Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2007-01-30
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[edit] encfs
[edit] Pan Mei Chen
[edit] The R$B In Me (Album)
[edit] Chris Hamil
[edit] Sakher Hattar
[edit] Timeline of the Texas Revolution
[edit] Vertigo Haze
This is an archived discussion. Please do not modify it. |
[edit] FHA Chino High School California Chapter
[edit] John Morrison
[edit] Kappa Delta Epsilon
[edit] RFC 2229
[edit] Ray Krzoska
You should be able to bring up the stub by searching for "Peegs" as well.
- done. Part Deux 07:37, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Jenny Huston
[edit] JWPce
JWPce is a simple Japanese-language word-processor that runs on Windows 95,95, ME, 2000, XP and CE platforms. It is designed for non-native speakers of Japanese who want to produce Japanese-language documents.
The default installation has English-language menus. Language packs for other languages are available and JWPce is designed to make adding further language packs straightforward.
JWPce offers many facilties that are useful to students of Japanese such as detailed kanji information (using KANJIDIC), a built-in dictionary (using EDICT and similar dictionary files) and various Kanji lookup methods.
JWPce supports multuple file encodings and. It does not provide facilties for vertical text, nor does it provide facilities to specify different fonts within a document. However, JWPce does allow the user to customize the fonts used to display text in the various parts of the wordprocessor.
A key feature of JWPce is that it runs smoothly on Windows CE and Pocket PC platforms. This allows learners of Japanese to use a PDA as an electronic Japanese dictionary.
JWPce is written in C++. The source code is available for download.
[edit] Sources
JWPce homepage:
Jim Breen's list of Japanese software, including many references to JWPce: 09:34, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] superficial foot
[edit] Jerusalem Engineering College, Chennai
[edit] Sources
[edit] Andover High School
[edit] Mark Marek
Mark Cyril Marek (b.June 5, 1956), former dishwasher, known primarily as an illustrator, animator and comic artist. His illustrations and art have been published widely in the NY Times, Rolling Stone and other magazines. His animations have appeared on MTV, Comedy Central and the Nickelodeon show Kablam! (1996-2000). He is married and has two children.
[edit] Sources;;;;;
Mark Marek 15:06, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Sources Greek_ID=1004053000&gender=3 - 11k 15:22, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] David Disney
David Disney is a celebrated UK economist currently employed by the Department for Work and Pensions. Previously employed in the Ministry of Defence and Health and Safety Executive, Mr Disney is currently focused on developing an evidence base and business case to support government action to prevent people with health problems or disabilities from having to leave employment - one of the key policies of the Blair Government.
[edit] Sources
Recent articles by David Disney: 15:29, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Turner Magazine
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[edit] Turner Magazine
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[edit] Turner Magazine
Turner Magazine is an international youth magazine. It was founded in December 2006 by Mfonobong Nsehe, a Nigerian student at Daystar University, Kenya, and it is published by Klepmany & Temedia Inc. Turner Magazine has generated a lot of controversy over its list of the 'WORLD'S 40 MOST INFLUENTIAL UNDER 40,'initially published on the magazine website, The list paraded such individuals as hip-hop moguls, Sean Combs and Sean Carter (Jay-z), business moguls, Mark Shuttleworth and Kurma Birla,entertainment personalities such as Tyra Banks, Beyonce, Mariah Carey and Jamie Foxx, as well as royalty such as Prince William of England and Prince Haakon of Norway, as being the most influential people in the world under 40. Turner Magazine also has other features such as inspiration & motivation, sexuality, fashion & lifestyle, and Dating & love. The magazine aslo has a special feature called 'People not to envy', a column which parades prominent young people round the world who the magazine believe are not worthy of emulation. Paris Hilton was the first person to appear on that section of Turner Magazine. As at January 2007, Turner Magazine promised to come out as a printed version in February 2007. Unconfirmed reports claim that American media giant, AOL Timewarner is offering the publisher, Mfonobong Nsehe $20 million to purchase the entire magazine. The reason being that AOL Timewarner owns Turner Broadcasting company.
