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Biotecnol S.A. is a Portuguese research-based biotechnology company. About 90% of the workforce and about 80% of the annual budget are devoted to research. Its research activities are based around three main thrusts: i) expression systems and technology for producing plasmid DNA and gene therapy vectors, ii) in-silico construction and iii) optimising these techniques by use of state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools. Since its creation in 1996 Biotecnol has been at the forefront of biotechnology in Portugal. It co-founded the Portuguese Bio-Industries Association (APBio) in 1998 to promote the development of a biotechnological industry in Portugal. APBio is part of the European Bioindustries Association (EuropaBio), which represents over 600 European companies. The company's administrative quarters are located in the TagusPark science park in Oeiras near Lisbon, Portugal and the research and development facilities are located nearby. The company was funded through a mixture of private funding (72%) and Portuguese venture capital (28%).
[edit] The founders
Biotecnol was founded jointly by Dr Pedro de Noronha Pissarra, the current chairman and chief executive officer, and Dr Andrew Kelly, the vice-president of research and development. Dr Kelly's training included work as part of the European Community ECLAIR-funded project on commercially significant phytopathogenic fungi. After work on E. coli at King's College, London, he used his expert know-how to help create Biotecnol research programmes. Dr de Noronha Pissarra has worked at numerous institutions, including King's College, London, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and the Centre for Biotechnology of the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby. To complement this scientific training he has also obtained a Master's Degree in science and technology management and commercialisation. Both Dr. Kelly and Dr. Pissarra chose to leave academic posts to concentrate their energies full time on the company. Thus, technology transfer from academia to industry was assured.
[edit] The workforce
Biotecnol employs highly trained scientists from throughout Europe. Starting from a total workforce of just three in 1996, there are now 25 staff. Due to the research orientation and hi-tech position of the company, the workforce has to be highly specialised: every one of its employees is educated to at least degree level, and over half have postgraduate qualifications. Taken together this gives the company a unique technological standpoint.