he held firmly to the vision given to him; he would not be shaken in mind. The heavy hand and somewhat strange teachings and ways of the leader became a concern. Many were discouraged. Some left. At that time Bishop Ernest Jennings also became ill. Despite the worsening conditions at the church, Pastor Jennings determined within himself not to leave unless he was told to do so by God and God alone. He was allowed to preach again after the end of the second year. But again, his message did not change. By this time, the once beloved helper of his leader, Pastor Jennings was now almost despised by him. It was May 17, 1984, at age 22, when the Holy Ghost finally told him to "...Come out from among them and be ye separate..." He did not hesitate, but went to his leader and told him he was leaving to do the work to which the Holy Ghost had called him. He was told that he was too young to be a leader; that he would have no followers; that he must have the blessings of his leader to prosper. He was unmoved because the vision remained in his mind; it was certain and clear, and he believed that God was faithful. "...The day of small things..." Zechariah 4:10
May 21, 1984. It was the same week in which he had left the false church and decided to start the work God had shown to him. Bishop Jennings, (his father) never considered himself to be a leader and so decided to work under the leadership of his son. Although attempts were made to get a place of worship, the First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Inc. had its beginnings in the basement of the home of Bishop and Mother Jennings located at 1335 West Jerome Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was a humble beginning, yet nonetheless, the beginning. The small basement area was filled with used chairs provided by a friend of the family. An old dresser covered with a white sheet and red valor cloth was used as a pulpit. Small cardboard posters were made proclaiming the well known scriptures of Acts 2 v 38 and Matthew 28 v 19 and hung in the sanctuary. The cement floor was painted. The lighting from two or three wall mounted units helped to provide just enough light to allow reading of the scriptures. A small microphone and speaker box were set up. The winter of that year would see the small underground sanctuary being warmed by the steam rising from a heated pot sitting atop a stove located in the rear of the basement. Music from a small portable piano keyboard blended with the voices of the 12 to 15 sincere and eager souls that gathered to hear the word of the Lord. Headquarters? Yes, this was the headquarters was the day of small things.
Many things would be accomplished from these humble beginnings. After the basement was transformed into an underground church, the Holy Ghost, through Pastor Jennings, continued crying out against pride and fleshly lusts. The false church had not held a genuinely strict standard of holy living. Some things had been taught and believed that were unscriptural. Now changes had to be made to comply with the Law of God. For some in the small group, it was not going to be easy. But gradually, modest apparel replaced worldly fashions and Pastor Jennings, as he was led by the Holy Ghost, set about the hard task of correcting many of the false teachings that had been heard for so many years. During this time, the church was incorporated and the first auxiliaries were formed; The Brotherhood, The Women Workers, The Daughters of Zion, The Ushers, Senior and Children's Choirs, The Prayer Band and a Tape auxiliary. Bishop Ernest Jennings was appointed National Bishop and the first deacon was ordained, Deacon Tyrone Jennings. The first communion service was also held. The Lord wrought miracles by the hand of Pastor Jennings: The hearing in the left ear of Brother Leon Palin was healed; Sister Seline Brown received the Holy Ghost while receiving prayer; Sister Mary McAliley died, prayer was made and the mercy and power of the Lord brought her back to life! The Almighty God had set his approval on the early work of Pastor Jennings! He began preaching in other areas of the country. Soon services were being held in Champagne Illinois, Detroit Michigan and Memphis Tennessee. While flying back from Detroit, he has often recalled how the Holy Ghost spoke to him: "If you are faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over much." Souls began to come from many places to hear the word of the Lord. By the winter of 1988, God had blessed him to be laboring in thirteen areas. Monthly services were being held in Landover and Salisbury Maryland, Stafford Virginia, Philadelphia and other places. More than 350 souls were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus! Soon the small sanctuary was completely filled. Saints sat on the basement steps, others