[edit] Sources,,$20_million 15:41, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Dr Bill Gunnyeon
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[edit] Bill Gunnyeon
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[edit] Why is a longhorn the mascot for UT?
[edit] Harry taconacho
[edit] Ton Carfi
Ton Carfi, born in São Paulo countryside- SP, he is a brazilian singer, songwriter, producer and musician ( keyboards and acoustic guitar ), performing mostly in R&B and Gospel genres.
thumb|No camarim
[edit] Biography
Son of a couple of pastors from a Independent Baptist Church, Ton Carfi has started his musical learning at the age of 9 in a local ministry, outstanding himself some years later as a soloist among the tenors from the so called Raiz Coral Choir, one of the current surpassing brazilian groups in the Black Gospel Music genre.
He printed his unique inimitable personal style while performing songs such as Te louvo and Tocou-me in the "Pra louvar" Album from Raiz Coral Choir, O amor de Cristo and Há um lugar especial in the "Obrigado" Album from the Link4 quartet, a derivation from the Raiz Coral Choir and Tu és fiel in the Black So Dream Album, a seminal work. In 2005, he leaves the Raiz Coral Choir and the Link4 quartet to engage thoroughly in his personal career.
His timbre uniqueness, his versatile interpretation for songs plus his unsurpassed vocal technique has provide him with the phonograph industry respect and appreciation, given rise to invitations from some celebrities within the "Gospel" realm for propiciaram-no o devido respeito do mercado fonográfico, motivando convites por parte de figuras conhecidas no meio Gospel para participações - como "backing vocal" ou como "solista" - em gravações de diversos artistas, tais como Comunhão e Adoração, APC 16, Marquinhos Gomes, PG, Ministério de Louvor Toque no Altar, Vanessa Jackson, Coral Kemuel, Luciano Claw, Daniel Ribeiro, Sérgio Saas, Iamara Alst, entre outros.
thumb|left|A lágrima na voz.
O estudante universitário de Fonoaudiologia, músico e cantor Ton Carfi também é Instrutor de Canto e palestrante, tendo lecionado profissionalmente para cantores de todos os níveis, inclusive do grupo Toque no Altar. Além disso, Ton tem apresentado Workshops sobre técnica vocal em diversas regiões do país.
Em Novembro de 2006 lançou seu primeiro CD solo, "Eu tenho que estar preparado", contando com participações brilhantes, como Danilo, Marquinhos Gomes e Leonardo Gonçalves. Além de seguir com seu ministério próprio, Ton Carfi também é integrante do grupo APC 16.
[edit] Habilidade Vocal
A comoção que causa no público leigo em questões musicais com sua interpretação sui generis já é uma grande qualidade per se, uma expressão naturalmente temperada pelo choro na voz. Sua técnica vocal apuradíssima é caracterizada por um riquíssimo cabedal de ornamentos vocais, que inclui o domínio sobre o Vibrato em diferentes freqüências, quebras intencionais entre modos vocais (Voz de Peito e Falsete / Yodel ), Appoggiaturas, Melismas, Improvisações e compressão com Laringe Alta, aliado ao belíssimo timbre que distingüe sua voz de tenor, também privilegiada por uma ampla extensão.
[edit] Magistério
Apesar de possuir alto quociente de inteligência musical, fato comprovado por sua facilidade em rapidamente assimilar novos conceitos e técnicas, desconstruí-los e recombiná-los em novas criações, Ton Carfi é deveras consciencioso com seu corpo discente, demonstrando atenção, respeito e paciência no trato com seus alunos.
Os menos habilidosos são altamente beneficiados pelo senso de ordem e didática que caracterizam o sistema de orientação vocal desenvolvido por ele, um curso forjado no decorrer de alguns anos de pesquisa, compilando o conhecimento vocal acumulado nas experiências vividas no laboratório propiciado pelo ambiente do Raiz Coral, na troca de informações com cantores de alto gabarito, como Leonardo Gonçalves, e na investigação autônoma que o levou à construção de um sistema de educação musical para cantores.
