Extrajudicial prisoners of the United States
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In the context of the War on Terrorism, the United States is known to be holding prisoners for interrogation, outside of the legal process required within established United States legal jurisdiction. In this context, the U.S. government has been accused of maintaining covert interrogation centres, called black sites, operated by both known and secret intelligence agencies.
Several dozen captives suspected of being from the most senior ranks of al Qaeda — referred to in U.S. military terms as "high value detainees" — are reported to be held in such facilities. According to Swiss senator Dick Marty's memorandum on "alleged detention in Council of Europe states", about a hundred persons had been kidnapped by the CIA on European territory and subsequently rendered to countries where they may have been tortured. This number of a hundred persons does not overlap, but adds itself to the U.S. detained 100 ghost detainees, making a total of 200 probable known detainees. [1] While Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has described those detained in Camp Delta at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, as "the worst of the worst", it is now known those with the highest intelligence value are not detained or interrogated in Cuba, and are thought to be held at "black site" facilities in Eastern Europe constructed and used by the former Soviet Union to incarcerate political prisoners.
[edit] Ghost detainees
Ghost detainees are extrajudicial prisoners whose identity hasn't been revealed and whose families don't know their whereabouts. They are thus deprived of any Habeas Corpus rights. Ghost detainees' identities, or indeed capture, have been kept secret. As such they are a subset of extrajudicial prisoners, which also includes all the detainees who were held in Guantanamo, Maher Arar, etc.
[edit] Suspects held by US Civilian Intelligence agencies
American intelligence officials have made public the names of some of the suspects they hold. The capture of other detainees is not acknowledged. According to the US military this is in order to spread disorder among their opponents. It also has the effect of keeping critics of the extrajudicial detention in the dark as to the circumstances of detention and conditions in the prisons.
Jamil al-Banna |
Muhammed al-Darbi | |
Omar al-Faruq | |
Abu Zubair al-Haili |
Mustafa al-Hawsawi |
Abd al-Salam Ali al-Hila |
Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi | |
Adil al-Jazeeri | |
Yassir al-Jazeeri | |
Abu Faraj al-Libi |
Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi |
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri |
Bisher al-Rawi |
Abdul Rahim al-Sharqawi |
Ramzi bin al-Shibh |
Mohammed Omar Abdel-Rahman |
Ali Abdul Aziz Ali |
Mohamad Farik Amin |
Musaad Aruchi | |
Hassin Bin Attash |
Waleed Muhammad bin Attash |
Abdul Aziz | |
Abu Faisal | |
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani |
Hassan Ghul |
Hambali |
Majid Khan |
Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan | |
Mohammed Nazir Bin Lep |
Tariq Mahmood | |
Binyam Mohammed |
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed |
Abu Zubayda |
Abd Al-Hamid Al-Suri aka Baha’Bin Mustafa Muhammad Jaghal aka Musa Muhamat Julaq Augol aka Abd Al-Hamid Al-Sharif aka Musa Uglo |
[edit] Legal status of detainees in the global war on terror
Shortly after the Invasion of Afghanistan the Bush administration announced a policy that combatants captured "on the battlefield" in Afghanistan would not be afforded the protections of POW status as described in the Geneva Conventions. This policy triggered debate both within and outside of the US government.
The Bush administration argument in favor of this policy was that the Geneva Conventions the USA signed protected the fighters of only recognized states, and al Qaeda fighters didn't qualify. Further, they argued, the Taliban wasn't a real government either. They characterized Afghanistan as a "failed state" — one without a legitimate government.
[edit] Legal issues of classifying captives as "illegal combatants"
The Bush administration calls these captives "illegal combatants" or "unlawful combatants." These terms are not explicitly used in the Geneva Conventions. The third Geneva Convention, however, signed prior to World War II, does define "lawful combatant." The Convention obliges signatories to afford captured lawful combatants significant rights and protections. Such captives are entitled to be classified as Prisoners of War.
Internal critics within the US military and US government argue that failing to afford POW protections to combatants captured in the global war on terror would endanger American soldiers, when they were captured, in current and future conflicts.
Other critics argue that classifying all combatants as illegal combatants is in violation of article 5 of the third Geneva Convention, which describes how a captor should treat combatants who are suspected of violating the Geneva Conventions such that they strip themselves of its protections. Article 5 says that combatants suspected of violations of the Conventions are to be afforded POW protection until the captors have convened a "competent tribunal."
The Bush administration has expanded the criteria for classifying captives as illegal combatants. Individuals captured around the world are now classified as such if US intelligence officials believe they have sufficient evidence to tie the individual to terrorism.
[edit] Judicial branch challenges to the policy classifying detainees as "illegal combatants"
The US government has three branches. The President heads the executive branch. There are circumstances when the legislative and judicial branches can overrule the executive branch. In Rasul v. Bush, the US Supreme Court ruled that detainees in the global war on terror did have the right to mount legal challenges within the US judicial system.
[edit] Debate over interrogation techniques
The Washington Post reported on August 1, 2004, that there was a vigorous debate within the US intelligence community over what techniques should be used on the detainees.[6] According to the Washington Post, the debate was triggered over the interrogation of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, described as the first senior al Qaeda captive. It reported that initially his interrogation was being conducted by the FBI because they had the most experience interrogating criminal suspects. Their interrogation approach was based on building rapport with suspects. They did not use coercive techniques. They argued that coercive techniques produced unreliable false confessions and that using coercive techniques would mean that the evidence they gathered could not be used by the prosecution in a trial in the US judicial system.
However, the Washington Post reported that impatience for actionable intelligence led to the handover of responsibility for interrogation to the CIA, who were authorized to use "enhanced interrogation techniques."
