Ashley Morgan
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Ashley Morgan is a fictional character in the popular BBC television show Hustle, played by Robert Glenister. He is generally known as "Ash" but in prison earned the nickname of "Three Socks" after his first visit to the shower blocks.
Ash works with a group of grifters as the group fixer. He has a vast knowledge of mechanics and electronics, and is extremely talented with his hands. His most impressive efforts include a forged bottle of wine (which an expert believed was a bottle which had been presented to General Franco) and constructing a fake bookmakers.
Ash is largely a loner and is rarely seen interacting with the group and always seems to work alone. In the first episode, Michael Stone says he has known him 10 years, and that they have worked together before. Before working with Stone, he used to purposely walk in front of cars and claim compensation; he previously fractured his skull in a bar room brawl and the fracture was always errenously assumed to be a result of the accident. This is a short con known as 'The Flop' and was taught to him by his ex-wife June, who suffered severe brain damage as a result of this con going wrong; in the first series it is revealed that Ash is using much of his grifting proceeds to keep her in a top hospital (although the crew has since assumed collective responsibility for her fees).