[edit] Discografia
[edit] Álbuns
[edit] Links externos
[edit] Gareth ClarkeGareth Clarke is a Manchester, UK based musician. He is signed to Sublight Records and was the first artist to be signed to the label with no previous releases. His debut 'Gareth Clarke LP' was released in Novemeber 2006 to critical acclaim. Sublight Records produced the following press release: 'Manchester, England's GARETH CLARKE is simply going to blow your mind and make you remember why you started listening to electronic music in the first place. With his beautifully arranged stutter of wild electrons, intense rhythms and vibrant melodies this 22 year old wizard is among the brightest new producers to grace the Sublight Roster and the world of intelligent dance music. Clarke began creating music at only the age of 13, first picking up drums, guitar, bass and the like then playing with a few bands through college until stumbling upon the potential faultlessness of composing on a computer where he found his true voice.' [2] [edit] Hakin United FCHakin United are a small football club located in south west wales and play in the James Williams Pembrokeshire First Division and also have a registered reserve side in the Reserve Division One. They have many star players ranging from the old (Gary Dawes) to young players coming through (Craig Robertson, Scott Findlay, Alex Greenish, Scott Allen and many more) [edit] Sources - Latest Fixtures - Latest Results - League Tables 16:44, 30 January 2007 (UTC) [edit] Sal Schillizzi Master Safe CrackerSal Schillizzi owned and operated All Over Locksmiths in New York. Sal is best known for his call-in radio show for Burglary Prevention and various TV appearances. These efforts were designed to educate the public in the area of burglary prevention. Mr. Schillizzi learned safecracking in the 1950's when working at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. While there, he heard of a course on safecracking being taught in Rochester and decided to try it. Mr. Schillizzi was the world champion safecracker (he lost the title in 1988 to a colleague from Cleveland). In 1982, he opened Thomas Edison's safe, which had been housed in the Edison National Historic Site, unopened, for at least 27 years. In 1976, he opened a safe, made in the mid-19th century, that had been shut since 1903 in a bank in Somers, N.Y. Mr. Schillizzi Advice on safes is still very viable. His son Roger has taken over for his dad and is still giving advice and security tips. He can be reached at Sal Schillizzi was also an actor of some note. He appeared in two films, Waitress! (1982) and Three Days of the Condor (1975). [edit] SourcesThe New York Times The New York Times
[edit] Dana L. FrenchDana L. French (1958 - ) is a prominent U.S. computer scientist working in the fields of business continuity, disaster recovery, and high availability. He has designed and written numerous software packages to automate the processes of disaster recovery and high availability. He is most noted for his approach to system administration as an automated process, rather than an interactive one. His work as a programmer and system administrator has influenced the design and implementation of Unix systems in organizations all over the world and is the source of the commonly used phrase "enterprise wide unique". His business function approach to system administration has caused a global shift in the way Unix system administrators perform their work. He operates several companies that specilize in providing business continuity services to large world wide organizations. These companies provide services that include consulting, disaster recovery facilities, application and business function hosting. French is well known in the Unix community for his advanced shell programming skills and is a noted advocate of Korn Shell programming. He provides source code for most of his programming work on-line free of charge. One of his most well known shell libraries is "shell curses", which is a shell script implementation of the "C" language "Curses" library. Another is "kshSQL" which is a Korn Shell implementation of a complete SQL database system. French is also the author of "shunix", which is a project to implement all of the GNU Unix utilities entirely in shell script code. French is also well known as providing a MicroEMACS binary executable repository for a very wide variety of operating systems. MicroEMACS is a widely used programmers text editor. Linus Torvalds, the developer of linux, is a notable MicroEMACS user, and is known to frequent this site. French has provided continuous access to this repository since 1995. French currently works as a business continuity consultant, and teaches courses in disaster recovery planning and Korn Shell programming. He is an author and publishes articles on these topics regularly. [edit] Sources