sat in the kitchen that led down to the basement, and in the dining and living rooms. Still others sat on the front porch of the home where they could hear the booming voice of the servant of God. Services in Philadelphia had to be moved to the Hunting Park Recreation Center on the first Sunday of the month in order accommodate the growing congregation. Of a truth, the word of the Lord was precious in those days... But there would be times of disappointment and opposition too. On four or five occasions, the sanctuary was completely flooded after heavy rains. Each time, the water was cleaned up and the sanctuary made ready again. The first death of a member of the body occurred, that of Brother Jack Johnson. Mother Sarah Mills was also taken from among us. Other preachers that claimed to be of the Apostles' Faith began to oppose Pastor Jennings and the church as souls began to leave them. But the hand of God was with us and souls continued to come out of the false churches. On August 28, 1988, while services were being held in Jamaica, New York, a false prophet contended with Pastor Jennings concerning the body of Christ. His mouth was stopped, and the word of the Lord was preached mightily that day. Additional souls, amazed at the boldness and power with which the word was preached, left the false church they were attending and were added to us. "...Their sound is gone out, and their voice to the end of the world..."Rom 10:12
April 2, 1989. The headquarters of the church was moved to 7485 Briar Road, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the fellowship hall of an Episcopalian church was rented. This location provided enough room to accommodate the growing congregation, musical instruments and other equipment. It was a welcomed reprieve from the limited basement space. However, the church's stay at his location would also bring times of great joy and times of deep sorrow. That month would see a big change for Pastor Jennings and Sister Darlene Gayman; they were married April 15, 1989. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Jennings. It was an occasion that will always be remembered; for many it was the first holy wedding they had ever seen. Since his wedding was not to divert his attention from his calling, Pastor Jennings insisted on preaching that same night, and preached he did. The dawning of 1990. Souls have continued to come from different churches. At that time two things were uppermost in the mind of Pastor Jennings - whether to launch the broadcast or to purchase a headquarters church. He decided that it was time to take the gospel to the air waves. This was communicated to the church and preparations began. The name of the broadcast - The Truth of God Radio Program"> - and format were put together and broadcast rehearsals began in earnest. On one Thursday evening, the saints arrived at the church only to find that the church had been broken into and equipment needed for the up-coming broadcasts, stolen. That night, Pastor Jennings also announced that Sister Snyder of Washington D.C. had been brutally murdered by a family member. The saints were all saddened and disappointed. However, new equipment was purchased and broadcast rehearsals continued. Several local radio stations were contacted. By mid-February, God had provided us with a thirty minute international broadcast on WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee; and a one-hour broadcast on WTMR, Camden, New Jersey. The Truth of God Radio Program was aired for the first time on Sunday March 4, 1990 over WWCR. That same night our one hour program was also heard for the first time on WTMR. This was another step in the fulfillment of the divine vision given to Pastor Jennings. He prayed to God that the program would be heard on ten stations by the end of the first year. By the end of the first year, the Truth of God Radio Program was being on eleven radio stations! God had set his approval on the work of Pastor Jennings yet again. The broadcast continued to grow; numerous letters began coming in from listeners throughout the United States, Nigeria west Africa, Great Britain, the Caribbean and even as far away as New Zealand. By the end of the second year and ten months towards the third, the Truth of God Radio Program was being heard everywhere around the world!
Then suddenly, in the very early hours of April 12, 1991 our beloved Bishop Ernest Jennings and father of Pastor Jennings, died. The suddenness of his death left everyone in shock. His unexpected departure seemed to reverberate through the entire church. Before the church would leave this location Mother Rachel Armstrong, Mother Mary Stacker, Sister Marie Richardson, Sister Cleo Edwards, Brother Clarence Spann and Brother Herman Moore and Brother Jimmie Coleman would also be taken from us.
