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Since the official break-up of AT&T in 1984 in the United States, BICSI (pr. "BIK SEE") (Building Industry Consulting Service International) has assumed the role that AT&T's free service, BICS, fulfilled in helping with the development and design for information transport systems (ITS) like the ANSI/EIA/TIA 568B structured cabling system standard. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, the organization has membership in nearly 100 countries. This organization's certifications are considered the defacto certification for cable installers and designers who specialize in complex voice/data cable layouts.
Designation Credentials:
ITS Installer 1
ITS Installer 2
ITS Technician
Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD)
Network Transport Systems Specialist (NTS)
Outside Plant Specialist (OSP)
Wireless Design Specialist (WD)