Binghamton Prospect Magazine
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Binghamton Prospect Magazine
Binghamton Prospect Magazine is a Binghamton University publication in Binghamton, NY that was first started around the year 2003/2004.
The magazine's publication started as a liberal political magazine for students to read and an alternative reading on the student campus to Binghamton Review, a conservative magazine on campus.
Starting from the ground up, the magazine soon gained a budget and financing from the Binghamton Student Association and began quickly publishing articles that started off in black and white.
In the fall of 2005, spring 06 and spring of 2007, Binghamton Prospect Magazine was led by Editor-in-Chief JR Mabutas who guided the magazine to more frequent publications. Also of notable mention was Jeffrey Zhao who served as the magazine's treasurer in the fall of 2005, spring 2006
When the executive board of mostly undergraduate students graduuated from Binghamton University, the magazine's publication was forced to regroup as it came back in the Spring of 2007 better than ever. The leadership of a new executive board who were committed students to the magazine publication started expanding the magazine at a rapid pace.
In the Spring of 2007, Binghamton Prospect Magazine published 4 issue, each with a color cover that had photographs of student and campus events. The magazine's development soon came to take on much more than politics as campus events were followed and covered by the magazine. Readership, staff writers, advertisements and membership to the magazine grew as students became excited every time the magazine came out to be published. Since then the magazine has developed into a social organization where members get together on a regular basis and write for the magazine.
The magazine features its signatured orange background color with an enlarged photograph on the front cover.
More information about the magazine can be found on:
Editor in Chief: JR Mabutas, Business Manager: Daniel Levin, Managing Editor: Brian Young, Layout Editor: Gil Auslander, Treasurer: Areal Tal, Wesmaster: Joshua Tanzer,
Main Staff Writers: Jennifer Dickey, Soomi Kim, Jeanine Grimaldi, Annie Zaken