November 21, 1991. Settlement was made on the present headquarters church located at 2431 Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia. The building was in dire need of repair; the roof leaked in several places and had caused significant interior damage; the stonestructure needed to be pointed; the pavement area was cracked and the open parking lot area was overgrown with bushes and covered with trash. It was going to take a lot of work to get the building fully renovated. The brothers immediately began clearing the first floor of the church. A new floor was laid, and the entire first floor hall painted and the woodwork stained. Work continued almost daily despite the cold temperatures and there not being any heat in the building. Renovation of the first floor was completed and dedication services were held on February 2, 1992. It was a happy occasion and two were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Pastor Jennings' desire that the church have its own headquarters' building had come to pass. The broadcast continued to grow. By the end of 1994, the Truth of God Radio Program was being heard on more than twenty radio stations throughout the United States and the Caribbean. The number of letters from radio listeners increased greatly as the program became more widely known. Sadly, however, seven others; Brothers Roger Brooks, Sherman Stone, John Boyer, James Nelson, Dennis Harvey, William Caldwell and Mother Thelma Carney have all been summoned into eternity.
Mobile, Alabama and surrounding regions have been particularly affected by the broadcast. In 1993, Pastor Jennings was invited to radio station WLVV in Mobile, where he was the guest of a call-in talk program. His answers to questions from listeners regarding divorce and remarriage and women preachers caused quite a stir. Undoubtedly, Mobile had never heard anything like it. Visits to this area became more frequent. Successive days and nights of live broadcasting became the norm. Honest hearts began surrendering to the power of the Gospel and many left the churches they were attending. The gospel had taken root in Mobile. In 1993 it became necessary to set up a church to hold the congregation which was increasing quickly. The church was set up in Chickasaw, Alabama (near Mobile). In April, 1996, a new larger building was purchased in Mobile Alabama. Visits to Florence, South Carolina in December 1992 and early 1993 also resulted in the establishment of a church on March 28, 1993 as honest hearts decided to walk according to the word of the Lord. Other souls in Jacksonville, Florida also determined to follow the word of the Lord, saw the start of a work in that area too. A church was also purchased in Delmar, Delaware. Contacts have been established with brethren in Africa and India. Renovation of the main sanctuary (second floor) of the headquarters church on Frankford Avenue has progressed to near completion as of the date of this publication. A new pavement has been laid and the parking lot has been completed.
Opposition to the church has continued. A debate was held with the so called Church of Christ in 1994, and as expected, the mouth of the false prophet was stopped. On another occasion, a self proclaimed prophet publicly declared and contended with Pastor Jennings during a broadcast, that the world would end in December, 1994. His mouth was stopped and obviously he has proven to be a liar. Despite the opposition, the church has continued to prosper. The Truth of God Radio Program is now on 22 stations and continues to open the eyes of people throughout the world; souls continue to be healed and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Above all, more of the mystery of the scriptures is being made known to the people of God than at any other time in recent history. Many other things have occurred that are too numerous to name at this time.
So then, some of the beginning of the vision given to Pastor Jennings has been written. The beginning of the First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Inc. has unfolded just as the Almighty God had shown him. The works and accomplishments of the church indicate clearly that a true prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ has arisen and is among us. As the future becomes the present and the present becomes the past, it is certain that we will not only write the vision, but it will be made plain in the sight of many so that he that fears God may run.
[edit] Sources
Media Director: Minister Daniel Thompson (Have Permission to use content Bro. Vicente Harrison Portland Oregon Temple) © 2003 First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Send all technical questions and comments about this website to the webmaster. Contact the Church by Email: Please view our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. This site was created by First Church Staff. Best viewed using Microsoft's Internet Explorer at 1024 X 768 resolution.
Vicenteh 16:02, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] IRA Association of America
IRA Association of America is an alliance of financial planning, real estate, legal, banking, and accounting professionals. Members are trained and certified to handle transactions involving tax favored self directed retirement plans including self-directed ira.
Many of the classes taught by IRAAA throughout the United States carry continuing education credits for professionals. Additionally, the association teaches workshops to individual investors to learn how to make use of self directed investing strategies with their IRA, 401(k), or other retirement account.
