BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering
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The BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering is the research group at The Institute of Infrastructure and Environment, University of Edinburgh conduction research in fire, structures and environment.
The University of Edinburgh has a long tradition in Fire Protection Engineering research and education and is recognized internationally for its work over the last thirty years. This has been characterized by innovative research and the education of several of the current leaders in the field. The Centre has been formed in association with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) to integrate the resources of both institutions and thus provide a new thrust for fire protection engineering research and education. It has a new state-of-the-art experimental facility (the Rushbrook Fire Safety Laboratory) and staff whose expertise covers a wide range of subjects in Fire Safety. The Centre supports the Structural and Fire Safety Engineering degree course as well as a number of short courses. The Fire Research Centre is involved in a wide range of research subjects and is also deeply involved in setting the direction for the Fire Safety Engineering practice.
[edit] Large-scale fire test
The Cardington tests were a series of large-scale fire tests conducted in 2000 real steel framed structure at the town of Cardington, UK.
The Dalmarnock tests were a series of fire experiments conducted in July 2006 in a real 1960’s concrete tower block in Dalmarnock, Glasgow, UK.