Esau Wood
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Esau Wood is the name of a character in a tongue-twister and acting exercise. In the exercise, a paragraph of text is presented to an actor. The text, although meaningful and grammatically correct, makes heavy use of homonyms and intentional obfuscation. The idea is that the text itself provides very few clues as to its meaning. Thus, in order for the text to be comprehensible to a listener, the actor must take great care on where they put the stress and emphasis of each sentence.
[edit] The Text
Esau Wood sawed wood. Esau Wood would saw wood. All the wood Esau Wood saw, Esau Wood would saw. In other words, all the wood Esau saw to saw, Esau sought to saw. Oh, the wood Wood would saw! And, oh the wood-saw with which Wood would saw wood! But one day, Wood's wood-saw would saw no wood, and thus the wood Wood sawed was not the wood Wood would saw if Wood's wood-saw would saw wood. Now, Wood would saw wood with a wood-saw that would saw wood, so Esau sought a saw that would saw wood. One day, Esau saw a saw saw wood as no other wood-saw Wood saw would saw wood. In fact, of all the wood-saws Wood ever saw saw wood, Wood never saw a wood-saw that would saw wood as the wood-saw Wood saw saw wood would saw wood, and I never saw a wood-saw that would saw as the wood-saw Wood saw would saw until I saw Esau Wood saw wood with the wood-saw Wood saw saw wood. Now Wood saws wood with the wood-saw Wood saw saw wood.
[edit] References
This was seen in a handout from a University of Michigan acting class. (Acting 382, with prof. Sarah Jane Gwillam, Winter 2007).