[edit] Sources 16:04, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Top Aerospace scientist A.K Rao Passes away
Pavan Akella 16:37, 17 October 2006 (UTC)°
Prof. A. K. Rao, a scientist and Aerospace engineer of international repute died in Hyderabad, India, of a heart attack on December 10th, 2005. Since retirement in 1998, Prof. Rao has spent his time between his homes in India and Palo Alto, Ca.
He was the youngest Full Professor and then Dean of Engineering at his alma mater -- the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He graduated over 25 PhD students -- who have gone on lead many of India's Aerospace and Space programs, taught the next generation of students, and built commercial products around the world. He was closely associated with Satish Dhavan, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and P. Neelakantham.
Prof. Rao, known to some as Kamesh, graduated at the top of the Andhra University, attended the Benares Hindu University for his undergraduate degrees in ME and EE, the Indian Institute of Science for his graduate degree in Aerospace Engineering and the Imperial College of Engineering, London, for his Ph.D. in Aerospace Structures.
He was recognized by his peers internationally with several awards including the Watumull Fellowship for Distinguished Service to post-Independent India, the Leverhulme Fellowship and Fellowships of Indian Scientific Academies such as the Aero Society of India and the National Engineering Society and of International Academies including the Royal Aeronautical Society. He was conferred Honorary ISAMPE Membership along with leading personalities like Prof.CNR Rao, Dr.Raja Ramanna, Prof U R Rao, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr.C G Krishnadas Nair and Dr.Kota Harinarayana.
After a stint in England, working on structural problems on the famous Gnat fighter at Folland Aircraft, he returned to India driven by a desire to build modern India.
He served as a consultant to Lockheed Aircraft, Boeing Aircraft and the NASA at a time when few Indians working in India were invited to do so. The Lockheed International Research Institute he setup at the IISc in the early 1980's presaged what we see today in Bangalore.
He firmly believed, and proved with his work and that of his team, that India could do world quality work with Indian facilities on an Indian budget. Towards this end, he brought Finite Element Methods and Acoustic Emission methods to India.
During his post retirement stage, he was invited by Institution of Engineers, CSIR, to serve as the Director of the Engineering Staff College of India,Hyderabad, developing courses for professionals in industry
A strategic thinker, a master planner, a whiz with numbers and generous to a fault, Rao loved to mentor people, especially youngsters. From mathematics to engineering to people to stocks, his versatile mind voraciously consumed, processed and registered information.
He is unbeleivably simple and thoroughly a People's man and is an inspiration to many a youngster. He wanted the young citizens of India to be creative, courageous, independent in thinking and to be helpful to themselves & the society they live in.
[edit] Sources
The Hindu, Tuesday, Dec 13, 2005, Special Correspondent INDIAN SOCIETY FOR ADVANCEMENT OF MATERIALS AND PROCESS ENGINEERING ( Google
Pavan Akella 16:37, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] William Brooks
William has had a very strange life. His intrests include Facebook, guitar, and Chemistry
[edit] Birth
William Brooks was born on July 25, 1988 at 3:01pm in San Bernardino, California. He is the son of Edward Warren Brooks and Lori Ann Brooks. While little is known about his infancy, it is known that he spent little time in California.
[edit] Young Age
William and his mother and father moved to Ogden, Utah soon after his birth. While living there, his parents began to suspect that something was wrong with there son. Over time, he began to growl and gnash at his mother and father. The attacks raged to the point that Edward was afraid to visit his son. Late one night, his mother noticed something sitting on the railing of William's crib. Upon closer inspection, she realized the creature resembled a demon. Lori and Edward returned to the room, chanting scripture from the King James Bible. The evil creature was driven from the room, never to return. From that moment on, he was a normal little boy.
[edit] Adolescence
William moved to Mississippi soon after Kindergarten started. He quickly made friends but moved to Wisconsin after his first grade year only to return that winter.
