Bernardo Borghetti
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Borghetti is a brazilian fashion, advertising and portrait photographer living in New York and known for his distinguished contemporary minimalist style.
[edit] Biography
Born 1978 in Brazil, studied business and advertising before get started in the world of photography as a self-taught person. He began work as financial analyst in the State Government and kept a parallel activity as commercial photo retoucher and advertising art director. Using the camera was restricted just as a hobby. Noticed by distinguished creativity and the ability to play with colors, he had been requested for some ad campaigns and fashion catalogs when he first started seriously taking photographs. He chose to abandon his career and switched exclusively to photography in 2004. In the same year he moved to New York where has been his place until nowadays.
(Based on the biographical note from the official Bernardo Borghetti's website.)
[edit] Notes
"For What It's Worth: There is a fairly substantial thread centered on trying to determine how Borghetti achieves his end results. I must admit that he has come up with a rather distinctive style...interesting..." - RetouchPRO