Evans-Haynes Burn Center
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The Evans-Haynes Burn Center at Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University was founded in 1947 and is the oldest civilian burn center in the country. Dr. Everret I. Evans founded the center and was medical director from 1947-1954. Dr. Boyd W. Haynes directed the unit for 36 years, from 1954 until 1990. A succession of MD's have directed the Center since then.
The Center is currently a 12 bed unit with four designated ICU beds and the ability to expand to 8 ICU beds in a mass casualty event. In addition there are 2 step down beds as well as 6 floor beds. The center averages 250 admissions a year and 1200 outpatient visits per year. The patient population is made up of all ages, from pediatric to geriatric. MCV Hospital at VCU Health system is a Level One Trauma Center.
The Evans-Haynes Burn Center serves as a regional resource for the care of acute burns whether they be thermal, chemical or electrical in nature. The Center uses an interdisciplinary approach to medicine incorporating doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, pychiatrists, dieticians and social workers in returning burn survivors to everyday life. The center is supported by the Old Dominion Professional Fire Fighters Burn Foundation
The Evans-Haynes Burn Center is expected to move to a new ICU bed tower in 2008 where it will be expanded to 16 total beds. 8 of which will be dedicated ICU beds and 8 will be floor beds.