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[edit] Primus & Unicron
REVERT: I changed this back today based on my recollection of the comic. I will admit that I am not 100% sure on this, but close. While I usually could reference the entire Marvel series (I have the complete 80-issue series as well as the Headmaster and GI Joe crossovers and most (possibly all) of the Gen II Marvel comic archive), I am currently away from home...I am at Fort Benning preparing to possibly deploy to Iraq having been recalled to active duty. IF I am wrong, certainly change it back, but REFERENCE the issue, page and frame in this talk page, please. (That's what I would do were I the one to be changing the original were it contested.) Thanks much! VigilancePrime 01:09, 20 January 2007 (UTC) Till All Are One!
[edit] Rodimus on notes/Marvel
REVERT in order to remove this: Rodimus Prime [According to the Transformers the movie (released in 1986) where Optimus prime had his final fight at the autobot base on earth. And Rodimus was a hot head who had to figure out how it worked, but once the matrix accepted him he went from being a hot headed hotrod car to a cool modified hotrod recreation vehicle.(( then back in the series Optimus was brought back. Optimus recovered the Matrix and was returned to Optimus Prime.]
This is a bad add, and I'll tell you why, justifying each aspect I identified on the revert notice. (Note: some of this information could be the basis of a different, larger, more informational add.)
- 1. Inaccurate - Rodimus Prime was not a holder of the Matrix in the Marvel continuity; this is described above, and this section of comments clearly indicates it refers to the Marvel continuity. (Feel free to add an accurate lineage for other continuities!)
- 2. Out-of-place - This is Cartoon/Movie information in a paragraph explicitly about the comic series.
- 3. NPOV - "cool modified hotrod recreation vehicle"; personally, I didn't think it was cool. That's the point, some people would call it cool and some not, making it a POV statement. (For that matter, was it a recreational vehicle? It seemed like a pointed-nosed van to me...)
- 4. Poor grammar - Didn't capitalize "Autobot," missed the -al on "recreation vehicle" (should be recreational), double-parrentheses, Hot-rod is a hyphenated word, beginning a sentence with "And", Last sentence makes no logical sense (Optimus was returned to Optimus, is what it is saying, grammatically).
- 5. Incorrect/assumption of movie events - Did Hot Rod spend a lot of time "trying to figure out how [the Matrix] works"? Ultra Magnus did, but not Hot Rod as I recall.
- 6. etc... - Overall, this does not beling there. I would love to see something including some of this information in a Cartoon lineage, just like this one but referring to the original cartoon series! More information is better, but it must be correct, well-placed, readable, and non-repetitive. I'm all for additions (hence I'm always asking for them, like now even!), but they must fit and enhance the article. This one, in this form, didn't.
VigilancePrime 04:46, 14 September 2006 (UTC) Till All Are One!
[edit] Major Overhaul (was: Major Help)
- This page needs some major help. It doesn't make any sense at all ("Autobots were created by the Quintessons...Autobots were created by the god Primus"?). Also, it is inaccurate (or at least unspecific) regarding the succession of Primes. The succession was clearly given roundabout issue 70-ish (the final part of the Matrix Quest, when Thunderwing is taken over by the evil-induced Matrix).
- I would recommend totally rewriting this article from scratch, incorporating what information IS here, but start with a good outline format. Thoughts?
- VigilancePrime 06:51, 28 June 2006 (UTC)
- Okay, I took care of it. The article still needs a lot more added, but the structure is up there and it looks good. I probably made a couple mistakes in there somewhere; feel free to correct bona fide errors. Laters! VigilancePrime 11:10, 28 August 2006 (UTC) Till All Are One!
[edit] Reorganized
I reorganized the Autobot names by their group affiliations, and removed many of the links. Some, like Bumblebee and Jazz, were pointing to mainstream entries, and they really shouldn’t. I’m also not convinced that every Autobot needs his own page. --Plicease 14:49, 18 Jan 2005 (UTC)
I did some heavy editing to the list of known G1 Autobots. Someone had had the "brilliant" idea to make the links to Headmaster Jrs and Powermasters go to the Japanese versions instead of the American ones - when none of them had any articles. I edited the links to actually go to what they said they would, adding the Japanese ones in parantheses. Was this written by some Japan-addicted fanboy geek who wasn't even born when the G1 toyline was cancelled? — JIP | Talk 19:54, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- The same user is doing it again, except this time he's leaving the American names in parantheses (the opposite way I did). Not only are the Japanese names less well-known, the way the list uses American names for every other toy makes using Japanese names for these look inconsistent. If this continues I might have to report him for vandalism. — JIP | Talk 05:30, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Move, Don't Delete
Sean Black seems insistant that the list provided by many hard workign contributors should not be included. While I agree there are better uses for the page "Autobot", I disagree with his quick removal. I ask for a contributer more fluent in wikipedia page making to take the list (which can still be accessed in the page history, of course) and make a page called List of Autobot/Maximals. --Orion Minor 06:56, 7 January 2006 (UTC)
- I'm glad that you took this to the talk page. My reasoning is, Category:Autobots is easier to navigate and much less clumsy. "Hard work" is somewhat disengenous, because it was a simple list- nothing but raw data. I just think it's unnecessry, and I noticed that you noone has restored the list on Decepticon, Maximal, or Predacon. Thanks.--Sean|Black 07:09, 7 January 2006 (UTC)
I've put the list at List of Autobots. There are many entries on that list that don't appear in Category:Autobots, and furthermore the list is grouped by character type rather than a simple alphabetic listing, so there's information in this list that isn't present in the category listing. Bryan 07:29, 7 January 2006 (UTC)
And now there are the corresponding List of Decepticons, List of Predacons and List of Maximals too. Hopefully this arrangement will satisfy everyone, the information is retained but the root articles for those character types are no longer 90% character listing. Bryan 07:37, 7 January 2006 (UTC)