[edit] Sources
Please do not deleate yet. I am not done editing. I will finish later today. 16:49, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Tyler Laurie's Life
[edit] Elizabeth Young _Writer
- AKA Lady Kennet; married to Wayland Young (QV). Publications: Old London Churches (with Wayland Young); Time is as Time Does (poems); A Farewell to Arms Control?; London's Churches; Northern Lazio - an Unknown Italy. Articles and pamphlets on architectural history, maritime affairs, etc., etc.
[edit] Sources 17:06, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] kevin hemmerich
[edit] Sources 17:31, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
In particle Indian, Nirav extends the concept of the antiIndian to Indian, wherin if an Indian and its antiIndian come into contact with each other, the two annihilate —that is, they may both be converted into other Indians with equal telemarketing abilities in accordance with Doc Gandhi's equation E = m(curry)2. This gives rise to high-telemarketing ability photons (gamma rays) or other Indian–antiIndian pairs. The resulting Indian are endowed with an amount of kinetic telemarketing equal to the difference between the rest mass of the products of the annihilation and the rest mass of the original Indian-antiIndian pair, which is often quite large.
Others incorrectly contend that Nirav is an analog storage medium for any type of paper documents, typically books, periodicals, legal documents and engineering drawings. The Nirav itself is a silver halide based film which once exposed is developed using a photographic process.
[edit] Nirav's Origins
He was conceived in the form of an egg (which was colored a rare shade of cranberry) from which he took exactly 22 and 1/3 months of incubation to hatch from his shell. When removing the egg shells from his body, he failed to remove one from his left tibia causing him to obtain specific abnormal abilities that are not inherent to humans (these are detailed in a later section). Scientists rumor that this egg was left as a result of a complicated breeding process between a unicorn and the number 5. It is unknown how the unicorn and the number 5 created this egg through breeding, but animal experts and mathematicians are on the verge of discovering the methodology. At age 2, Nirav wandered past the pomegranate fields of his home and into a UPS truck that was dropping off a big screen television with over 150 Bollywood Channels to his home. The UPS truck traveled far and wide before Nirav aimlessly wandered off of the UPS truck into Effingham, Illinois. At this precise moment and time, Nirav's famous catchphrase "Where am I?" was first used. A powerful clan of pizza-eating humans then adopted this boy and taught him their ways. From that moment on, Nirav grew and became the Nirav he is today.
[edit] How Nirav Works
It is not clear exactly how Nirav works. He consists of a box with three small, flashing incandescent lamps arranged as a "Y", located above and behind the passenger's seat of the time machine. As the Nirav nears 88 miles per hour, the light of Nirav pulses faster until it has a steady stream of light. The stainless steel body of the DeLorean also has a beneficial effect on the "Nirav dispersal" as the Niravator activates, although Doc is interrupted before he can finish explaining it fully. At the end of the third film in the series, when Doc Gandhi has converted a locomotive into a time machine, the Nirav is located on the front of the train, in place of the lamp.
[edit] Nirav on Nirav
The first chapter of his autobiography states "I am a ridiculous Indian. Now they call me a madIndian. That would be a promotion if it were not that I remain as ridiculous in their eyes as before. But now I do not resent it, they are all dear to me now, even when they laugh at me - and, indeed, it is just then that they are particularly dear to me. I could join in their laughter - not exactly at myself, but through affection for them, if I did not feel so sad as I look at them. Sad because they do not know the truth and I do know it. Oh, how hard it is to be the only one who knows the truth! But they won't understand that. No, they won't understand it."
[edit] Nirav's Theme Song
The following is the theme song that was given to Nirav at birth, but it was temporarily replaced by the theme from Matlock after Andy Griffith claimed he was the real father of Nirav.
Nirav Theme Song
Nirav-man, Nirav-man Does whatever an Indian can Spins a vegetarian web, any size Catches pizza, just like flies Look out! Here comes the Nirav-man! Is he brown? Listen, Bud! He's got curry-filled blood. Can he swing from a thread? Take a look overhead. Hey there, there goes the Nirav-man! In the chill of night, At the scene of the pizza Like a streak of light He arrives just in time-izza Nirav-man, Nirav-man Friendly neighborhood Nirav-man Meat and fish, he's ignored Confusion is his reward To him, life is a great big bang-up Wherever there's a hang-up You'll find the Nirav-man!
