Ekbatan phase 2
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Phase 2 of Ekbatan is the biggest phase of this town made of 19 blocks known by their numbers 1 to 19 (Blocks 3 and 5 are being built at this time). These blocks are placed in two parallel rows from Karaj Exp. way to Jadde-Makhsoose-Karaj, the western row contains odd numbers (2,4,...,18) and the eastern one have even blocks (1,3,...,19) both rows ordered ascending from north to south.These blocks are different in size and of course in numbers of the apartments they have. The four Southern blocks 19,18,17,16 were made sooner and the contained apartments are built identical with their primary plan but within building of next blocks some parameters has been changed like the number of apartments in block and plan of apartments and accessories used.
Ekbatan phase 2 block 16
Ptwo 12:59, 17 January 2007 (UTC)p2