Burrows Island Lighthouse
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Location: | Burrows Island, Washington |
Coordinates WGS-84 (GPS) |
Foundation: | Stone |
Construction: | Wood |
Year first lit: | 1906 |
Automated: | 1972 |
Tower shape: | White Square tower on fog signal building |
Height: | 34 ft (57 feet above sea level) |
Original lens: | Fourth order Fresnel lens (removed) |
Range: | 9 nm |
Characteristic: | Flashing white light every 6s. Emergency light Iso W 6s, operates at reduced intensity. HORN: 2 blasts ev 30s (2s bl-2s si-2s bl-24s si). |
First lit on April 1, 1906, the Daboll trumpet fog signal blew the next year for 329 hours. The 34-foot square tower is attached to the fog signal building and once held a fourth-order Fresnel lens. The wood framed lighthouse stands nears the island’s shoreline, which is mostly sharp, rocky drop-offs. Automated in 1972, the Fresnel lens was replaced with modern optics and a helicopters land at the former site of the keeper’s house