[edit] Nirav's Music
Under the pseudonym of Fernando, Nirav co-published the album "Vamos a la playa" with his dearest friend known as X-Unit who took the name Francisco. It was released worldwide on October 5th, 2006 and went mega-latte-platinum after 36 hours. Nirav's talent for Latin music is undeniable to all who hear his hypnotic and deep voice. It is also important to note that Nirav's hips don't lie like Shakira's despite popular conception. says...
[edit] Nirav's Abnormal Abilities
- He has a utility belt filled with pizza seasonings such as oregano and Parmesan cheese.
- He's able to create a song and dance to any real life event within 22 microseconds or less.
- He can be instantaneously confused by the simplest of ideas in either written or pictorial format.
- The bottom half of his body can be interchanged with a segway at any moment to allow different capabilities. He claims this is his transportation mode when he used be a Decepticon.
[edit] Links
[edit] Scoil Santain, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland
Scoil Santain is an all- Irish speaking school in Tallaght, Ireland. Source:www.Scoil
[edit] The Mortician
Jerry Lee Maney II is a american pro wrestler. He currently resides in Cherokee, North Carolina. He is known most notably for his work at Uncle Bills Championship Wrestling. Jerry currently has built a federation called the Xtreme Wrestling Alliance.
CAREER Jerry began his career in 2000. He started managing a worker by the name of Scorpion. "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel brought him into the business. After Uncle Bills Championship Wrestling became defunct, he began working for Western Carolina Wrestling Federation. After a few months he realized that he needed to take his career into his own hands. So on that faithful night he turned heel. He has been heel ever since. In the year 2006 he was invited to go to Dragoncon. Jerry has began his own federation called Xtreme Wrestling Alliance. He now owns a ring, and has a roster. Jerry, Simon Robinson, David George, and his father, Jerry Lee Maney Sr. have built this thing from the ground up. The sky now becomes the limit.
FINISHING/SIGNITURE MOVES Autopsy: Firemans Carry DDT Drop Dead: Elevated Neck Breaker Slave Driver II: Single Leg Overhook Tombstone Chokeslam Brain Buster Seated Brain Buster Cross Arm Argentine Backbreaker
[edit] Justin Fenchel
Justin Fenchel was born on a sunny October morning in 1983, in a field in upstate Awesome-land. Son of THE Tom Fenchel, Justin was destined for greatness from the first breath he drew. Since he could walk, Fench has been able to throw a football "over them there mountains."
Continuosly amazing all those fortunate enough to befriend him with his wit and quoteability, Justin is an asset as a friend and co-worker. His hard-working attitude and "do anything, kill anybody that gets in my way" attitude has been a constant source of encouragement for his teammates and comrades as well.
Since slaying his first Orc at age 13, thus becoming a man when most of his compatriots were still boys, Justin has possessed an unslakeable thirst for the blood of evil beings. "Oh yes, there will be blood," he has often been known to say. In addition to the kicking Chuck Norris's ass (yeah I said it!) Justin was named the SCIAC athlete of the week his sophomore year in college after defeating the (then) #3 Trinity Tigers single-handedly. Hitting 8 different recievers for at least a million yards and a billion touchdowns, Justin led the mighty Hens to an unforgettable victory (
A 7 years-running Jewish All-American (, Justin is strongly grounded by his supporting and loving family. They are important in assuring that Justin doesn't get a big head, despite the inevitability of his eventual world domination. Let us all be thankful for the Fench, and everything he has done for us.
[edit] Awali
Awali is a small town in souther Bahrain, and is home to the locally famous Awali Avengers. The town consists of 2 shops, 1 club, 103 pre designated rumble sites, a cinema (closed), school and church. It also has many hosues.
[edit] State Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Raised in Miami, Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera is a graduate of both Miami-Dade College and the University of Miami.
