User talk:Evildunkingrl
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There is a site that can help you with all your needs! may it be homework. May it be with problems with your life! Even research on important health topics, colleges, etc. This project was created for the quality of life program which advises teens to fix a problem in their area. This site was a recommendation to try to solve problems around the New York City area. But there is a need to expand to teens, adults and others to try to allow suicide and death rates to decrease and possible decrease stress amongst others. the site is:
This is no ordinary FORUM! The forum is devised of these sections and what they are for
1. about the forum this part of the forum tells the process of what the forum is for and thus forth so that there is a bit of understanding about why some part of the forum exists
2. introductions and questions this part of the forum allows members to introduce themselves and ask questions about the forum
3.links this part of the forum links people to research sites about stress/depression/suicide/obesity, etc that is essential for everyone and anyone to look at. this part of the forum advises an all access area for people to read up on information ASAP
4. school this part is where people may get help in all areas of subjects in school so that others on the forum may help them with their school work if they have questions 5. college this part of the forum answers questions about colleges as well as helping people write resumes, look for colleges, and thus forth
6. majors this part helps people look for majors that they could have interest in. it also helps them see which major is right for them when they head to college. any questions on any major is also present this part of the forum helps anyone and everyone who needs help in their life. may it be socially, mentally, or anything else...this is the place to get the help
8.other this part of the forum is for those who need help not involving school, college, majors, life. any other advice/help that is needed is usually asked here.
9. world this is where people can learn about the world. this part also can find easy research to nearly anything they wish to find around the world once it has been appropriately finished
10. news this is where people can discuss anything and everything on the news. this is like a current event class
11. government this is where people talk about the government
12. debate this is where people debate about anything and everything
13. opinions/poll this is where people can take/make opinions/polls on anything and everything
14. computers this is where people can get aid on computers and such
15. organization tools if you're unorganized and need help. anyone and everyone can talk about their organization problem here and get help to fix the problems he/she has 16. other thing to learn about this is where you can post up things people should learn or what you want to learn and get aid on it amongst peers
17. art this is where you can critique and post up your own art work to be critiqued or viewed
18. writing this is like a or site that you can post up any types of stories/poems to be read by others and have them critiqued and grammar checked
19. other forms of art anything that you've done that are not artwork and/or writing goes here to be looked/viewed at by others to be critiqued
20. music discussion on music
21. movies discussion on movies discussion on fashion
23.humor have something humorish, post it up here. entertain someone. read something that was funny to someone else
24.sports play sports? challenge someone in your area! discuss about the sports you play
25. books/literature read a good book? wanna discuss it with others? come here to discuss! wanna be recommended a good book? you can come here to do that as well. 26.anime/manga read manga? watch anime? this is the place to discuss!
27. video games play video games? wanna be recommended a good game? anything video games goes here and you can look up information. though stuff are copyrighted, we link you to the right places. there is easy access to nearly everything on video games here!
28.other interests anything that was in the interests category that wasnt mentioned goes here. any interests you have in anything can be discussed here. may it be started from you or another member on the board
29. forum games bored? play some forum games!
30.mock trial wanna be a lawyer? cross examinator? defense attorney? judge? witness? play mock trial here. sign up for a position and wait for them to be filled! it is 100% fun!
31.randomness are you bored? wanna post something? chat about anything here!
32.advertise have an interesting site? wanna advertise it? then advertise it here! this site is nearly advertised on, deviantart, and many other forums that nearly anyone can find it! if you wish, post up an advertisement here and wait for more people to find you!
33. journals wanna have a journal that's pretty much private but only for members of the board to see? then feel free to post it here!
please anyone and everyone whose interested, please visit this forum! start your way to a better tomorrow!
The quality of life forum is just for you! everything and anything is here for you and only for you! so come!