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This is were my definition for Blahertech will go. It is my sandbox, in till the information fits my needs, and then I will then copy it and create it on Blahertech.
I need help and looking for idea's on this, if any one can help, I would be very thankful.
P.S. The reason I do not create the article myself, is I'm mostly brain dead when it comes to explaining my own project. Also, I try not to be biased in a positive way towards myself, which is somewhat hard to do.
Blahertech is founded on the idea of having a open source knowledge to the world. We make projects that can help you with your everyday life and other projects that you may find useful or entertaining.
When one day requested, Benjamin Jay Young was asked to find a Chatroom and to setup the whole proccess on his friend's site. He found pjIRC, and setup the chat to to [], which would one day be a future inspiration. Soon a few words went around to his other friends asking for the same setup. He began to make a couple of these a month, and decided to set up a support channel on Chatspike.
In the past, Ben used the alias "Blaher" on community forums meaning "to talk" (blah). He decided to would be to name his new work habit called BlaherTech, due since it was designed to setup chat applets.
One day while talking in a friend's channel, his friend introduced him to a talking bot. At first he could not belive this bot was responding to what he said. He found out this bot was called "WinBot", loaded with a Eliza WBScript, which was developed by the same person who owned Chatspike. He decided to try this bot on his channel, and soon learned WBS (WinBot Script).
He soon started making WBScripts to help with everyday task on his channel.
Blaher dedicated his new organization to projects that helped with everyday life. From that point on, he learned rapidly of new programming languages, and decided to share with the world his new knowledge.
A Open-Source Knowledge.
--Side Notes--
- BlaherTech is almost like my little toy, I use it for a lot of experimenting and learn for not only others on how to set things up but even for myself on how to handle things personally as a administrator.
- Creators and developers of Shellenix. A Linux kernel that is currently being developed off of Zod (fc6) and is being more usable for your average joe computer user. Shellenix
- Distributors of WinBot. A WinBot is a IRC Windows bot, that can follow syntax of scripts that are Perl related. It can carry out commands to even watching and enforcing channel modes. WinBot
- Blaher is working on his own personal bot, which is a AI like response system. It also acts as a multi-chat client (AIM, MSN, Yahoo, IRC, ICQ, and other chat systems). B4
- We mostly are in to telephony and useful everyday applications.
- We try to teach technical fields (that's what out wiki and forums will be for), in a non-jargonous language.
I hope this helps not only for users on wikipedia it's self, but also to clarify to people that visit and watch my site grow on what my site is about.