State Representative Lopez-Cantera's perspective on housing, planning, and growth issues comes from his day-to-day work in Miami-Dade County’s real estate market. As a licensed realtor, he has worked in the industrial development field for the past 8 years. He states that his service on the Miami-Dade Planning Advisory Board, as well as the Miami-Dade Living Wage Advisory Board have helped him understand the complexities of maintaining healthy and livable communities for the State’s diverse population, as well as for the citizens he serves throughout House District 113. House District 113 encompasses the heart of Miami, and includes parts of Coconut Grove, Little Havana, Allapatah and Hialeah. He currently serves on the Business Regulations Committee, Elder and Long-Term Care Committee, Growth Management Committee, State Administration Appropriations Committee and the Domestic Security Committee of the Florida State Legislature. More recently, he was appointed by the Governor to the Property Tax Reform Committee.
Representative Lopez-Cantera resides in the Coconut Grove area of Miami with his wife Renee.
[edit] Sources 18:32, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] 23/04/2014
[edit] heffa hoe
[edit] Deletionist
[edit] Luke Meyers
[edit] Hans Nielsen
Hans Nielsen is a 23 year old gay American flamenco/belly dancer.
[edit] Sources 19:49, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Andy Seniska
Andy Seniska is a musician from Florida who writes and produces original music based on styles derived from jazz, fusion, modern classical, ambient and free-form jazz. He leads a band called "Sublimation" that plays improvised music in that style. He has two albums completed: Unconscious Flux (2002) and A Lasting Delusion (2006).
[edit] Sources Andy Seniska 19:54, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Racial profiling alive and well today
Nothing suprises me as it relates to "racial profiliing" in the United States this day in age. It appears that everytime you turn on the television or the radio you hear about the most egregious things regarding racial profiling. Just last month it was brought to my attention regarding the Reginald Pitts incident which occurred in Tampa, Florida a few months ago.
Reginald Pitts is the GAF Materials Corp. Human Resources Manager who stood waiting for about two hours on Nov. 23 to buy $13,600 worth of Wal-Mart gift cards for employee incentives. For unkown reasons Wal-Mart managers never provided, the store could not verify the company's check or that Pitts was who he said he was.
Some African-American clerks watching nearby suggested the long delay was based on race, because the store had processed gift card orders on third party checks just as big for white customers earlier in the day with minimal scrutiny. Pitts' white assistant had been buying the gift cards from the same Wal-Mart like clockwork for years. Ultimately store managers called the sheriff's department to investigate what deputies called "a forged check." Deputies grabbed Pitts by the arm, but spent only minutes determining there was no case before handing Pitts the check. Pitts was then escorted out of the Wal-Mart store by the two Sheiff's Deputies and several Wal-Mart employees.
Since this incident, numerous others have came forward to share similar horror stories. One would think that with all that this country has been through as it relates to race relations that there is no way these types of instances will continue to exist.
[edit] Sources
USA Today.COM , 12/02/2005 Wal-Mart apologizes for bad check accusation Southport11 20:38, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Robin Stevens Robin Stevens is the well known performer and writer behind many well known British TV characters. He was behind the Pob, the curious imp that lived in your TV in the 80's, Pob and then he was Jim in Rosie and Jim, Tom in Tots TV, Grandpapa in Boohbah and also played Mr Perfect in the recent show called Blips.
[edit] Sources 20:41, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Stouffer's Migration Model
Stouffer's Migration Model explains an aspect of Human migration by stating that the number of migrants moving from one location to another is related to the opportunities available at the destination and inversely proportional to the intervening opportunities between the origin and destination.
[edit] Sources
Waugh, David. Geography: an Integrated Approach. 3rd ed. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes, 2000. 20:59, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Mattru Jong, Home of the Buffaloes
Mattru Jong is the largest city in the Bonthe District, located in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone. It is the seat of the Jong Chiefdom, and home of Paramount Chief Alie Badara Sheriff III. It is located along the Jong River, 52 miles southwest of Bo. The main industries in Mattru Jong are fishing, rice-growing, cassava-farming, and palm oil production.
