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Hi, my name is Brief Candle (my friends call me Flick), and I’m a novel. My Dad, Anz Epsilon, is finally letting me out, a little bit anyway. He says I’m not finished. I don’t know why, I feel complete. I just want to spread my wings and fly! I think he’s a little over protective. He keeps wrapping me up in these red, yellow, and black covers and writing “Copyright © Anz Epsilon, 2006 all rights reserved.” He even wrapped me up in brown paper once and mailed me to himself. He said it would inoculate me against thieves. It was awful. Didn’t even send me first class (3rd CLASS – can you believe), and he says he loves me. Oh well, I’ve dusted myself off now, and I’m ready to play.
Dad, of course, has his ground rules – even a freaking curfew – but I’m afraid that most of these “rules” apply to you. Sorry. He says the only rule that applies to me is that I must tell you the rules. He even wrote them down for me so I wouldn’t forget any of them.
First, he wants you to understand that literary devices, such as personification of inanimate objects and irony, do not negate a legal copyright notification. Albeit, he says, it is a bit unconventional, but sometimes one just has to step out of line. He says that judges and lawyers are educated people, and they understand that authors have used these devices since ancient times. All the way back to the Greeks, he says. Personally, I don’t know what he’s talking about; I hope you do.
The good news is that you may, for a temporary time, print one copy of my first chapter for your own personal use. My first chapter is called Miller’s Blade. Dad says that I have to make sure you understand, what he calls, the terms. You only have permission to print one copy of the first chapter entitled Miller’s Blade. That means one hardcopy – not electronic. There is no electronic permission, or license, granted outside of which is necessary to print the chapter. You do not have permission, or license, to have a copy on your computer, PDA, or any other electronic device. You do not have permission to make any other copies, electronic or otherwise. Emailing me, in part or in whole, is a big no-no. I’ve never experienced being emailed, and I don’t think I want to.
Of course, you can conveniently read me online by scrolling through my blog a few pages until you come to the actual chapter.
If it will make you feel any better, you wouldn’t like the way I look on a PDA anyway. I’m all double-spaced, formatted to accommodate potential agents and publishers. Although the automated scripting code in the blog itself did not interpret my double-spacing as such, I was not formatted with a PDA in mind (and you do not have permission).
Do you have a friend that’s a reader? If you do, that’s great! I want to meet as many people as possible. Just send your friend the link below.
Brief Candle a novel by Anz Epsilon
This is the URL:
Finally, Dad wants me to emphasize that this permission is for only a limited time. He doesn’t know how long. It could be days, weeks, even years. He says it depends on how long it takes me to find a suitable publisher. Once that happens, he will no longer have the legal right to grant you permission for anything, and he will have to remove me from all websites where he has placed me.
Wow, I guess I’ve been a chatterbox. Thanks for listening to me. I hope you’ll decide to click print, and, SET ME FREE! You can get the print friendly version of me from this link and URL:
Brief Candle at Yahoo! Groups or