Busway Optical Fiber Operator in Indonesia
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The government of DKI Jakarta is planning a project to manage the optical fiber network. This project is a response act toward single management of telecommunication in that area held by BUMD (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah). The basic concept of this optical fiber management due to the un-used facility of optical fiber and the chaos that happened during the optical fiber installation. It is because there is no good management among optical fiber operators. Public often find many optical fiber installation in the same busway row.
This situation forced BUMD in that area to take control the management of optical fiber network. The un-used optical fiber facility spends high cost from government cash. There are many optical fiber facilities that operate in much lower capacity than the standard capacity of optical fiber service. They spend high cost, as well.
On the other side, the telecommunication operators in Indonesia are the most significant corporations in this issue. Their operation depends on the level of noise on telecommunication service due to the noise on optical fiber network. The most popular noise on optical fiber network happened when optical fiber network in Taiwan was broken by earthquake.
Managing the optical fiber network deals with a huge responsibility because all telecommunication services use bandwidth services that can be transmitted through optical fiber networks.
Operators will install many optical fiber on duct because there is no financial difference between installing 10 pairs or 200 pairs of optical fiber.
On the other side, managing the optical fiber network needs wider commitment than managing busway. The failure of optical fiber function will cost much money; almost millions rupiah per minute. Due to that fact, the capability of the developer should be followed by the credibility. Capability could be bought, but credibility should be tested, and it takes longer time to do it.
(Kompas, April, 2, 2007.) Mauren Anindya H. 090501053Y