1000-1491: Environmental events
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This is a chronological list of environmental events of the period from 1000 to 1491.
- 1006 - Major volcanic eruption of Mount Merapi covers all of central Java with volcanic ash.
- 1064 - Sunset Crater Volcano first erupts.
- 1069 - Harrying of the North - Scorched earth campaign in England by William the Conqueror.
- 1089 - Powerful earthquake recorded in Britain; Palmyra destroyed by earthquake.
- 1091 - London Bridge destroyed by a storm.
- 1104 - The volcano Hekla erupts in Iceland, destroying settlements.
- 1118 - Magdeburg is almost detroyed by fire.
- 1134 - Much of Chartres is destroyed by fire; the Zeeland archipelago is created by a massive storm in the North Sea.
- 1138 (August 9 - Deadly earthquake in Aleppo, Syria killing about 230,000 people.)
- 1138 Aleppo earthquake (in Syria)
- 1151 (Ghazni is burned by the princes of Ghur.)
- 1168 (Old Cairo ... burns for 54 days.)
- 1177 (a fire devastates Kyoto)
- 1180 (Last major volcanic eruption of Sunset Crater, in Arizona.)
- 1181 (Beginning of the Yowa era in Japan. The era is marked by famine.)
- 1182 (Ending of the Yowa era in Japan. The era was marked by famine.)
- 1194 (Yellow River of China experienced a major course change. It took over the Huai River drainage system for the next 700 years.)
- 1201 (July 5 - Major earthquake kills 1.1 million people in upper Egypt and Syria.)
- 1212 (10 July - The most severe of several early fires of London burns most of the city to the ground.)
- 1237 (Gualdo Tadino, Italy, is destroyed by fire. A major fire destroys some 30,000 dwellings in the Chinese capital city of Hangzhou.)
- 1250s (see "volcanic" and "climatic" in paragraph 4 of preamble)
- 1250 (A great storm shifts the mouth of the River Rother ... [see also first listed paragraph under Reclamation ]. A plague breaks out in the city Naples.)
- 1258 (c. January - One of the largest volcanic eruptions of the Holocene epoch occurs.)
- 1270s (In North America, a severe 23-year drought began in the Grand Canyon area.)
- 1280s (The northern branch of the Grand Canal of China was constructed.)
- 1282 (eruption of Larderello, a volcano in southern Tuscany)
- 1287 (A fringing barrier ... in Holland collapses during a a heavy storm, causing the fifth largest flood in recorded history. The English city of Old Winchelsea on Romney Marsh is destroyed by catastrophic flooding during a severe storm.)
- 1293 (May 20 - An earthquake in Kamakura in Japan kills an estimated 30,000.)
- 1316 (The Great Famine of 1315-1317 is at its peak.)
- 1323 (Pharos of Alexandria Lighthouse [one of the Seven Wonders of the world] is destroyed by a series of earthquakes)
- 1336 (Aberdeen is burned by the English.)
- 1340s (The Black Death spreads across Europe)
- 1348 (June 24 - Black Death outbreak in full swing in Melcombe Regis (modern-day Weymouth in Dorset in England) ... Beginning of Black Death epidemic in central and western Europe)
- 1349 (August 24 - Black Death outbreak in Elbing [modern-day Elbląg in Poland ] ... The Black Death is spread to Norway when an English ship with everyone dead on board floats to Bergen, Norway. ... The Black Death comes to Tønsberg.)
- 1350 (The Black Death ravages Europe. [1347-1351] ... The Black Death first appears in Scotland.)
- 1351 (The Black Death ravages Europe (1347-1351))
- 1356 (October 18 - The city of Basle in Switzerland is destroyed by an earthquake.)
- 1390s (1398) (Construction of the Stecknitz Canal as one of the oldest artificial waterways of the world)
- 1398 (Construction of the Stecknitz Canal as one of the oldest artificial waterways of the world.)
- 1417 (The use of street lighting was first recorded in London, when Sir Henry Barton, the mayor, ordered lanterns with lights to be hung out on the winter evenings between Hallowtide and Candlemas.)
- 1421 (November 17–19 - St. Elizabeth flood. The coastal area near Dordrecht in the Netherlands was flooded due to extremely high tide of the North Sea. 72 villages were drowned, killing about 10,000 people.)
- 1452 (Major eruption of the South Pacific volcano Kuwae in Vanuatu. The eruption released more sulphate than any other event in the past 700 years.)
- 1485 (August 5-7 - First outbreak of sweating sickness in England begins.)
- 1491 (A major fire breaks out in Dresden.)