Engineer and Logistic Staff Corps
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The Engineer and Logistic Staff Corps is a part of the Royal Engineers in the British Territorial Army. It is intended to provide advisers on engineering and logistics to the British Army at a senior level.
The Staff Corps is constituted under the Reserve Forces Act 1996 and is administered by the Ministry of Defence. Members of the Staff Corps are commissioned as officers in RE(V), but perform no military duties and receive no pay.
The Staff Corps is administered by a Council, comprising senior officers of the Corps; it is chaired by the Commanding Officer, a Colonel. The administrative officer of the Staff Corps is the Acting Adjutant, normally a Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel, who also acts as secretary to the Council.
The members of the Corps are mainly chief executives, directors and senior technical or operational managers of engineering, transport and logistics firms or organisations. Membership is by invitation only. The establishment is 10 Colonels, 20 Lieutenant Colonels and 30 Majors. Promotion is generally by seniority in the Staff Corps, but also recognises officers' status in their own businesses or professions and the extent of their involvement in Staff Corps activities.
Officers who cease to be actively engaged in the profession or business in which they were engaged at the time of their appointment must offer to resign their appointment, unless they are specially recommended by the Commanding Officer to retain their appointment, subject to the approval of the Army Board of the Defence Council.