[edit] Archie Simon[edit] Slobodan PajicSlobodan Pajic is an artist using new media in original ways. Inspired by the formal beauty of abstract, natural phenomena, Slobodan Pajic employs chance techniques at the limits of technology and translates the forms he thus creates into videos, photos, films, objects and installations. Pajic follows progress in physics and adopts the latest technology in a quest for new forms, new materials and new techniques. BIOGRAPHY Born August 16, 1943, Slobodan Pajic arrived in Paris in 1966 to study art history at the Sorbonne, but was soon prompted to reorient himself to his own painting. He lives and works in Paris and has become a French citizen. During the 70s, his abstract, geometrical art brought him success, but his passion for new media, as “new supports” for creation, soon won out. One of his first solo shows was the organization of space with laser light at the American Center in Paris. As soon as 1/2 inch video equipment was available, Pajic began to work on a series of short videos unlike anything which has ever been done : Exploiting the incapacity of the video scanning pattern to register isolated instants in their entirety, Pajic introduced abrupt changes by breaking reflective surfaces before the camera. The new Pompidou Center in Paris lent their post-production facilities for a compilation of these short films and provided one of the first showings. The positive reaction of critics prompted the Musée national d’Art moderne to commission Pajic to produce the first artist’s video in their new, two-inch video studios. Untitled 77 : Passage From Closed To Open Space, an abstract film in saturated color, continues to occupy a unique position in the history of video art. In 1980, Pajic settled into a new studio in Paris and began a series of installation pieces employing video screens and projections. An Image Reflector consists of a mirrored video screen on the wall, before which is placed a video monitor with an abstract, repetitive film, accompanied by an electronic signal. As the spectator approaches the screen to see the film, his or her own reflection becomes part of the experience. The Image Captors are typically composed of a large video screen on a wall, before which is placed a projector on a plexiglas pedestal. The screen is prepared with a mixture of phosphorescent materials which capture the projection and restitute it in the dark, only to be replaced by another. The image fades slowly, in the same way as an impression in short-term memory. In 1996, the French National Museum of Modern Art commissioned an installation from this series. The result, a large multi-screen installation Mémoires the was presented in the exhibition Made In France. To the sound of a rocket-launcher called “Stalin’s Organ”, images of war on 16 mm film in decomposed motion imprinted a prepared video screen, then abruptly disappeared, leaving the after image to slowly fade in silence. On the other side of the room, 4 projections of fixed images of combats and refugees appeared in violent bursts and disappeared into darkness. The piece was an altogether moving indictment of war and aggression. In the early 80s Pajic began a series of pictorial works based on the inability of laser light to pass through certain distortions of material. Creating his own filters, he produced abstract, chance patterns, which he then transformed into arresting pictorial works. A series of installations, in which laser patterns slowly evolve in space, followed. At the end of the 90s, he started work on a series of Electrophotograms of vegetable matter. Based on the Tesla effect, popularly known as “Kirlian photography”, the images are composed of minute points of light. The use of computer technology restores to the image all its brilliance and complexity. [edit] SourcesPierre EMMANUEL, et al. French Art Vidéo (Paris, Center for Media Art, 1980) Dany BLOCH. L’Art Vidéo 1960/80-82 (Locarno, Flaviana, 1983). Kathy Rae HUFFMAN, et al.Vidéo: A Rétrospective 1974-1984 (Long Beach Museum of Art, 1984), Jose COIRA-NIETO et Nancy WILSON-PAJIC. Slobodan PAJIC (La Coruna, CGAI, 1994). Stéphanie MOISDON, "Slobodan Pajic", dans Germain Viatte, et al.Vidéo et Après: La Collection vidéo du Musée national d'Art moderne (Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou / Carré, 1992). (recherche PAJIC) (search PAJIC) Mylulu 18:01, 30 January 2007 (UTC) [edit] JimJamYAHAJimJamYAHA is a fictional marshal art formed by the combination of Kung-Fu, Ju-Jitsu, Tai-Chi and Yogic Meditation. It is based on the premise of combat without contact with the wording of the phrase and hand movements providing differeing levels of effect (see The technique was first shown on the cult yorkshire TV programme Roger and the Rottentrolls, but has since been widely adopted by fans. [edit] Sources ISBN-10: 0233992464 ISBN-13: 978-0233992464
[edit] Robber Language[edit] The Theory of Sponges[edit] Reality (Stephen Colbert)[edit] Reality is a Commodity[edit] Kurt Grundman |