BioValley (Europe)
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BioValley (registered trademark) is the leading Life Science cluster in Europe and among the top in the world. It comprises three nations, namely France, Germany and Switzerland. Many global life science companies have their headquarters in BioValley. Some notable examples are: Actelion, Ciba SC, Clariant, Lonza, Novartis, Roche, Straumann, Syngenta, Synthes and many others.
The main objective of BioValley is the promotion of greater cooperation between companies and academia involved in the Life Science (Pharma, Biotech, Nanotech, Medtech, Chemistry and Agbiotech) sectors and the internationally respected scientific institutions associated with universities in the BioValley area, most of which have already established close links between them. The intention is to address not only the many pharmaceutical concerns already present in the BioValley area, but also to involve the region's numerous smaller enterprises and suppliers. This calls for the creation of a network strongly committed to the transfer of technology.
The transfer of technology should, on one hand, prepare existing companies for global competition and, on the other hand, create employment in new fields of work within the BioValley region by stimulating the establishment of new businesses, particularly in association with universities.
Situated in the geographic heart of Europe, BioValley specifically encourages the notion of European unity. A close collaboration between companies, research institutions, institutions promoting economic growth, trade associations and financial service providers as well as with people living in the area forms the basis of the economic prosperity of biotechnology in this region. This allows for the region covered by BioValley to be competitive with other Life Science clusters in Europe.
The BioValley initiative seeks to generate systematic collaboration between all those involved in the process of innovation. This approach is fundamental since every individual contribution is perceived as important for the success, not only of the project as a whole, but for the region as well.
The activities of the BioValley initiative and the BioValley associations include:
• Organising and staging lectures, events, partner conferences, symposia and seminars on the subject of life sciences
• A BioValley website with modern navigation and links to the member companies of
• A technology transfer network between the universities and institutions in the Upper Rhine region with regard to the Life Sciences sector
• The provision of expertise financing for new start-up companies
• The publication of a quarterly BioValley Journal
• Presentation of the BioValley at local and international events to introduce the tri-national region as an attractive location
• BioValley Stammtische (meetings) in the 3 countries
• Trade fair appearances and road shows for the BioValley companies and institutions
• A BioValley Guide (industry directory) on CD-ROM and on the Internet (Yellow Pages)
• The use of the BioValley logo and the BioValley corporate design (BioValley licensing)
• BioValley ServiceCard with special services for members (planned for 2004)
• BioValley Scientific Editions (BioValley monograph series) In addition to the main association, each of the three regions also have their regional organizations, which are set up to better assist industry and academia at the regional level.
BioValley Alsace (France)
The BioValley Alsace association was created in July 1998, with two major objectives:
- supporting the tri-national BioValley initiative and being the contracting authority for Interreg II – the BioValley Upper Rhine programme funded by the European Commission.
- promoting the economic development of life sciences in the Alsace region.
BioValley Alsace is a non profit-making organization mainly funded by the local regional authority, the Regional Council of Alsace as well as by local departmental authorities: Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin, Conseil Général du Haut-Rhin, Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg, Ville de Colmar and Communauté d'Agglomération Mulhouse Sud Alsace.
The Association’s goals are to promote the alliances and creation of small businesses, to encourage entrepreneurship and risk-capital investment, to identify universities research projects worth promoting, to ensure BioValley maintains is position as the leading Life Science cluster in Europe.
BioValley Basel (Switzerland)
Basel is a major center for pharmaceuticals, chemical, and modern biotechnology industries. More than 30,000 people are working in life sciences and about 40% of the world’s pharmaceutical industry is established in BioValley’s region.
BioValley Basel is a non-profit organization. It is the Swiss pillar of the trinational BioValley Initiative. The association’s focus is to support companies and institutions by providing access to the member’s network and its broad range of knowledge and expertise in the field of Life Sciences.
BioValley Deutschland (Germany)
The NPO association BioValley Deutschland e.V. is following the overarching goal of bundling and promoting tri-national, cross-border potential in the field of life sciences and biotechnology in the Upper Rhine region.
The Upper Rhine region, which lies between Basle, Freiburg, Lörrach, Strasbourg and Colmar is predestined for the development of a cross-border bio region.
Categories: Science | Biology | Europe