The Washington Post reported in a July 27, 2004, article that as part of the reaction to the release of the abuse pictures from Abu Ghraib, the CIA suspended the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques."[12]
[edit] Legal justification for the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques"
Secretary Rumsfeld assured the world that the detainees held in Guantánamo Bay were going to be treated in a manner consistent with the treatment of Geneva Convention POWs.
In 2004, confidential memos surfaced that discussed the limits to how much pain, discomfort and fear could be used in the interrogation of detainees in the global war on terror. The memos showed that there was active debate within the Bush administration.
Some human rights critics believe that the existence of those memos is tacit acknowledgment that American intelligence officials had already been engaging in coercive interrogation techniques.
[edit] Legislative challenges to the Bush administration interrogation policy
US Senator John McCain, a former POW from the War in Vietnam, attached a passage to a military spending bill that would proscribe inhumane treatment of detainees and restrict US officials to only use the interrogation techniques in the US Army's field manual on interrogation. Ninety of the one hundred Senators supported this amendment.
On Thursday, October 20, 2005, Vice President Dick Cheney proposed a change to McCain. Cheney tried to get McCain to limit the proscription to just military personnel, thus allowing CIA personnel the freedom to use more brutal techniques. McCain declined to accept Cheney's suggestion.[13]
[edit] U.S. Government Denial of Allegations of Mistreatment
Main article: Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee Against Torture
The United States government, through the State Department, makes periodic reports to the United Nations Committee Against Torture. In October 2005, the report focused on pretrial detention of suspects in the War on Terrorism, including those held in Guantánamo Bay and Afghanistan. This particular Periodic Report is significant as the first official response of the U.S. government to allegations that prisoners are mistreated in Guantánamo Bay. The report denies the allegations. However, the report does not address detainees held elsewhere by the CIA.
[edit] The CIA's Inspector General said to be investigating "erroneous renditions"
An article published in the December 5, 2005, Washington Post reported that the CIA's Inspector General was looking into erroneous renditions.[14] The Post's anonymous sources say that the Inspector General was looking into a number of cases where innocent men were captured and transported through "erroneous renditions" -- extraordinary renditions based on mistaken identity or bad intelligence.
The story said that 3,000 individuals had found themselves in CIA custody.
[edit] Location of the suspects held by US Civilian Intelligence agencies
USS Bataan | John Walker Lindh was held, for two months, in a secure facility aboard the USS Bataan. Human rights critics believe he was merely one of half a dozen high value detainees held there. |
Diego Garcia | The remote islands of Diego Garcia were cleared of civilians decades ago, to become a UK military base. Some human rights critics have speculated that Diego Garcia was one of the venues where "high value detainees" have been interrogated. The UK government has denied that Diego Garcia is being used as a detention facility. |
The Salt Pit |
[edit] See also
- Command responsibility
- List of alleged al-Qaeda members
- ghost prisoner
- Khalid El-Masri, a German citizen erroneously detained by the CIA
[edit] References
- ^ Information memorandum II on the alleged secret detentions in Council of Europe state, rapported by Dick Marty, January 22, 2006
- ^ U.S. Decries Abuse but Defends Interrogations: 'Stress and Duress' Tactics Used on Terrorism Suspects Held in Secret Overseas Facilities, Washington Post, December 26, 2002
- ^ List of 'Ghost Prisoners' Possibly in CIA Custody, Media with Conscience, May 30, 2005
- ^ a b c Human Rights Watch published a long, detailed document, heavily sourced, that summarizes what they were able to learn about the suspected terrorists in CIA custody. One of the pages — Eleven Detainees in Undisclosed Locations — specifically lists names.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Bush confirms existence of secret CIA prisons for high-value terror detainees, The Jurist, September 6, 2006
- ^ a b Al Qaeda-Iraq Link Recanted: Captured Libyan Reverses Previous Statement to CIA, Officials Say, WashingtonPost, August 1, 2004
- ^ Al-Qaida killed/captured , MSNBC
- ^ Bush Acknowledges Existence of Secret CIA Prisons, Voice of America, September 6, 2006
- ^ White House announces capture of Hassan Ghul]
- ^ FBI NY announces conviction of Uzair Paracha, November 25, 2005
- ^ Summarized transcript (.pdf), from Abdullah Khan's Administrative Review Board hearing - page 98
- ^ CIA Puts Harsh Tactics On Hold: Memo on Methods Of Interrogation Had Wide Review, Washington Post, June 27, 2004
- ^ Cheney Plan Exempts CIA From Bill Barring Abuse of Detainees, Washington Post, October 25, 2005
- ^ Dana Priest, Wrongful Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA Mistake: German Citizen Released After Months in 'Rendition', Washington Post, December 4, 2005
- ^ CIA accused of detaining innocent man: If the agency knew he was the wrong man, why was he held?, MSNBC, April 21, 2005
[edit] External links
- Outsourcing torture: The secret history of America’s “extraordinary rendition†program, The New Yorker, February 14, 2005
- A Tortured Debate: Amid feuding and turf battles, lawyers in the White House discussed specific terror-interrogation techniques like 'water-boarding' and 'mock burials', Newsweek, June 21, 2005
- We Don't Want a Hanoi Hilton, Washington Post, October 27, 2005
- CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons: Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11, Washington Post, November 2, 2005
- European Commission to Investigate Reports of Secret CIA Jails, Washington Post, November 3, 2005
- Sources Tell ABC News Top Al Qaeda Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons: 10 Out of 11 High-Value Terror Leaders Subjected to 'Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, ABC News December 5, 2005
- a list of 12 high-value targets housed by the CIA, ABC News, December 5, 2005
- CIA 'closes terror prisons', news.com.au, December 6, 2005
- Victims Could Sue for Human Rights in European Court of Justice, Der Spiegel December 6, 2005 -- in English