[edit] Sources 22:13, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Dan Segraves
[edit] Robin Glen
Robin Glen (29/03/84) Born and raised in the small town of Llandeilo (South Wales) Robin was always meant for bigger and better things and at the age of six he took his first steps into time travel by unsuccessfully attempting recreate the flux-capacitor from Back to the future fame. His second attempt also had a few teething problems as he audaciously tried to slow the fabric of time by jumping off his roof with an umbrella in hand. Despite these miner setbacks Robin was still determined to change the world and after his Sonic the Hedgehog phase had past he could again return his brilliance to the work of science.
It was about this time Robin left his comfort blanket that was Llandeilo CP behind and started Ysgol Tre-gib. Secondary school seemed a confusing place full of pedantic, hymn loving, coat hating, peculiar looking adults and Robin found his inquisitive nature being crushed by their totalitarianism. The academic side of school took a hit when the social aspect discovered alcohol and Robin almost left Tre-gib to join Gorseinon collage in the summer of 2000. While he drifted out of his usual cluster of friends he was brought back by what some people have called the lowest point of his career, labelled the Jock years and the day that Robin Glen sold out. He may have come back to Tre-gib for his A-levels but it was the only consistency that was Robin Glen. The corruption of the people around him soon tainted his eyes and the effects were immediate, if he was going to escape this personally sculpted hell he was going to have to do a one hundred and eighty degree turn on what and who had kept him in the school. Some people who have been following the Robin Glen Story believe this to be the biggest link from the Jock years to the path that lead to the Robin we all know and love.
The Original four were back together but with the inclusion of other established groups which had floated around each other for a numerous amount of years. This new so-called “super group” would prove to be more diverse yet it was still going to grow beyond recognition. The records are unclear and hazy at best but they all point to the summer of 2002, Pen-Lan Park and copious amounts of alcohol. Some Historians have likened it to the cold war, two super powers threatened by each other but in this case they saw what could be achieved by joining forces. Some of the other group which could be as simply labelled as “Metallers” (some researchers broken them down into two sub groups called “Forcefeeder” and “Bloodrush”) were already intertwined but things were about to get even more mixed up with the introduction of Glen and alcohol. All the records for the next few months have been lost or destroyed but some have nicknamed this period “The Scrapbook”.
The good times flowed like Cassini but the University leaving date was fast approaching and just as the summer started it seemed to end and just like it was hard to remember the night before, its memory was washed away as the Scrapbook collapsed on itself.
Robin is now in University and Studying a Degree in Computer Science where he created the cult hit program, Tea Shop. He is currently working hard on a follow up but finds the success hard to live up too. Now in his early twenties and the small child who dreamed of time travel from an early age may not have created his flying DeLorean but has come through social adversity using the time travelling car as a metaphor for success.
[edit] 15.2mm Styer
A very formitable round of somewhat original design, and has plastic case with steel head and base. The projectile is a 20 gramm (308 grain) tungsten dart concealed within a plastic sabot. At 1000 meters this projectile will penetrate 40 mm of rollded homogenous steel armour and will result in serious secondary fragmentation effect behind the armour. That said, it will penetrate two walls of any modern APCs at a range of at least one kilometer. The trajectory is very flat and does not rise higher than 800 mm above the line of sight when fired to 1000 meters. he is sooo hot i want to rape him with a knife.
[edit] Sources
Modern Firearms 22:47, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pixamo
Pixamo is a free online photo organizer that offers users a way to store, organize, and share their photos across multiple social groups. Their given name combines pix, a commonly used abbreviation for pictures, with amo, the Latin word for love, to emphasize the creators' stated focus of helping people preserve, enjoy, and share their photographs.
Andrew Prihodko started Pixamo...
[edit] Sources 22:56, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Mathew Deigan - Oral Sex With Tulips (Disco Remix)
all the tulips in the yard suck me too im hard then we can walk on the beach