Egbert Schuurman
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Egbert Schuurman (1937- ) is a professor of philosophy in the Netherlands, whose teaching is most concerned with exploring and developing Reformational philosophy and its organized expression, the Association for Reformational Philosophy [1]. He studied under Hendrik Van Riessen. Schuurman has three related appointments to External Professorial Chairs, an arrangement with the Dutch government, at the technical state universities of Delft, Eindhoven, and Wageningen (the latter in large part devoted to agriculture), He is also a member of the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament[2], serving currently as the Caucus Chairman for the ChristenUnie (Christians United)[3] party caucus.
He has published numerous books in both Dutch and English in his specialty of the philosophy of technology; by which he means, consistent with Dutch and French conventions, to mean the "science of techniques", as distinguished from what English speakers often refer to as "technology," which French and Dutch speakers would refer to as "technique". Among his works are the following titles, some in Dutch and some in English: